The Hawk

In a seven-story hotel in Tokyo, the Yakuza were on a short fuse and if any cop or soldier stepped closer to the vicinity of the building that they were commandeering, they would instantly kill all the hostages. This was their belief in Bushido. Ingrained in their minds since their infancy, remembering their fathers and grandfathers in Kamikaze planes, Kaitens, and committing Seppuku rather than face the dishonor of surrender.

In a seven-story hotel in Tokyo, the Yakuza were on a short fuse and if any cop or soldier stepped closer to the vicinity of the building that they were commandeering, they would instantly kill all the hostages. This was their belief in Bushido. Ingrained in their minds since their infancy, remembering their fathers and grandfathers in Kamikaze planes, Kaitens, and committing Seppuku rather than face the dishonor of surrender.