The Alliance

Ten minutes before midnight, Princess Yuna was still awake, waiting for her mysterious visitor.

*Knock *Knock

Someone knocked on her door.

Yuna answered, "Coming!"

"COMMING?" a woman's voice responded.

She opened the door and it was Anna.

"Anna! What are you doing? Didn't we talk about this?"

"Yes, I know. That's why I wanted to give you this."

Anna held a glass of water and a small white pill with a leopard's paw embedded on it.

"What is that?" Yuna slumped out of irritation.

"It's a new thing that's trending for rich people nowadays. They call it Circe. It enhances your senses and amplifies your libido in the best way. It's not addicting and very safe according to the scientists."

"According to who? Libido?"

"I thought it would be a good addition to your special night, your Highness. Unless… You're lying to me?"

*Knock *Knock

There was a loud tapping sound coming from Yuna's window.