The Drinking game

"Now let's get the rules straight. This is not a race. We're going quantity. Each will take a turn to down a mug. You both will take turns in going first in the next round to keep it fair. We flip a coin to see which person goes first in the first round," Benkai said.

{So in the second round, the person who went last in the previous round will have to take another swig.}

In this way, the prior round is always at a disadvantage. Ryuma could only hope that Kosha could hold. Though winning was not a priority. If he could loosen everyone up, that would be enough.

"Now call heads or tails in the air," Benkai flipped a coin.

"Tails!" Kosha yelled.

The coin began descending and bounced on the table. It flipped itself with an abundance of speed, too much to tell with the naked eye which side it was on until it stabilized. The moment it stopped flipping, it landed face up on tails.

"Welp, looks like you're up first kid," Benkai said.

"I'm fine with that," Neta said. She closed the eye free from her bangs.

"Alright. An easy start," Kosha said.

In Ryuma's opinion, it was better to go second now that he thought about it. From the smirk Neta carried, she thought the same thing. Though a girl like her didn't care which position she got.

"Ok. Let the game begin!" Benkai declared. Five mugs each were set on each side of their table.

"C'mon boy! Do us proud!" The men shouted.

"You can do this Neta, you got this!" The girls cheered her on.

Since it was Kosha that won the coin toss first, he picked up the first mug and put it to his lips. Ryuma could hear the gulping sounds and see his throat take in the beer in gulps. It seemed like Kosha was a natural at this. Did his master approve of such behaviors for him to not be affected by it?

Soon as he finished the cup, he slammed it down on the table. "Ahhh! Finished. You're up missy," Kosha taunted.

"Puhlease. This is only the beginning," Neta picked up her mug and downed it twice as fast as he did. Kosha began sweating a little because of it.

"So we're done with round one already? Time for round two," Benkai said flashing the other patrons.

"Woot! Woot! Keep it going young man. Those mountains are yours for the touching," The men said.

Their beers were sitting right next to them. Neta picked hers up without hesitation and downed the mug in mere seconds. Kosha had a vein popped through his forehead.

The psychological damage. She didn't even give him time to think or prepare his stomach. Neta the pit was an apt nickname for her. Where did she put it?

His façade broken; Kosha went wide eye at the woman's pension for the drink. His pride wouldn't allow him to admit it. He quickly picked up his next drink and gulped it down.

Ryuma could only feel sorry for him. This was not one drink he had to down, but two.

"Round two is done! Now we're on to round three!" Benkai yelled.

Kosha sweat-dropped. He pulled the mug up and started chugging. It was at this point Ryuma looked around and saw that everybody was already into the game and not paying much attention to their surroundings.

Amongst the cheering, barely anybody could hear him contact the guy next to him. "Hey my guy. I'd like to ask you something," Ryuma said.

"The guy was smiling with a mug in his hand. "Oh sure. Ask away. I don't mind helping a newcomer,"

"Thanks man. Much obliged. There's something that's been bothering me. My name, Erin. There's nothing wrong with it, is there?" Ryuma asked.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with it. Should there have been?" The man stared at him dumbfounded with the question.

"Oh no. I understand the weirdness of the question. It's just that every time I give this name here, I get an odd reaction. You know something about that?" Ryuma asked.

In truth. He was lying.

Having him think that was the only way to bring this conversation up naturally without raising much suspicion. Even if there was any cause to be wary, Ryuma himself offered none.

The man blinked at him then shrugged his shoulders. "Ha-ha! Hell if I know kid. You're asking the wrong one,"

Ryuma's shoulder dropped. He wasn't expecting that response. Was he wrong in his initial assessment? The incident did happen years ago but a man his age should have remembered an event in which a child was brought to the Skylands. That isn't a normal thing that happens.

This was a bar full of drunkards. Maybe he truly did ask the wrong one.

Still… something felt off with his answer. He decided to try again. Going up to somebody else, he began questioning another man.

"Excuse me sir. Have you been here long?" Ryuma asked.

The man looked away from game to address him. "Who me? Sure. I've been here my whole life,"

"Great. You haven't happened to remember a child here by the name of Erin, have you?" Ryuma pressed. He didn't even bother with an excuse this time.

"Hmmm… I think I have. Can't really say I recall much though. You want to ask something from long ago, you'd want to ask Benkai. Guys got a memory ya know," He said.

The man instantly went right back to the game.

He… doesn't know…

Again, there was that feeling. It was a sinking feeling. One Ryuma didn't think he'd have to come to terms with, but this one made it clear. They were hiding something from him. It's too much of a coincidence that nobody here wouldn't know of such a rare occurrence.

But then, why were they hiding their knowledge? Was it a need to forget? Out of spite? Could this be self-preservation?

He looked at Benkai who was hosting more of the match. The guy said he'd know more. He should just play along until he can get Benkai by himself.

"We're now on round five. Kosha starts the odds," Benkai said.

Kosha downed his mug and plopped it onto the table. He wiped the access suds off his mouth. "If you think I'm going down without a fight lady, you're mistaken," Surely since it was an odd round she'd have to go twice now.

The scene before him made his eyes widen.

Neta had two mugs before her. She grabbed one in each hand. It was one after the other, she tilted both mugs into her mouth like it was nothing. Slowly downing them. There was no hesitation. She even smirked and winked at him as she did it.

Kosha hung his head at the scene. He picked it back up with clear irritation in his voice. "Listen lady. We ain't walking out this bar with those tits being untouched,"

His voice slurred as he spoke.

{Oh god. The dumbass got himself drunk.}

With this, how much longer can he last?

"Hey, I give the kid until round eight before he passes out," One audience said. "I at least pegged him for a round Nine," Another one said. "Oh really? Care to bet money on that?"

Clearly, they didn't care whether Kosha was going to lose or not. More so how long he was going to last. They already threw the idea of winning and were starting to place bets on whether he would survive the next couple of rounds.

"Don't worry. I'm good to go. This kind of thing won't stop me," Kosha said proudly.

A few more rounds later. He finally made it to round nine. He was already weaving back and forth. He couldn't even keep his eyes open. He was truly an idiot. Ryuma had to mentally apologize. His efforts were wasted.

Though his motives were far different than what they were supposed to be, so did it really matter?

"Just one more drink Kosha! Fight it! I got money riding on this!" One man said.

Kosha put a finger up signaling he was fine, but his posture said otherwise. He tried to pick up the mug to down it, only to fall forward on his face. He was out like a light.

Ryuma looked at him deadpanned. This is what he got…

The crowd either cheered or riled according to what they bet. That snoring sound coming from him was the surrender flag Neta needed. She took two more beers for good measure just to brag that the poor kid died for nothing.

"Well that was fun! I don't suppose you want to continue the kid's round for him, would you?" Neta said to Ryuma.

Ryuma held up one hand. "No thanks. I'm not much of a drinker. I'd only embarrass myself," Ryuma said.

"Then how about facing me?" Benkai said. "Tell ya what. You go up against me, and I'll answer any one of your questions every round… scout's honor,"

The look he gave him silently told him that he had information he wanted.