Guessing the Quintuplets

Naoki took over the contract and his eyes fell on the first contract.

[Teacher's Duties: In the next exam, the five sisters must all pass the exam]


No wonder you guys change tutors as easy as changing clothes, this task is just hell level difficulty!

After all, Furuhashi and Ogata were girls at the genius level. They can get full marks in their respective fields, and have no problems with IQ at all. As for the five sisters of the Nakano family in front of Naoki... IQ is definitely not enough.

Naoki raised his eyebrows and continued to look down.

Hell difficulty level matches super high salary. Tutors' hourly pay is five times the industry standard of tutors. Next are some very common rights and obligations. Naoki read quickly and found no problems.

"I'm done."

Naoki retracted his gaze and placed the contract on the table with a calm expression.

The five sisters and a female assistant in suits all turned their heads.

"I advise you to leave quickly."

Nino put his hand on his chest, lifted his chin slightly, and said disdainfully, "I don't know how many tutors I've seen who say something confidently and then leave in despair."

"Bastard Asakawa, after all, in a few days, you will be like everyone else, choosing to give up?"

"Asakawa-san." Itsuki looks nervous.

The tutor was important, Naoki refused, and his father would be looking for someone else to come over, so it was natural for Itsuki to be worried, she even more wished for Naoki to become a tutor—for the first time on a study day at the library, Itsuki realized for the first time the joy of studying.

"Asakawa-san is a good person." Yotsuba put his hands together and clasped his chest "I'm sure you won't give up on us like the others, right?"

Miku's eyes flickered slightly, she and did not speak.

Ichika leaned back on the sofa, but smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, Asakawa-kun will definitely not let us down, I trust Asakawa-kun."

Where does your belief come from? If it weren't for my sexual orientation issues being a higher priority, I wouldn't be taking up this incredibly difficult tutoring assignment!

Naoki nodded and said, "I promise."

Turning misunderstandings into crooks is the top priority right now. As for the five sisters in front, if they all wanted to study like Itsuki, it was not impossible for them to be saved.

Itsuki heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you Asakawa-san."

"Asakawa-san really is a good person." Yotsuba smiled brightly.

"Hmph, you will definitely give up in a few days anyway." Nino snorted and turned his head away, "Just wait and see."

"Please sign and stamp here."

The female assistant's face was calm, and she did not have an unexpected expression. She thought none of the tutors before coming here would refuse. Even though the salary was high, few people could resist.

Naoki took the pen to sign, then took out the seal and stuck it, and the contract was successfully completed.

"From today onwards, Asakawa-kun is the young lady's official teacher." The female assistant took the contract and stood up and bowed slightly, "Lady, I will return to the company first."

"Pay attention to safety." Ichika stood up, rarely showing the attitude of her eldest sister, "Say our regards to Father."


As the female assistant got up and left, the five sisters immediately revealed their true colors.

"Bastard Asakawa."

Nino stood up, walked in front of Naoki, raised his right foot, and stepped on the sofa beside Naoki's feet, revealing smooth and well-proportioned legs wrapped in white stockings, which were exactly like standard foot stomping.

"Bastard Asakawa." Nino said condescendingly, "You only passed Father's level, and you haven't passed ours yet."

"It's clearly written in the contract. I am now a tutor, and there is no statement about your level."

"That's right." Yotsuba raised his hand "Nino has been planning this since last night, and will test Asakawa-san."

Naoki complains: "Reading is a test, and writing is difficult?"

"This is wordy." Nino opened his eyes wide, showed a very fierce expression, and hummed disdainfully, "I want us to cooperate with you on your studies, and then pass the exam first."

"It's actually very simple." Ichika supported her chin with her right hand, and lightly tapped her index finger against her cheek, with a very interested expression on her face, "Asakawa-san seems to have a special way of distinguishing the identities of our five sisters. Un, everyone is very curious, except mother, no one can tell us apart."

"So, how does Asakawa-kun tell us apart?"

The five sisters looked at Naoki curiously, even Nino had the worst attitude.

"No two leaves are identical in this world." Naoki looked at the five sisters in front of him, "Everyone is a unique individual, as long as I discover the uniqueness of each of you, I will become able to differentiate between you."

Although the five sisters look exactly the same, their personalities are distinctly different, for example the introverted Miku never takes the lead in walks, and usually follows behind others.

If the five sisters went shopping together, the girl walking behind was basically Miku.

"Wow, Asakawa-san is amazing." Yotsuba opened his eyes wide, "To be able to say such an amazing thing here, no one has ever said such a thing before."

Naoki said speechlessly, "This is what the ancient Greek philosopher Leibniz said, not what I said."

"Eh, ancient Greece?" Yotsuba blinked his eyes, with a thoughtful expression on his face "Was he the one who was splashed on his head by his wife's foot wash?"

"Enough already." Naoki could only complain, "That person is dead."

"I have learned in class." Ichika raised her hand, "Aristotle of ancient Greece said, 'Give me a fulcrum, and I can move the earth'."

"That person is Archimedes!" A black line fell on Naoki's head, "What are you guys doing in history class!"

Ichika: "Eat snacks."

Nino: "Chat."

Miku: "Sleep."

Yotsuba: "Play a game."

Itsuki: "…Don't remember."


"We went upstairs to change." Ichika stood up and waved softly, "Asakawa-san, wait a moment."

Before leaving, Itsuki brought a plate of biscuits: "Asakawa-san, eat first, we'll be late changing clothes."

"Thank you." Naoki politely thanked.

"And meat buns." Itsuki silently handed over a bag of meat meat, "You eat first, if it's not enough, I will bring it to you after changing."

Enough is enough, I haven't reached the point of being such a rice bucket yet!


After waiting for half an hour, when Naoki finished writing the fourth exam paper, the door was finally pushed open.

Itsuki who was burgundy haired walked out, then a second, third, fourth…

A total of five Itsuki lined up upstairs and walked one by one. The five of them walked to Naoki and stood still, and said firmly:

"Asakawa-san, please begin."

"No jokes allowed."

"It is also not allowed to ask questions related to the course."

The five sisters said in unison, "Who are we?"