Does it matter young girl

"Kirisu sensei." Asakawa Naoki followed behind Kirisu Mafuyu, and with the help of the cold beauty, the path was not blocked. Everywhere they passed, the students in the corridor backed away, "Is the academy headmaster looking for me?"

Kirisu Mafuyu said calmly, "I have a task for you."

"What kind of tasks?"

"Dont too much asking."


It's too much. When we watched the TV series together last night, you weren't so inhuman. Anyway, you've eaten, but let's talk about the specific task information, so I can prepare!

The two quickly walked outside the principal's office.

"After logging in, you decide whether to agree or not." Kirisu Mafuyu stopped and whispered, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

A low voice came from the door.

"Excuse me."

Asakawa Naoki and Kirisu Mafuyu walked into the principal's spacious and simple-style office. Behind a solid wood desk sat a middle-aged man, who was the head of the school.

In addition, there were two girls standing in the office, one tall and one short, and it just so happened that Asakawa Naoki knew all of them, or in other words, everyone at school didn't know them.

The girl on the left is tall and has a pretty face, with sky blue hair, a white headband on her head, and a mole in the corner of her eye. Now that she had her arms crossed over her chest, she looked quite beautiful with a literary temperament… but a flat chest.

Asakawa Naoki had already confirmed this.

Furuhashi Fumino.

She was proficient in modern, ancient, Chinese, and other literary subjects, and was a worthy liberal arts genius in school. As long as it's a liberal arts-related subject, the scores are all perfect. The compositions she wrote even surprised the Chinese teacher. Her approachable character and her own beautiful girl attributes, whether in the same class or in the senior class, had a very high popularity, and was personally called the "Sleeping Beauty of the Literary Forest"——

Not only did she often sleep in class, she even slept when she said she slept in the exam, and even the supervisor called her to wake up.

As for the other girls...

Asakawa Naoki looked at the short girl who only reached his chest. If she wasn't wearing a high school uniform, she could easily be mistaken for an elementary school student walking down the street.

Ogata Rizu, short brown hair, blue eyes, serious personality, not smiling. Math, physics, chemistry, all science subjects, the test scores are always first in the class, and at school they have the title of 'Clockwork Thumbelina.

The intelligence data about Ogata Rizu floated in Asakawa Naoki's mind.

His height of 143cm is actually not accurate. As we all know, a person is taller in the morning than in the evening, and the physical examination time is in the morning, so Ogata Rizhu's height is definitely less than 1.43 meters.

A year later, it doesn't seem like his height has increased at all, as his viewing angle is lower than when she first met.

Weighing 46KG, she is clearly short and slender, don't know why she is so much heavier than an elementary school student of the same height.

Three size... Useless data, no need to memorize at all.

Asakawa Naoki knew these things for only one reason—knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, a hundred battles would be safe.

As an honor student, Asakawa Naoki has never won first place in any subject, which is undoubtedly very unsatisfactory, especially mathematics, being ruthlessly crushed in the subject he is best at, and his memory is naturally deep.

"Asakawa Naoki." The middle-aged principal sitting behind the desk crossed his fingers, posing in a classic pose similar to that of a certain commander, "You should know the two of them, right?"

"Ah…" Asakawa Naoki pushed the glasses that weren't on the bridge of his nose, "I know."

Not only know, but also very impressed.

Two people together dominate all the students, how could they not be known to each other?

"Kirisu sensei recommended you to be the educational guide for the two of them."

Asakawa Naoki turned to look at Kirisu Mafuyu, knowing that his superpowers would spiral out of control, so don't recommend him to do anything weird!

Kirisu Mafuyu was expressionless and motionless, ignoring Asakawa Naoki's gaze.

"Excuse me." Asakawa Naoki raised his hand, "What do you mean by educational guidance?"

The principal replied, "The instructor who helped them get accepted into the university of their choice."

"This kind of thing…" Asakawa Naoki said speechlessly, "Should the teacher be in charge?"

I am a student of the same class, and my grades in each subject are lower than others, so what should I use as an instructor!

"Kirisu sensei..." The headmaster glanced at Kirisu Mafuyu, and said in a low voice, "Education failed."

Asakawa Naoki: "😐"

No wonder if on the road she did not want to make a sound. As an educator, it must be very unfortunate to fail in the world of education, right?

But then again, they are clearly two talented girls, they can take classes while sleeping, and they are not idiots like Itsuki, how could they fail in education?

"Asakawa Naoki-kun." The headmaster said solemnly, "Would you like to accept this commission?"

Asakawa Naoki glanced at the expressionless Kirisu Mafuyu, looked out the window at Ogata Rizu, who didn't know what she was thinking, and the pitiful Furuhashi Fumino. After carefully weighing the pros and cons, he nodded and agreed:

"I accept."

Even though Kirisu Sensei said outside the door, "You decide whether to agree or not", but since she recommended it, she obviously hoped that he (Asakawa Naoki) would agree.

There is another reason, only knowing your opponent can beat your opponent.

"Then it will last for one month." The principal nodded lightly. "In the class exam in one month, if Ogata-san and Furuhashi-san's scores don't improve, the education instructor status will be automatically canceled."



After leaving the principal's office, it was time for class. Asakawa Naoki and the two girls didn't communicate much, they just agreed on a meeting place and then returned to class.

"Asakawa-san." Itsuki turned to look, the hair on the top of his head shook slightly, and his tone was a little worried, "Are you okay?"

Asakawa Naoki nodded and said, "I have something to do."


Itsuki was shocked. The correct answer right now should be 'it's okay', right?

Why is it different from the others?

"What is it?" Itsuki asked curiously, "Asakawa-san has good grades, why do you want to call your parents?"

When you mention work, do you call your parents? Come to think of it, the math scores of the five people didn't even reach the pass line, so it would be strange not to call the parents!


Time for lunch break.

After the bell rang, the class quickly became crowded. Asakawa Naoki didn't come out right away, but quietly read a book in class for a while, then got up and walked out after the classmates who were busy eating in the corridor scattered.

"Asakawa-san!" Itsuki who had already left the classroom, suddenly jumped from the corner, with his hands behind his back, and invited, "Let's have lunch together?"

Itsuki stretched out a leek white jade finger and placed it on his lips: "I made a love bento with my own hands yesterday."