The Alert

The streets of Osaka were full of vibrant people, walking about on their normal days. From home to work, school, or just shopping, everyone had somewhere to go and places to be. The citizens of Osaka were just minding their day. A long large gray bus with dark shaded windows stopped at a red light, and the traffic for that crossroad moved about normally. 

The door of the bus opened while still in the middle of the road, which was a violation of the traffic rules. A man who appeared to be Korean, with a green Mohawk, wearing chains, ripped vests, and shorts, while holding a sword walked out of the bus slowly. He gazed at the other cars that were also waiting for the red light and the pedestrians that were crossing.

Another man walked out, who was also Korean, wearing a bandana, a white tank top, and wore camo parachute pants. He held a long spear horizontally, and a shield in his left hand. He leaped off the bus and grinned with a devious smile.