Am I acting mature?

As Emma slowly rose from her slumber and sat up in her bed, she remembered her thoughts from the night prior and decided she didn't mind giving anything a try. She thought again carefully for a quick second before abruptly changing her mind, she had certain reservations. She absolutely wouldn't go sleeping around, after all, she heard from some sketchy website somewhere that a woman with a high body count was seen to be mature. She wasn't that desperate, that is, not yet.

Her thoughts of reservation were interrupted by her god-forsaken alarm, years ago she set her alarm to be her favourite song, but ever since it was like a demon, haunting her. Whenever she heard the song she couldn't help but feel irritated. It used to hold a special meaning to her, her favourite band 'Why Do We' were surprise guests at a live concert a couple of years ago. Emma had been lucky enough to have gotten tickets and had been there to see the concert before being surprised by them, she was ecstatic at the time and couldn't help but scream like a crazed fangirl. However, as they were guests they were rushed and could only play one song, it had been that one, the one she set for her alarm. Hearing the song every morning, pulling her out of her pleasant dreams, she couldn't help but feel a slight bit exasperated.

Emma hurriedly stopped the alarm and shut off her phone. She wondered if she could stay home and play sick because it was definitely going to be a bad day today, how else can you explain waking up a few minutes before the alarm. It's cursed.

Then again, a mature person wouldn't play sick to stay home, would they? Perhaps she'd be seen as more mature if she were more dependable and responsible.

She shimmied out of bed and stood up with purpose, she shuffled to the mirror and observed herself quickly. She looked like a straight mess, then again she had just gotten out of bed. Being unable to stand herself looking like such a mess she rushed over to the bathroom to grab her hairbrush.

She slowly and delicately brushed her hair, she'd tried rushing whilst doing her hair before and it was not worth it. She could feel the intense pain just from imagining it. Even though at the time she had gone to bed with her hair up like usual. When she brushed through it, all the hidden knots that had defied the laws of physics by somehow, for some reason getting into her hair, had caused her poor head to feel like all her hair was being forcefully pulled out at once. Her eyes had misted over instantly and tears began to gather, she bit her lip to not cry out in pain.

Ever since she had not had the courage to rip the brush down her hair at an almost inhuman speed. Saving a few extra minutes wasn't worth the pain. Emma had learned the hard way.

Brushing her hair oh so carefully, Emma was busy wondering which outfits she would wear today, along with which accessories. She absentmindedly put her hair in a messy bun, she opened her draw, never taking her eyes off the mirror Emma rummaged around for a while before pulling out some silver earrings with a chain connected at the bottoms. As Emma had double piercings she wore two earrings with a chain, dangling slightly which connected them. Whilst on her other ear, instead of wearing the other set of earrings connected by a chain, put them back in the drawer and opted for a single silver stud and a silver huggie hooped earring.

She set down her hairbrush and put the earrings in delicately in order to make sure they were secure and wouldn't fail out. Emma then quickly went to go choose an outfit, when she was busy doing her hair she had thought of one she thought would suit this hairstyle and these earrings. She pulled a baggy maroon jumper out of one of the many drawers along with a pair of blue ripped jeans. She picked a random pair of ankle socks from one of the drawers and picked up her white converge high-tops.

She put them on and looked at herself in the mirror, she closed her eyes and nodded to herself. Emma didn't look like her at all, but it was okay. She thought that maybe this way she looked more mature.


Emma had arrived quite early for a change, if she'd known she'd be this early she wouldn't have skipped breakfast to be here faster. She tapped her right index finger onto the desk repeatedly, whilst impatiently waiting for Ren to ask her opinion on this new style she was trying.

She was lost in her thoughts when a voice broke out behind her, "Wow, what happened to you? I thought you'd never be caught dead looking like this."

Emma turned to look at Ren with a pouty look on her face, "Well, what do you think?"

"You look like a nerd or some kind of dweeb." Ren replied with no hesitation.

Emma gave her a dead look, "Gee thanks," she stood up quickly and pulled a finger gun under her chin with her right hand, posing with her other hand on her hip proudly. "don't you think I look so much more mature?"

"A mature person wouldn't ask me that, besides, you look a goof."

"Hey, hey, don't be like that! We're close, there's no need to be jealous. Now tell me truthfully, don't I look super good in this." Asked with a smile, a trace of narcissism showing in her playful eyes.

Ren couldn't help but want to tease her best friend, "Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that if that's what you need to fall asleep peacefully at night." Ren gave her a sarcastic smile.

Emma pouted exaggeratedly, "How could you say such things~ We're no longer best friends~!" She lifted her arm to her eyes playfully, pretending to hide and wipe away her tears, "I'm sure loads of people would treat me better! Huhuhu."

Ren broke into a wide smile and couldn't stop laughing, "Mature? You? Yeah right. Acting like this? Maybe you'll mature in 100 years."

Hearing that Emma regained her senses and smacked herself lightly on the forehead, she looked at the door and scanned the classroom before letting out a heavy sigh. Emma was relieved Mr Thomas hadn't seen her acting in such a silly way, he definitely would never like her if she acted so immaturely in front of him.

Ren looked at the worried expression on Emma's face and saw how she was looking around as if trying to find someone. She noticed how Emma sat down and sighed in relief, she looked troubled. Ren immediately began to worry, "Emma are-"

The door opened and Mr Thomas walked in, "We have a lot to get through today, please sit down quickly and get out your books."

Ren realised this wasn't the best time to ask so she hastily grabbed her books to prepare for the lecture. Instead of asking right away, she decided to quietly observe Emma's behaviour for now.