Chapter 7 - Gunner


I can't believe Dad agreed to let me go to an actual human high school. The pack kids have always been home schooled, it's kind of an unwritten law. With Mum's help and the use of my puppy dog eyes, he couldn't say no. There's only four weeks left in the school year but hey, who's complaining? At least I can get out of this house for a bit. Of course, I would have to take Cole and Smith with me, which is fine, mostly. Smith can be a bit immature at times but he's good to have around when you need something to lighten the mood, plus he's my Delta and I know he's got my back. Cole on the other hand, he's like my brother. He is a bit on the serious side and not exactly a social butterfly, but he's been my best friend since we were crib mates. We grew up together, trained together and we changed together. His father, Spartan, has always been loyal to my dad. He has been Dad's Beta for as long as I can remember. And Cole, he'll be my Beta when the time comes.

"Fuck yeah man" Smith said jumping onto my back with his arm wrapped around my neck,

"We're going to school" he laughed loudly.

I pushed him off and smiled. I usually hate academics, they're so boring. I'd rather be out in the forest running or training or goofing off with these two idiots.

"There's going to be so many new fine little females for me to taste" Smith said rubbing his hands together and licking his lips.

"We're going for our Alpha-son" said Cole, smacking Smith across the back of his head,

"Not to hook up with random high school girls. 'Human' high school girls"

"I know, I know. But hey, no harm no foul, right? A little play time never hurt anyone" Smith smiled with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Smith you're deplorable. Now go to bed you two, we gotta go early and register before class" I scolded as I pushed them out the front door, and quickly closed it behind them. I walked up the stairs to my room, passing the portraits of the previous alphas. One day my picture will be hung next to my fathers. I've been training for the role since my wolf was born.

I went for a shower before bed, so I don't have to bother in the morning. I let the water warm up first, Weres run hot, so the hotter the water, the better. I stood under the water contemplating my future obligations and responsibilities. I really don't know if I'm ready for this. Granted, I still have a few years, but I don't know if I'll ever be ready. It's a huge honor to be an Alpha, but lately it's been seeming more like a burden. If I had a Mate, she could at least help me out, keep me grounded. Ugh forget it. I haven't felt the right one yet and who knows, maybe I never will.

I got out of the shower, patted myself dry and slid on my boxers. I perched on the edge of my bed and picked up the medallion from the bedside table. I studied the symbol on its face, three crescent moons intertwined and connected. The symbol of our pack. The Tri-Moon pack. I twisted the large round coin like piece in my hands, feeling its smooth edges. My bloodline has run this pack for generations, we settled this land over three hundred years ago. I don't know what would happen if I didn't take up the mantle after my father. I just can't help but feel like something has been missing. I sighed heavily and put the medallion back on the table. Jumping into the bed and under the covers, I rolled over and buried my face into my pillow. That's a problem for another day I figured. I closed my eyes and drifted easily off to sleep.


"Cry you filthy bitch. Come on and cry, louder" a faceless man holding a whip was screaming. A little obsidian wolf lay on the ground, bleeding, its back slashed open. The man hit the wolf with the whip again and again, but it didn't howl or bark or whimper, not once.

"Stop" I yelled, but no sound came out of my mouth.

"STOP" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, but it wasn't loud enough. The man couldn't hear me, and he didn't stop, he didn't even hesitate. His onslaught continued to rain down on the broken creature.

I wanted to run at him, tackle the man to the ground, but my feet wouldn't move. They were planted deep into the ground. He just kept hitting it and hitting it. Blood splattered over his face and body, and his sadistic laughter echoed around my ears. The little wolf looked over at me, a single tear fell from its glowing yellow eyes. I reached out for it, but was still barred from moving. Its head slumped to the ground and the glow of its eyes dissipated. It was dead.


I flew up in my bed, sitting up right. A cold sweat coated my body, and I was panting harshly. I hit the light beside me and looked around the room. Thank fuck, it was a dream. What even was that? What kind of messed up TV have I been watching. I grabbed my phone and pressed the home key, the dim light lit up the room. 5:58am. Well, there's no point going back to sleep now. I tossed myself back on the bed and tried to picture the little wolf from my dream. The details have already started to fade away from memory, all I can see are those yellow eyes, and the pain and torment within them.

I got up, pulled on some sweats and walked down to the kitchen. Mum was there already, getting breakfast ready for Dad and the pack.

"Good morning sweetheart" she cooed as she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down so that she could kiss my cheek.

At eighteen I'm already about two feet taller than my mum, I get my height from my father. She's a smaller woman with chocolate brown hair that sits in curls on her shoulders. Mum and Dad got married not long after my dad turned twenty, Mum's a year younger. She's almost always wearing an apron over a brightly colored dress. She's the sweetest lady anyone could meet, but mess with her pack kids and she'll tear your throat out with no hesitation.

"You want some breakfast darling?" she asked walking over to the fridge.

"Just toast ma" I said as I sat down at the counter and rested my head in my arms.

"Gunner, baby, you look so tired" she fussed.

"Yeah Mum, I had this weird dream last night"

"Well, you know what I say about dreams?" her voice got higher in a snooty kind of way.

"I know Mum" I groaned,

"Every dream has a purpose darling".

Mum has always been superstitious. She's a Were equivalent of a highly religious human. She gives thanks to the Moon Goddess and believes all the legends and stories, even about True Mates, blessed wolves and all that stuff. She teaches a class for the young pups about our histories and legends. I adore my mum, she's the greatest one there is.

I was just done eating my toast when Cole and Smith came walking into the kitchen, both already dressed and ready to go.

"What's this oh fearless leader?" Smith mocked,

"You're not even ready yet".

I gave him a little growl and shoved up from my seat.

"Here you go boys, have some eggs" Mum said, sliding each of them a plate with a mountain of scrambled eggs and a huge side of bacon. Cole and Smith smiled at each other and sat down to eat.

Leaving them to stuff their faces, I dashed upstairs to change. I pulled on my jeans and grabbed the shirt on top of the pile. I ran my hands through my hair and quickly checked the mirror. Ah that'll do for now. I picked up my bag and took off back down the stairs. Cole and Smith were waiting for me on the porch.

"Bye Mum" I yelled closing the door before she could make a fuss.

I ran at the wooden railing using one hand to lift myself up, I jumped up and over, landing perfectly on the grass. I turned back to Cole and Smith and smirked.

"Come on boys" I teased.

Cole and Smith shoved and pushed each other as they ran down the steps. We all jogged off together through the forest towards the school, Cole and Smith flanking me on both sides. Our village is not too far from the human town. Deep enough in the forest that we remain concealed, but close enough that we can access their facilities. The humans have no idea we're out here, nor how many of us are living out here. We aim to keep it that way. Humans are easily scared and unpredictable creatures, especially with things that they don't understand. It's best that the supernatural world remains just something from a story book or a TV show in their minds.

We reached the edge of the forest where it opens onto the school car park and slowed to a walk. We were making our way through the lot when people started to notice our presence. The girls gasped and whispered and giggled, the boys stuck out their chests and looked us up and down.

**Look at all these little ladies ripe for the picking**

I smiled at Smiths comment, I could hear a girl to my left whisper to her friend,

"Oh my gosh they're gorgeous, I want the dark haired one".

**See Cole, mate they love ya**

**Cut it out Smith**

I do love our Were telepathy thing, so useful. I smiled and lowered my head as we walked. We got to the door and I pushed it open walking through with Cole and Smith on my heels. Something smells spectacular, like fresh fruit, do all humans schools smell this good? I stopped and surveyed the hallway, it was mostly empty, but the people from the car park were all following us in now. I followed the sign that said 'Office' and turned down the left hallway. I opened the door and walked in with Cole and Smith still following behind me. An older lady in a red sweater with lipstick to match sat behind the desk, her short greying hair sat in tight curls on top of her head, and they bounced slightly as she lifted her gaze.

"Hello ma'am" I said stepping forward,

"We're here to register for classes" The woman grinned with a slight blush gracing her cheeks.

"Of course dear, I've been expecting you" she put three booklets up on the desk and slid them forward. I took them down and handed one to Cole and one to Smith.

"Just sign here and you're free to go".

I stepped forward and signed the form on the clipboard and then handed the pen to Cole. The office was small and overcrowded with cabinets and boxes. With the three of us boys in there as well, it was too much. I stepped out of the door and into the hallway and turned around. A little kid in a hoodie ran straight into me, flying back on the floor. A weird smell filled my nose, like fresh citrus and cherry-blossoms. One of his books landed at my feet, I crouched down to pass it to him.

"Sorry, is this yours?" I asked him. He snatched the book and tried standing up, but the fall must have hurt him because he was wobbly on his feet. I grabbed his shoulders to give him a lift, but as soon as I touched him, he jumped and fell back down again. There was a tingle in my hands, a spark that travelled from my fingers and all the way into my chest. I never felt something like that before. The kid was scared, I could smell that, but something about him smelt different, something I couldn't make out.