The Cube

Yuri brought Vanessa and Cross go back to the Imperial Palace. They went into a hall that led to nowhere, but then Yuri opened a secret passage.

"Where does that lead to, my Lord?" Vanessa asked.

He stood quiet and said, "The two of you are already very important to me. And you must be aware of this secret."

She gulped and held Cross' hand. But he was not scared and already had a fair idea of what Yuri was going to show them.

The passage led underground just several floors below the Imperial Palace. EDEN had constructed the marvelous structure of the Imperial Palace of Kyoto under a trade deal that Yuri and Abdul had. The nature of this trade deal was a mystery to everyone else. Even Yuna only knew that EDEN's part of the trade deal was building and engineering mega-structures for Yuri.

As to what Yuri would trade in return was unknown to many.