Chapter 28 - The Ex


"Where's the music?" Dad's voice echoed through the village.

The music started to play and Mum and Dad started dancing together. With my arms wrapped around Zee's waist holding her close, I watched her face as she smiled at them adoringly. She is absolutely gorgeous, her beauty will never stop surprising me. The warmth from the fire and the packs laughter filled the air. This life, with Zelena, this would be perfection. I want so much to give her happiness and protection, a life that she deserves.

Zelena nudged my ribs and leaned closer to me,

"Who's that?" she asked, nodding her head to the other side of the fire pit.

I let my eyes roam across the people standing there and saw exactly who she was asking about. Fucking Zoe. The older girl who tried to convince me that she was my Mate. She didn't actually love me or even care about me remotely. She was only interested in getting a step closer to being Luna, to having more power and authority in the pack. She was standing with two of her, friends snarling at Zee. I bared my teeth at her and tightened my grip around Zelena's waist. I kissed her on the cheek and turned my gaze away from Zoe,

"No one important" I snarled, failing to hide my disdain.

Zee was curious and confused, I could smell it coming from her. She continued to watch Zoe as she stormed off. That's not a story I'm ready for her to hear yet, and I'm not letting that crazy bitch ruin this awesome night. I stood up and held out my hand to Zee,

"Come on kid let's dance" I said smiling down at her.

"Kid?" she giggled smirking up at me.

"Just get up off your sweet little ass and come dance with your Mate" I demanded.

She took my hand and I pulled her up on her feet and twirled her around. Her laugh filled my heart, and her joy could be felt by everyone close to her. We danced around, acting like lovesick teens without a care in the world. Zee's mood had completely changed over the past few days. Her strength and resilience is impressive. She went through this horrible ordeal and then her whole world turned upside down. But still, she smiles and laughs and continues to emit this bright glow about her. She is incredible. The song slowed and I pulled her in close, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on top of hers. We swayed slowly from side to side, holding each other. I want to stay like this forever, holding her.

"I love you" I sighed heavily.

Oh Goddess, did I just say that out loud? Shit, I hope I don't freak her out. She looked up at me with her eyes wide. I think she was happy to hear it.

"What did you say?" she asked slowly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I leaned down to her face and I looked directly in her eyes. If I'm going to say it, I'm going to make sure she hears it.

"I love you, my little wolf".

She stared at me blankly for a moment and her eyes glazed over, she then blinked really fast and grabbed my face, kissing my lips hard.

"I love you too" she said with a smile that reached all the way to her eyes.

Oh, thank the Goddess she loves me too. I didn't ruin it. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my hips. I began kissing her face all over, I want to kiss every inch of her. I couldn't stop those three little words from pouring out of my mouth as I planted kiss after kiss on her soft skin. She put her hands on my cheeks, grabbing my face and pulling my lips to hers. She kissed me hard. I licked her lips softly and she opened her mouth. She twisted her tongue around mine as our lips moved in unison. She moaned quietly and I could smell her desire growing. She bit down softly on my bottom lip and I growled. I could feel my pants starting to get tight. She squeezed her arms around my neck and pressed her chest up against mine. Her fingers worked their way through my hair, and she tugged on it gently. I was ready to take her, right here, right now. In front of everyone. She drives me wild, everything about her is a turn on and it's getting hard to resist. I withdrew my tongue and kissed her softly a few more times on her mouth. I looked at her flushed cheeks and pink lips.

"You're going to get me all excited" I said resting my forehead against hers,

"I'm okay with that" she whispered licking my lips. Goddess save me, this woman will be the death of me.

"I don't think the rest of the pack want to see that though" I stifled my chuckle.

She moved her eyes from side to side, noticing the eyes of the pack on us. Her flushed cheeks went bright red. Ah, my shy little wolf. A few weeks in the village and she will change.

"Later" she whispered. She kissed me quickly and jumped out of my arms. Maybe she doesn't need a few weeks. I growled quietly as she turned and walked away back to the fire. Watching her perfect perky ass sway from side to side as she walks, it took a lot of strength not to jump her. She sat down next to Nat and dived right into conversation.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I groaned internally, realizing how badly I need to release this pressure. I turned around and saw Cole and Smith standing together with a couple of other pack kids our age. I picked up a beer from the cooler and walked over to them.

"Heeyyyy, Casanova" Smith sung and slapped me on the back. I chuckled and took a drink from my bottle. He's such a dork. Not like he can talk, he's shagged more she-wolves than I can count.

"Here I thought you were the one with all the moves, Smithy boy" Daniel, one of the guys, teased Smith,

"Well, I've taught him well obviously" Smith laughed along with the others.

"In all seriousness, Gunner, she seems like a great Were. You made a good choice in a Mate" said Ari,

"Thanks man, though I think my choice was made for me"

"I know what you mean man, those she-wolves have a way of pulling you in" they all laughed,

"Yeah, something like that" I smirked taking another drink. If you only knew I thought to myself.

The news of our True Mate bond hasn't exactly been told to the other pack members, for now that's the best way to go. It's possible that not everyone will be so thrilled about it. At least until we seal the bond, and until Zee has had a chance to get to know the pack a bit more, it'll stay a secret. All they need to know is that their Alpha-Son had chosen a Mate. The rest will come out eventually.

The boys all chatted and laughed, joking about fighting and humans, and of course the she-wolves. I listened and joined in as much as I could, especially when Smith was insinuating that he is the strongest fighter for our age group. Granted, he has skills, but he is no pack fighter, not yet anyway. I found myself continuously zoning out of the conversation, my focus was fixed on Zelena. Watching her laugh and smile with the other she-wolves, she was fitting in perfectly. The way the light of the fire made her skin glow and her golden eyes light up like pieces of the sun itself, it takes my breath away. She laughed and tossed her hair back over her shoulder. The effortless of her grace and beauty made my dick jerk with lust and excitement. I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck,

"I'm gonna grab another beer" I said to the guys before I made my way over to the cabin. The cooler was sitting open at the bottom of the stairs, I picked up a bottle, twisted off the cap and took a swig. I was suddenly yanked back by the shoulder forcefully, making the beer spit from my mouth. I was pulled backwards behind the cabin out of view from the rest of the pack, and then pushed against the wall. A body was pressed up against me and wet lips smashed against my face. At first, I thought it was Zee, but the feeling of the lips and the taste of alcohol was repulsive. I had to force myself not to gag. I breathed in through my nose taking in their scent. Zoe. I shoved her off me and growled,

"What the fuck are you doing?" I snarled.

"What's wrong Gunner, baby, you know you want me?" she snickered and tried to lunge at me again. I pushed her back and she hit the cabin wall behind her.

"You wanna get rough baby, I can play rough".

She launched herself forward and jumped onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist and biting down on my ear. I hissed at the feeling and grabbed her arm, pulling her down and off me. I tossed her to the ground and bared my teeth. I wiped my fingers over my ear and looked at my hand, she drew blood.

"You're drunk" I huffed, looking down at her sitting in the dirt.

"Go and dry off" I snapped. I was about to walk away when she screamed at me,

"What happened to you, huh? One day at your little school and you just forget all about me?" Zoe blubbered brushing the dirt off her hands.

"Don't kid yourself Zoe, we were done well before then".

I tried to stay calm, but my anger and disgust was rising. She wasn't helping herself either.

"What we had was great" she spat, standing up and brushing the dirt from her too tight jeans.

"What we had was bullshit, lies and manipulation. All you cared about was getting power, you never actually wanted me, you only wanted an ego boost" I clapped back.

She walked towards me, swaying her hips and slowly sliding her hands up my chest. I turned up my nose and retreated, stepping backwards until my back was against the wall. I turned my face away from her as she got close enough for me to feel her sticky breath on my cheek.

"Of course I want you baby, I never stopped wanting you" she whined.

I don't want to deal with this, with her. It's just pathetic, her attempts to cling onto our stupid past mistakes. I'm done with this. I have to get away from her before I snap her neck. I grabbed her wrists and lifted them off my chest, standing up straight, I was now towering over her.

"Let it go Zoe. We're done. I have my True Mate now, and you could never compare to her. So will you please, just stay the fuck away from me".

I threw her hands away and walked off, leaving her behind me.

"Gunner" she cried out as I turned to the front of the cabin.

I found Cole waiting for me with his usual serious face. He knows about Zoe, and our attempted relationship, if you can even call it that.

"Everything good here?" he asked.

He had been listening to Zoe's lame attempt of a seduction. Cole was the one that help me see through her lies and manipulation. Thank Goddess he was able to smack some sense into my young and horny mind.

"Is now" I said grabbing him around the shoulders.