The Purpose

What is the purpose of life?

These are the questions that we ask ourselves. I would ask myself though, what is my purpose in life? There are two things weighed and each of them under the judgement of something we expect to be intrinsic. We can grant both of them value. Yet we must also ask why something has to have value. Maybe things don't have to have value. Maybe things just are. Life can be life and we can be who we are. 

The same is true for God. God is the center of everything in the worldview that I have been given. I have created the system of values that I choose to exist in thus I myself am consisted of values. Now I must judge whether I am of value or not. Am I part of something greater or simply the only thing of value in my world. 

But there are also things that seem to have value to me. I might have chosen to give them value or others before have chosen to give them value and have simply decided to hand them over to me.