The Coin Toss

The proud cultural city of Kyoto had suffered a monstrous infestation of lost beasts, most of the civilians had hidden inside buildings and out of the streets, as the Kurogiri did not seem to follow them up the floors of the building. The few Mazoku had assisted most of the people to evacuate but almost a hundred citizens had already fallen as casualties of the unknown monsters' invasion. Yet amidst the careful attentiveness of the Mazoku who was taking a lot of time to maim and kill even one beast, the Boss of the Aizu-Kotetsu-Kai IV had ordered all the Yakuza under his clan to protect the civilians, and kill the beasts that were invading their territory.

Three Mazoku warriors were surrounding their spears on a Kurogiri that was highly aggressive in the street. The rabbit-like beast launched its quick legs at them, trying to bite them with its razor claws attached to its legs that were mostly used to dig itself under the sandy undergrounds of its original habitats.