Terror Topside (OC)

Though the attack from Aeragis was little over a week ago, life was starting to settle for the clerics that recently turned priests. Up in the Skyland known as Rebble, buildings were returning. Although you'd see construction everywhere and most of them were only halfway built. The town and everyone in it started to look more alive.

The major difference was that there were a lot more priests dressed in black roaming the town. In hindsight that would sound like a good thing… if only things were that simple.

Soon as those thoughts left her mind, Clara heard a loud smacking sound. The sound made when somebody fist connected with another person's face.

She looked over at the crowd of people cheering when a Red Dog was laid out on the floor. A White Dragon dressed all in black had his arms spread out. He looked around over the crowd, smirking so arrogantly amongst his brethren.


He didn't at all seem distraught over it. In fact, he reveled in the insult. The Red dog who got knocked to the floor couldn't even look him in the eye. Reading the situation alone, Clara could tell what happened.

It was a common thing ever since Yami had called back the bulk of the White Dragons. They would taunt a Red Dog until enough of them snap in some way or the other. They'd soon get the snot kicked out of them and be forced to take more of the verbiage. It was an endless cycle with no end to it. What could they do?

{These White Dragons are just too strong. It was a joke to think that they needed help from the Red Dogs.}

It had to be because they've been out at combat constantly turning into warriors. The Red Dogs guarding the Skylands would almost never have to see combat. This was their capital, and this undoubtedly raised the morale of the White Dragons that were here and had to suffer the mockery of the Red Dogs when it was just them.


"YYYYAAAAAAAHHHH!" They cheered loudly.

Clara covered her ears from the sudden outburst. How quickly people delve into tribalism the moment someone stronger or more charismatic than them goads them. Seeing this man's behavior, Clara was reminded of the night she spoke with Ryuma. In contrast to how most of the White Dragons were acting, Ryuma was a treasure. He never saw the Red Dogs as a collective. Quite honestly, she didn't know if he could even see it that way. His tunnel vision on helping people was so strong she was sure he was colorblind when it came to clothing.

Even just thinking about Ryuma, her mind was thrown into thoughts she didn't think she would ever have. {Did wonderboy really have that much of an effect on me?}

Her cheeks reddened at the though.

Sadly for her, in her absentmindedness, her eyes were locked in one direction. It was towards the man currently boasting with the crowd of White Dragons.

He stopped hyping up the crowd when he realized her staring. His face had first started with a look of surprise. He quickly recovered himself and began shushing his supporters down.

He strutted his way over to her with such horrible posture.

"Well… well… well… I got to say if there were a few things I'd say the Red Dogs were good at, it was producing beautiful little kittens like you,"

Though she didn't mean to, she'd already given him a tacit admission to come speak with her. Even so, now that the conversation has been initiated, it was not the time to act meek and passive. If only wonderboy was here, she'd do exactly that and leave him to handle it. Now that neither he nor Toga was here, she couldn't be a victim of their harassment. That would only encourage them.

She took a deep breath making sure everyone heard it. "No offense Mr. but you're not my type. It'd be nice if you shared some other woman's bed,"

The man didn't respond even a little. Instead he started looking her up and down. His head fell to the side when his eyes covered her chest. He subtly bit his own lip in seduction. His eyes finally wandered away from her mountain of a chest and started gliding down the rest of her curvy body. The way he rocked as if this was his piece of artwork. He had zero shame and didn't even try to hide it.

"You're very free to stare all you want, but you're not touching," Clara said. She had no qualms in showing off her body to get what she wanted, but creeps like him made her skin crawl.

"Ooohhh. Don't be like that baby. We White Dragons and Red Dogs need to learn to co-operate. I'm sure we'll find something of common ground for a good start," The man said.

"Is that a fact? Does it start with beating up my fellow Dogs, because clearly you have respect for my faction," Clara said.

"Oh that. I was helping you. This man's wandering eyes were traveling where they needn't belong. I'm a gentleman you know,"

"Really now? Well I appreciate the sentiment, but they're unnecessary. Now if you'll excuse me," Clara tried to disengage, but the man slithered his way to be in front of her.

"Babe don't be like that. I just want to get to know you. You never know when we'll be relying on each other for survival. It's best to learn about each other as much as we can,"

When he did that, her heart skipped a beat. He didn't allow her to disengage. If this continued, it could easily get worse. It was the first time she'd felt fear.

Despite that, her face and demeanor remained as neutral as possible. She didn't want to give him that satisfaction that she was afraid of him. Judging by his strength, she ranked him at high priest level. He was on his way to becoming a Bishop easily. There was no way she could take this guy on. Not to mention that she was outnumbered by a crowd that sympathized with him. This could get ugly quick if she weren't careful.

"Charming. Unfortunately, I have things I need to do. I don't have the time to be playing with you," Clara said. Her eyes narrowed towards him. Her heart began beating fast. If she didn't get out of this now, he's likely to…

"What is this now?" The priest said. He grabbed ahold of her arm and stared at her. She glared daggers at him. "Well little lady, I do believe I'm starting to sense a tinge of fear. Am I scary?"

Clara tried pulling back but his hand was like an iron grip. "I'd appreciate it if you'd let me go. I'm not some woman made to be your toy," Though her words were soft, her tone was anything but. He read her like an open book. Now that he pointed it out, she couldn't keep from trembling.

"Oh, looks like we got a fighter here. Look at her, she's shaking. Now why is a fairy acting like such a feisty woman?" The man asked.

"Ughh… boss, maybe we should leave this one alone," The people who'd gotten riled up early started to speak on her behalf.

In truth, they mostly had a grudge against members of the Red Dogs who'd been with this cocky attitude when most members were deployed. Clara had a good reputation with members of the White Dragons with a mixed group. Sure they wanted their land back and had pent up frustration, but to see a young girl getting bullied like this unprovoked. It was going too far.

Clara felt a little warmed by it.

The man glared at them. With a low growl, he walked over towards them and backhanded the one that spoke back putting the other ones in fear.

"You don't get it do you. Yami Bahndai is back. That means we do whatever we want. If beating these Red Dogs every day is something I want to do, then I'll do it," He looked back towards Clara. "And if breaking into their woman is something I want to do, then I'll do that as well,"

At this, even Clara couldn't contain her fear. The façade broke. What if this man wanted to sexually assault her? Would she be able to stop him?

"Now since you guys haven't yet learned this lesson. I think it best to drill it into you early. So how about a bit of redemption? It'll make up for letting these Dogs run so arrogant in our territory," The man said.

The others looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"Hold the girl in place," He began loosening his pants. He'd show them who runs this island.