The Song of Sleep

*Author's Note*

*I will post every Wednesday from here on out. Also this chapter isn't really a chapter and you can skip it. Though I don't recommend it*

The moons pass us by

The clock ticks time

The one thing I know

Is only the death blow

The Song of Sleep is Here

For my world is at unrest,

It's time for the the test

Of bravery, Of Strategy

The Song of Sleep is Here

Tonight you go to bed

Tonight you fight your urge to keep us out

(We keep you in our sights

We prepare you for the fights

The Song of Sleep is Here -2x)

We steer you near to our side

We steer you away from their side

They cheat, They destroy

For They know, The Song Of Sleep is Here

Don't go near the Xonophere

Don't go fear the Exoleer

We are Here for you-2x

Listen to The Song of Sleep