Itsuki's Fool

Nakano Miku grabbed Asakawa Naoki's right hand and whispered, "You... come with me."

After Miku finished speaking, she pulled Asakawa Naoki and walked under the cherry blossom tree next to her, leaving Itsuki alone in a stupor.

"What is Miku doing?"

"Why are you pulling Asakawa-san's hand?"

"I've only been out for ten minutes, what happened?"


Nakano Miku took Asakawa Naoki and walked under the cherry blossom tree, then quickly let go of her hand, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell Itsuki that I like history."

Asakawa Naoki was shocked when he heard the words: "What is the reason?"

Is there something elusive about the history of the Warring States period?

Did you know that there are two hottest themes in the field of play, one is the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the other is the Warring States period of Japan. Taiko is determined to continue the game, and it is no shame in liking the history of the Warring States period!

"Because…" Miku looked away and looked at the falling cherry blossoms, in a soft, pleasant voice that could make flowers and plants grow in spring, "I won't tell you.

Do you think it will be useful if you don't say so?

Judging from your appearance just now, it's probably the so-called Reki-jo. In short, it was a girl who liked the history of the Warring States Period, which was unusual. Instead, it used to be selected as one of the top ten hot words of the year. Become an income-generating culture during the economic crisis.

Asakawa Naoki doesn't think that there's anything unsaid about Reki-jo, and they're always better than rotten women who like men over money, and handsome men.


Under the girl's slightly pleading gaze, Asakawa Naoki calmly said, "I'll help keep it a secret."

More things are worse than less. Girls are troublesome creatures, they have no knowledge and interest at all, and it is best to never have a crossroads.

"Okay thank you."

The girl raised her hand and rolled the blue silk beside her ear, and thanked her gently.

(Just thanks, the bullying just now...)


Incident resolved.

Asakawa Naoki and Miku returned to the intersection.

Itsuki held his schoolbag with both hands, his eyes on Asakawa Naoki and Miku, with 'I want to ask' clearly written on his face, 'What are you doing', 'Quick tell me'.

Asakawa Naoki closed his eyes and said directly, "Time is running out, why don't you go to the library now?"

"Un, studying is the most important thing."

Walking on the street, Asakawa Naoki handed a bottle of green tea in his hand: "Nakano-san, this is for you."

Itsuki blinked his eyes: "Why give me this?"

Asakawa Naoki said: "I was lucky to win the lottery, I can't drink it alone."

Miku raised her eyes and glanced at Asakawa Naoki, her pink lips pursed lightly: "Big liar, don't change the reason."


Itsuki initially wanted to refuse, but after understanding Asakawa Naoki's eyes, she nodded and agreed: "Alright then... Thank you, Asakawa-san."

Very good.

Furthermore, help study as agreed, and after repaying the kindness of the big meat bun, he (Asakawa Naoki) 1is not indebted.


Without talking all the way.

Asakawa Naoki and the two twin sisters walked to the school library, showed their student ID cards, and then came to the study room on the second floor.

There are many empty tables in the study room. Japan is currently implementing 'loose' education. Different schools have different rules, but basically, you must arrive at school before 8:30 am and leave school by 4:00 pm. No early self-study, no late self-study, time outside of school is completely controlled by oneself. For those who don't participate in club activities, work for money, or study, school life is incredibly relaxing.

Of course, there are also many people who go to private schools to study after school. In the final analysis, learning or not mainly depends on self-awareness. For example, Itsuki is enthusiastic about studying.

"Asakawa-san, where do we start studying?"

Nakano Itsuki placed his hands on the table, his eyes were bright, she sat up straight, and his eyes were staring ahead. She must be the teacher's favorite type of student.

As for Miku, who was wearing headphones, she didn't intend to study, so she wandered around the bookshelf after entering.

"Wherever you are lacking, learn where you want." Asakawa Naoki looked at the girl who was waiting for him, and stretched out his hand, "Give me the math exam paper."


Nakano Itsuki was a little embarrassed, but she didn't refuse, she quickly opened his school bag and handed over the math exam paper.

Asakawa Naoki took the exam paper, no longer paying attention to the score, but looking at the wrong question.

The first question, the set question, was only extended , and the answer time did not exceed forty seconds ... The answer was incorrect.

The second question, trigonometric functions, requires only simple operations and should take no more than thirty seconds.

The third problem is even simpler, for a quadratic function, you only need to look at the function opening and the number of intersections with the number line, and you can get the right answer in ten seconds.

As a result, all of these questions are wrong.

"This exam writing is a first-class summary and review of knowledge. The first three questions are very simple, why are you wrong!"

Asakawa Naoki suppressed the urge to complain, looked at the printed question, and became speechless. Most of these questions have eraser traces... That is, this question was deleted many times!

The only questions that can be won with 100% confidence are simply summation questions!

Fortunately, Asakawa Naoki is not a math teacher, besides it is expected that blood pressure will rise and heart rate will increase.

Asakawa Naoki was silent for a moment, then pointed to the addition problem, "This matter is settled well."

"That…" Itsuki raised his hand to play with the hair near his ear, his eyes slightly uncertain, "Actually, I wrote down all the numbers, and then added up the results one by one."

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

Fortunately, there are only 20 simple questions, if there were 200 questions, Itsuki wouldn't have enough erasers!

Mathematics is a logical and rigorous science. If you don't listen to the lesson, you won't be able to follow its progress later. Itsuki had most likely been suspended in first grade. Otherwise, how could he make so many mistakes with such a serious attitude of study?

Itsuki can't be an asshole who can't learn, right?

Asakawa Naoki thought of a solution.

If there was a hole in the barrel, and the purpose of the repair was clear, the problem was Itsuki's knowledge gap was like a showerhead, and he didn't know where to cover it. Not necessarily because there are many gaps in high school knowledge.

Asakawa Naoki took the notebook, quietly wrote a question, and handed it to Itsuki: "You can finish it and take a look."


Itsuki sat up straight and looked down. The title is very simple: "Today, an unknown number of chickens and rabbits are confined in the same cage, for a total of 35 heads and 94 feet. Ask how many rabbits are in the cage?"

Itsuki took a pencil.

She looked thoughtful.

Five minutes later.

"I already knew it!"

Nakano Itsuki pushed the notebook in front of Asakawa Naoki, with a happy, accomplished smile on his face.

Asakawa Naoki: "..."