The teacher is not happy

"Come back." Naoki pointed at the sofa, "Sit down."

Mafuyu sat down hesitantly.

"Is that the right leg?" Naoki said, "Spread it out."

"Do you really want to do that kind of thing?" Mafuyu hesitated and whispered, "I will rest for a while."

"No." Naoki said honestly, "When sensei is suffering, it is the responsibility of the students to lend a helping hand."

"Even if you say so…"

Mafuyu was still fighting between his rationality, and instinctively felt that something was wrong, but under the influence of alcohol, she didn't know where the problem was.

"There is no difference between men and women in front of doctors." Naoki snapped his fingers and ordered, "Stretch out your leg and make a quick decision."


Mafuyu turned her head to look away, and spread her legs timidly… It's not like a foot massage, but like an elementary school student who closes his eyes and waits for the teacher to hit his palm.

(Really stretched?)

(The drunken state is absolutely terrible. If I said these things at normal times, I would be punished by standing outside the door with a bucket)

(It's said that when other people get drunk, they get drunk and crazy. Instead, you've gone from a strict boss to a gentle cat who asks for anything!)

Naoki silently complained in his heart, while holding Mafuyu's right leg.

The first feeling was... so cold.

Not long after school started, it was early spring when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Temperatures in the morning and evening are generally very low, and girls generally have problems with cold hands and feet.

Mafuyu trembled slightly, and subconsciously wanted to pull back his legs.

"Do not move." Naoki instructed, and started tapping and squeezing gently, "Cold feet mean that blood circulation hasn't entered the nerve endings. Warm your feet first, then massage."

As for foot massage, Naoki is actually quite professional for a number of reasons.

Mafuyu hesitated for a moment, and finally turned his head to look at the TV quietly, as if she had put a entanglement in his heart, but unfortunately the deep red color remaining on his face could not be hidden.

"Sensei's feelings… No, silk stockings feel good."

Due to the difference in materials, girls' stockings feel much more comfortable than boys' cotton socks, so don't be shy about liking stockings. When stockings were first invented, they were originally intended for men. Those who like girls to wear stockings are misguided.

Naoki felt his hands smooth and smooth at this time, and the feeling of his hands was very good.

"What did you say?"

An extremely cold wind from Siberia swept over, instantly freezing the temperature in the room.

Naoki paused for a moment, then looked at Mafuyu.

Mafuyu with weak eyes had disappeared, replaced by a cold beauty with sharp eyes. If eyes could kill, Naoki would be bleeding by now.

"Hmm…" Naoki paused for half a second, then said doubtfully, "Does it taste good?"

Seeing Mafuyu's eyebrows raised, as if to become the goddess of death who froze everything, Naoki quickly confirmed that [Taciturn Cold Beauty] had returned firmly, and said firmly:

"Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Men can bend and stretch, tough when they need to be tough, and gentle when they need to be gentle. If a problem can be solved with an apology, don't slap in the face and push hard—of course, the premise is that you're at fault.

Mafuyu ordered in a cold voice, "Release your hands."


Naoki let go of his hand, got up and left: "The water is boiling, I will go and make tea for you."

When Naoki left, Mafuyu quickly bit her pink lips, and the toes of her right foot squeezed together subconsciously, her white jade fingers played with the blue silk around her ear, and the left foot was cold, even tingling. Not only was the right leg very hot, but there was also a strange numbness and tingling sensation, the slight pain from standing on the podium for a day had disappeared.

"W-Wait, we can't do this."

On TV, the drunk female heroine also woke up and hurriedly hugged her legs.

The male protagonist is struck by lightning: "This is definitely something that sensei promised herself… Do you want to take your word for it?"

"I don't want to regret it..." The female heroine stammered, "After all, I am your Sensei..."

"Sensei is just a temporary identity. If I get accepted into the university this year, the teacher-student relationship will end here. Phobias are a lifelong thing, so… please take responsibility for my life as a sensei!"

"I-I know!" The female heroine scratched her hair, her expression disheveled, "But only you and I know about this matter, and no one else at school should know about it."

(No way, as a sensei, I can't go back on my promise to the students, right?)

(The words I spoke, the things I promised, I have to take responsibility for...)

Mafuyu blinked, feeling that the scene before him was somewhat familiar.

"Then shall we continue it tomorrow morning?"

"Hah? How many times a day do you want!"

"If possible, allow me to have one morning and one night."

Naoki came out of the kitchen with tea, "Kirisu-sensei, please have some tea."

As he spoke, Naoki was already prepared to receive an extremely cold stare. Unexpectedly, Mafuyu only glanced at Naoki coldly, then quietly reached out to take his teacup.

Mafuyu took a sip of tea, tea with a medium temperature, neither hot nor cold quickly dispelled the cold at night, a hint of bitterness and sweetness blossomed quietly on the tip of the tongue, and then said with a cold face, "You must not tell me what happened tonight. to other people."


Only an idiot would say this, except to cause trouble for himself, it was meaningless at all.

Mafuyu continued: "Only this time, there won't be a second time."

"I suddenly remembered something..."


"There are only the first and countless times in the world." Naoki groaned inwardly.

Mafuyu's beautiful face condensed: "I didn't hear it clearly, please say it again."

Naoki said firmly, "Promise there won't be a next time."


"Would you like to change socks?"


Naoki: "There should be a beginning and an end in doing something."


Silent all night.

The next day at noon, lunch break.

"Asakawa-san." After having lunch in the cafeteria, Itsuki walked in through the back door satisfied, and said curiously, "There's a girl looking for you outside, she seems like a freshman in first year."

Naoki put the word book in his hand, turned his head to look at the door, a beautiful girl with burgundy hair was standing outside the door, but her face was cold, looking a little cold and alienated like "don't talk to me".

Seeing Naoki turn his head, the girl waved without speaking.

"I'm out for a bit."

Naoki put down the word book, got up and walked out.

Seeing the girl walking far behind Naoki, Itsuki became even more curious, "Asakawa-san doesn't have any friends in class... Who is this cute girl?"