Chapter 13

I have a friend from school who introduced me to one of their friends last year. Over time we started to become friends but eventually they started to do things that made me extremely uncomfortable and suicidal. They would call me things like sexy and hot and would call me daddy. Then it started to escalate to the point where they would sit on my lap, touch me, grind on me, try to get me to say inappropriate things into a portable microphone, and they even kissed me without asking. I felt horrible and disgusting but was scared to say no or ask them to stop because I was scared of losing the friend who introduced them to me. It wasn't until after everything happened that I found out that they weren't even friends anymore. It made me cry and I ended up self harming everywhere they had touched me. Now when anyone calls me what they would call me or accidentally touches my thighs or things like that I get triggered and the disgusting feeling comes back. This was one of those things that I felt the need to talk about because keeping it bottled up inside. If anyone needs to vent or talk about an experience they've had just ask for my gmail in the comments, and I'm so sorry if you've had to go through anything even remotely like this. The next chapter will be about my experience in residential.. Thank you for reading My Journey Through Mental Health, Going Through it Together. Please remember to collect and comment on or review this book.