Couple Package

Back to the apartment.

Naoki put down his school bag and materials, then sent a message to Mafuyu: "When can you leave?"

Mafuyu replied, "Soon."

If you don't believe me, leave immediately. Girls don't have the same concept of time as boys when it comes to dressing up while they're away. Even if the world ends in seconds, many girls will have to dress up beautifully to welcome the end of the world!

However, the next moment, the door next door opened with a 'click'.

Seeing Mafuyu coming out of the room, Naoki was immediately shocked.

Naoki quickly discovers the truth about Mafuyu's speed.

A red T-shirt from school, a pair of white sneakers on my feet, pink hair falling behind my shoulders, and straight pink hair. Except for the extra lady's bag in his hands, he didn't have the slightest bit of dressing up while grocery shopping.

It's just a matter of buying ingredients at the supermarket in front of the apartment, but the clothes are different when you go to eat at a restaurant. It is said that a good woman should beautify herself when she goes out! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with your natural beauty!

"What do you see?"

Mafuyu's eyes turned and looked at Naoki.

Naoki's expression remained unchanged, and naturally he wouldn't admit to looking for traces of Mafuyu's makeup: "I was just looking for a restaurant location, and it wasn't far. We just need to take the subway, we can get there in five stops."

In Tokyo, a city with convenient and advanced transportation, there is no difference between a five-stop direct subway.

Tong Mafuyu raised his hand, locked the door, and turned around and said, "Let's go."

Without talking all the way.

The two quickly walked to the subway station and swiped their cards to board the train. It was the rush hour of travel and the passengers were quite busy.

The two of them walked to a corner, and when the time was up, the subway sped forward with a soft hum.

Naoki grabbed the armrest with his right hand and took out his phone with his left, ready to take a quick look at Twitter to pass the time. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man with a briefcase walking behind Mafuyu.

Naoki grabbed Mafuyu's right hand only to feel it as cold as ice, so smooth and soft.


Mafuyu looked up in amazement and found that Naoki was grabbing his hand, and his expression suddenly turned cold.

"What are you doing now?"

Naoki didn't let go, instead, he used his arms to pull Mafuyu straight into his arms.

Not ready to be hugged by Naoki, Mafuyu hastily raised her left hand and supported Naoki's chest, with a huge blush on her face secretly surging, embarrassed and annoyed: "What are you doing!"

(I'm your teacher!)

(To actually do this kind of thing on the subway is too much!)

"Kirisu sensei..."

Naoki lowered his head and came closer.

Mafuyu's eyes widened and his body stiffened. If she gets bullied by a student on the subway... It's the end of his teacher career.

"There was a pervert behind you just now." Naoki approached Mafuyu's ear and whispered.


"Just now there was an empty handle in front of you, but he chose to stand behind you, that's not normal."

Whether it's a game or reality, there's no shortage of things like subway perverts. At the entrance and exit of every subway station, there will be many posters 'beware of perverts.

Mafuyu was shocked, biting her pink lip in embarrassment, and whispered: "How do you prove it?"

It was actually very simple to prove that the man in the suit was a pervert, as long as she took it when the other party stretched out his hand, she could obtain evidence.

"It's very simple, as long as you promise to let me use my superpowers..."

"Not allowed."

Mafuyu raised her pretty face and refused.

If there is a first time, there will be a second time What if you abuse your superpowers after getting addicted?

As a teacher, I must guide students on the right path!

Mafuyu turned his head to look, and immediately saw many passengers staring at them with delicate eyes, hastily blushed and lowered their heads: "You let go, many people are watching us."

"Yes." Naoki let go of his hand "You stand up."



No words for the rest of the journey, the subway soon arrived at the station, Naoki and Mafuyu got off the train until they entered the restaurant.

This restaurant should have just opened, and is on a joint promotion with other supermarkets. Its main content is China cuisine. Naoki saw a poster of the character "Liu Mao Xing" on the door.

As we all know, Chūka Ichiban was originally a Japan animation.

Moreover, the protagonist's real name is Liu Mao Xing.

"Welcome." The servant girl smiled sweetly, "Good evening, you two."

"Good night." Mafuyu opened the lady's bag and took out two coupons, "Here."

The servant girl took the coupon and quickly said, "You two, please wait."

In less than two minutes, two plates were brought out, and the service girl smiled and said, "The couple's package for the two is ready, please slow down."

"W-what?" Mafuyu was surprised, "A couple package?"

Naoki looked down at the two sets in front of him, except that the dishes were exactly the same, he really didn't see where it was the pairing set.

As for the misunderstanding of being a couple... Who told you to come out and wear a T-shirt from your school days! You're still very young and wearing student clothes, so it's easy to be misunderstood as a student!

"Is there any problem?" The servant girl bowed slightly, with a nervous expression on her face.

This servant must be a working student girl. Under Mafuyu's aura, she felt a little guilty and nervous, as if she had done something wrong.

"You misunderstand." Mafuyu said, "We are not a couple."

"That's right." Naoki took out the evidence and said casually, "Mafuyu is already 25 years old, this year…"

Mafuyu turned his head to look, his cold eyes made the surrounding temperature freeze rapidly, and there was even a 'kachakacha' sound which all froze in Naoki's ears.

Appearing again, the Ice Mage's extremely cold gaze!

25 isn't very old, much younger than an old woman who hasn't married herself at 30, why shouldn't I mention it!

"Sorry." The servant girl hurriedly bowed and apologized, holding the corners of her uniform with both hands, with a nervous and pitiful expression on her face, "I just came to work a few days ago, and I didn't ask clearly beforehand, I'm very sorry, I will give this a replacement…"

"No need." Mafuyu shook his head and finally didn't want to cause trouble for others. "Brother and sister can eat this too."