There is cat hair

Naoki grabbed Mafuyu's wrist.

Just now while being patronizing and talking, it was Mafuyu who didn't pay attention to his footsteps. She hesitated whether to thank him or not.

Naoki said quickly:

"You will fall if I don't catch you."

"You…" Mafuyu touched her wrist, and said angrily, "You don't have to worry."

Naoki complained: "You don't care if your face hits the ground first?"

"Shall we take the subway back?"

Naoki asked.

"No." Mafuyu shook his head, "I'll walk back, it's not far anyway... You take the subway yourself."

Naoki complained "Not every time you meet a pervert."

"Who said I was worried about meeting a pervert?" Mafuyu half narrowed her eyes and looked at him disdainfully, "I was talking about you."

"Let's go together." Naoki put his hand in his pocket "I don't want to take the train either."

Mafuyu didn't speak and walked forward.

Naoki stepped up to follow.

The two of them walked past the flashing neon lights on the side of the road and walked towards the apartment together.

Without talking all the way.

While passing through the garden, Mafuyu suddenly stopped in his tracks, tilted his head: "Did you hear anything?"

"Voice?" Naoki listened intently, "What sound?"

"Sounds like a cat meowing…"

Mafuyu walked into the garden, "Let's find out."

The two listened to the sound to identify the location and started looking for the cat. They soon found the short-tailed cat behind the bushes, and the necklace around its neck was somehow hanging from a branch.

This cat shouldn't be a stray cat. Seeing Naoki and Mafuyu coming, the cat was not afraid of people and continued to meow.

"Sure enough, it's a cat." Mafuyu's eyes brightened slightly, she squatted with a closed skirt, and then reached out and gently stroked the cat's head, in a rare soft voice, "Don't be afraid, I will save you."

It turns out that apart from being drunk, do you still show a soft side next time?

Seeing Mafuyu being busy for a while, Naoki squatted down: "I'll do it."

The shackles on the cat's neck were quickly released, and the short-tailed cat meowed, fled quickly, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Mafuyu looked at the cat and left without looking back, with a slightly disappointed expression on her face.

"Kirisu-sensei likes cats?" asked Naoki.

"Yes." Mafuyu nodded lightly.

"Why don't you have a cat?"

In recent years, Japan's birth rate and marriage rate have been decreasing year by year, and Japan has officially entered society with low wishes. In the final analysis, it is difficult for most people to support themselves, let alone a family. In this case, more and more people keeping pets are considered as family members.

For example Naoki has two hamsters... After his sister Rin lost interest, she threw them to his pet.

"I'm allergic to cat dander." Mafuyu shook her head, "And…"

Moreover, I can't even clean my room properly, and I'm very reluctant to take care of myself, let alone keep a cat.

While talking, a man and a woman came. Even though they weren't wearing school uniforms, they were clearly high school students at their age.

"Do not talk."

Mafuyu ordered in a low voice.

The two of them quietly squatted behind the bushes, which was easy to misunderstand. Mafuyu frowned preparing to wait for the two to leave before getting up.

Unfortunately, that wish did not come to fruition.

The two high school students did not go far, but sat on a bench beside the bushes.

Naoki is not interested in listening to high school students talk about love, so he takes out his cell phone to pass the time, and suddenly sees Mafuyu looking away in panic.

"What is wrong?"

Naoki realized something was wrong, looked up and fell silent.

The weather was very cold, but the little couple on the bench was hot! The boy carried the girl and exchanged saliva, tsk tsk, quite loudly!

"H-How could they do such a thing?" Mafuyu bit her pink lips, "Obviously they are still high school students… they should focus on studying."

Times have changed, and if you take past experiences to look at today's high school students, you're out of style!

What kind of kiss is a high school student? Elementary school couples are also everywhere. There are also office workers complaining on Twitter. Hear a group of elementary school students discussing their girlfriend's kissing skills at the train station!

Naoki found that compared to himself and Ichika, the current middle school students were very good at playing.

Two people kissing is enough, the boy is completely dishonest, he has already put his hands in the girl's clothes, which is satisfying! At a young age, he had already set his ambition to study medicine in the future, and he had developed a good habit of examining his body since he was a child!

Naoki suddenly recalled with the animal world he saw on the Internet: "Spring is the time when all things pair up…"

No wonder humans can occupy the top position in the food chain, because humans are terrible creatures who lust 365 days a year!

"Too many!"

Mafuyu was embarrassed and couldn't help but get up and stop her. For high school students, kissing is enough, and other pevert things should be prohibited.

If you just woke up now, it would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?

Naoki retracted his gaze and continued scrolling through the news, showing no interest in the high school student's intimacy, but after a while, a cold, soft and delicate hand grabbed his wrist.

"Kirisu sensei?"

Naoki turned his head in surprise, and saw Mafuyu's pretty face blush, with an expression of trying to hold on.

"What are you doing?" Naoki was immediately shocked.

Is it possible to see high school students kissing influenced by the environment?

Don't forget that I am your student. Teachers who attack students will lose their qualifications!

Wait... Of course it's unforgivable for a male teacher to attack a female student, but it seems it would be tolerable for a female teacher to attack a male student?

The short manga that Naoki read with Nanjo a while back is a love comedy between a female teacher and a male student... As long as you are brave, the female teacher should take maternity leave!

The next moment.


A sudden sneezing sound was heard, and the sequelae of cat dander allergy finally arrived.

A pair of high school students, who were completely obsessed with each other, were taken aback, the girl's exclamation and the boy's painful moans sounded as if their tongues had been bitten.

"Someone is eavesdropping."

"Let's go."

The pair of high school students turned red, like rabbits with needles pricked their buttocks, jumped in panic, and fled quickly.

The surroundings suddenly became silent.

Naoki looked at Mafuyu and stretched out his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Mafuyu fled in a panic, in a tone of embarrassment and annoyance, "I am your teacher!"

Knowing that you are a history teacher, this identity does not need to be repeated every time!

"Listen to me explain..."

"Don't explain, go back and copy the school rules a hundred times!"

"No, you have cat hair on your face."