Who do you want to be? (Erika)

"Hey you fat Lard! Who said you could move!?" Erika demanded an answer.

There was a man without a shirt. He was on his hands and knees when she yelled at him. The utensils that were on his back had already fallen to the ground via his negligence.

"I'm sorry queen. My arms gave out," The shirtless man pleaded.

"Your arms gave out? What tables arms just give out?" Erika asked. Her face was scrunched. How dare she have such useless furniture in her room. She stretched her whip for emphases. Perhaps punishment is in order. Sadly, sometimes she felt as if they enjoyed it too much for her liking.

"Please Mrs. Queen. I don't know if I can handle a whip from an Edict," The man drooled as he said it.

Her brow twitched. She was no dummy, she could tell the guy was just begging to be hit. For some reason or another that pissed her off even more. The fact that this pig thought that he could control her even using reverse psychology.

"You disgusting pig, don't think you can control me!" She said as she dug her heels into his face.

There was a knock on her door. "Who's there?" She asked. Though her voice was lower now, she still failed to drop its edge.

There was a moment of silence before an answer. "It's me… it's Toga,"

Her face went blank for a second. Even though everyone knows the nickname Dark Queen, it was still unbecoming of her to show this side of herself in front of people, let alone Toga.

"Come right on in," She answered. Her voice dropped, becoming softer with heightened pitch. She tried to make it sound as girly as possible and made sure to fix the scour off her face. She needed it looking as cute as possible.

Toga opened the door, turning only to close it behind himself. He looked in her direction and gave a blank look for a moment. His eyes shifted around. Erika could only return a bubbly smile to him. She could tell that the gang of men acting as her furniture made it uncomfortable for him to interact normally.

"Is something wrong Toga?" She asked not dropping her smile in the least. She wanted to get his focus off them and onto her.

Toga sighed. "It's just…" He went silent all over again. His look became distant, and he stared into the ground.

Erika skipped over there, lightly swinging her arms and grabbed onto both his hands. She lightly put them against her own swelling bosom. "Did you come over here for me to watch you be silent?" She asked.

"No… it's not that," Toga said. He looked to the side, unable to look her in the eye. It always warmed her to see this bashful side of himself. She softly smiled. She turned around and walked him over towards his couch. A furniture that was actually furniture and not living.

"Sit down and tell me what's wrong," She sat him down and sat right next to him. Still he remained silent and looking distant. "Does it have something to do with your mission?"

Seeing his facial expression change however briefly, she knew she got it right.

He leaned onto his knees and sighed again. "It's just… I don't know what's right anymore. We're the good guys, but we're the bad guys,"

Erika stared at his distant look. She felt pity as she looked at him. "So you finally got to see the ugly side of The Order. I knew it was going to happen. I just didn't think it'd happen your very first mission,"

He had a face of shock and looked at her. She could only return her pitying smile. "You knew!?" He asked.

"Of course I knew. Why do you think I wanted you as my Bond Guard?" She pulled him into an embrace. "I wanted to shield you from the horrors of the world below. You just had to go and get yourself a deity inside you,"

She hugged him into her breast. She wasn't even trying to seduce him this time. It was all natural. He lovingly excepted it.

"It's just… all those people slaughtered, and I can do nothing. What sort of justice is that in the world?" He asked.

She pulled out of the hug and cupped his face between her hands smushing it. "The justice we create. I don't know what happened down there, but if we want to change this world, we need to be at the top of it,"

His eyes narrowed. "Erika… I'm a Shining Spirit, and you're an Edict. How much higher do we need to go to see change?"

"You're right. But you're not the strongest of the Shining Spirits, and I'm not the top of the Edicts. If we want to take control, we need more than just the top positions. We need the top of OUR positions. The faster, the better,"

His eyes became distant again. He once again went into deep thought. Erika could already tell that something traumatizing was still on his mind. Her cheeks flushed as she blushed a deep scarlet. His absent-minded thoughts threw her heart into a rut. Only he could manage to do that so flippantly. It wasn't fair, it's like he wasn't even trying, and he was hypnotizing her. With his face already so close, he couldn't blame her for what she wanted to do next.

She moved her face closer and planted a short and chaste kiss onto his vulnerable lips. The move took him off guard as it snapped him back to reality.

She backed off, scared that he might not have liked it. What if it made him mad and he wasn't ready? Why did she just do that?

{Wait… did I brush my teeth? Do I have a bad breath? What was the last thing I ate?}

Her mind raced as her eyes started getting dizzy. Just as she thought, what she did was foolish. What would their relationship be like now that she did that? Wait a minute… why should she worry about these foolish things? She's an Edict. It was in her blood to take what she wants. Damn anybody else's opinion even Toga's… but he was a Shining Spirit. She can't just take him against his will as he's allotted more freedoms than the rest of them.

In her confusion and arguments against herself, she didn't notice Toga move in more closely to her and planted an even deeper kiss right back on her lips. She froze out of shock at first, but then latched on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. She leaned back, pulling him forward so he was rested on top of her.

As professional as she acted, she was mentally screaming at herself inside. Were they really going to go there? She was not prepared for this day at all. Would it be right to stop him if she initiated it? Did she even want to stop him.

{What should I do?}

Even though everything in her mind was screaming to stop it, her body was doing the exact opposite. His tongue pushed into her lips, and she let him in. This was another achievement right after the first couple of achievements. Maybe she should see just how far he was willing to go just to be sure.

Just as she thought this, he stopped cold turkey. He shut his eyes and sweat-dropped. "Why'd you stop? Did I do something wrong?" She asked. She was embarrassed and wanted it to continue further than this.

"No, it's just that… It's hard to keep doing this when people are staring," Toga said.

She looked around and saw that her human furniture was all looking at her. Some were breathing heavy, while others were just drooling.

Her face flushed red with embarrassment. She then got mad as her eyes turned white with fury. "THIS ISN'T A SHOW FOR YOU DUMB PIGS! MUST I TELL YOU EVERYTHING!? GET OUT!" She pointed towards the door.

"Yes Queen, Sorry Queen!"

Toga himself could only smile in embarrassment. He could never tell if they were the victim of an edict, or if they enjoyed the punishment.

"Why does she only show that side of herself to him?" One of them asked.

"I don't know, but I think I've awakened to something new," Another asked.

"Maybe a dominatrix like her secretly wants to be dominated herself,"

"I SAID BEAT IT AND HURRY!" She yelled. They all scrambled out the room and waited outside where her Bond Guard Hina Tsubaki stood.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Part of her worried that she introduced her toys to the fetish of cuckoldry. If so, they weren't going to get delight in it from her and Toga. This is to be their time and their time only.

"So ughh… were we going to continue?" She asked turning bashful again. She prayed to every god she could that the answer was yes. She wasn't finished.

Toga moved closer and put his hand on her bare legs and looked her straight in the eyes. She got the hint at what this implied.

And to be honest, she couldn't have complied faster even if she wanted to.