Thank you Miku for not killing

"No way… I can't walk back barefoot…"

"If you persist, you can damage your skin, or even get a bacterial infection..."

Miku secretly found a reason in her heart, looked at Naoki's back which was not too wide but very calming, took a light breath, leaned forward in front of Naoki, and spread her arms, slowly wrapped around Naoki's neck.

"Hold on tight."

Naoki reached out his hand to support Miku's bent legs and stood up.

It's lighter than I imagined, it's definitely less than 50 kilograms, and the exact weight can only be asked on the scales, but if it were replaced with Itsuki, it must have weighed more than two pounds—a bowl of ramen filled with soup and water.


Miku answered softly.

"I'm not responsible for falling."

Miku puffed out her cheeks, displeased: "I don't want you..."

Midway through the words, Miku's voice paused, and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

If she accidentally falls... Naoki must take responsibility.

"Let's go home."

Naoki stepped forward.

Smelling laundry detergent on Naoki, Miku turned to look at the streetlights on both sides of the street.

"One two three..."

In his memory, the last time she was brought home was when she was very young. The person holding her was his mother. It was also at night, and it seemed like it was still snowing in the sky. Most of the memories were hazy, but Miku clearly remembered that her mother was very warm back then.

Now... also very warm.

With both hands wrapped around Naoki's neck, Miku could clearly feel the heat emitted from Naoki, warm and hot, and even the cold night breeze seemed to be gentle.

Gently pressing her chin on Naoki's shoulder, Miku quietly turned to look at Naoki's profile, then looked forward and landed on the ground.

It was quiet all around.

It was as if there had only been Naoki and himself the whole night, and on the ground was the shadow of the two converging, slowly extending into the distance with footsteps.

Although Miku wanted to deny it, but actually, leg pain and bacterial infection were not the real reason.

If it was a commoner who wanted to carry herself, Miku would rather take off her shoes and walk back barefoot than agree to ask someone for help, so there's only one real reason… not to bother.

Even though I keep calling Reckless Asakawa, and occasionally saying some weird things that displease people and make me angry, but I can't hate him at all, or actually a little...

"I'm dying."

Naoki's voice suddenly sounded in the night wind.


Miku quickly woke up from her own world, "What's wrong? Am I too heavy?"

"It's not heavy, it's better to say it's right behind." Miku is too light, but she won't feel it, Naoki complained "If you don't loosen up a bit, I'll be strangled by you."

This time, Miku found that she subconsciously tightened her arms, from gently wrapping them to hugging her tightly. The temperature of his already hot face rose again, and she quickly loosened his arms.

"Thanks for not killing me, Miku." Naoki took a deep breath and said slowly, "I came back to life."

"Stupid Asakawa."

Miku puffed her cheeks and was displeased, so she didn't hug her so tightly. The frivolous Naoki was clearly deliberately teasing people: "Guilty, Harakiri."

"It hurts too much, I refuse."

"Take painkillers to relieve the pain."

"It's cheating to take painkillers for Harakiri, so I refuse anyway."

The two of them walked forward while talking, and immediately walked out of the residential area and came to the commercial street.

"There's a convenience store up ahead," Naoki said.

"Hah?" Miku is confused.

"Shoe mill, just stick the plater. Would you like to come in and buy two plasters?"

Although plaster is a trivial gadget, it has many uses. The most common function is to attach it to the wound to prevent bacterial infection and accelerate wound healing. Plasters can greatly reduce pain. Girls with chuunibyou can put bandages on their faces to support the seal.

Some girls with bad boobs can take photos of their chests to prevent them from disappearing.

Miku understood: "Alright, buy some plaster."

When she was about ten meters from the convenience store, Miku quickly said, "Reckless Asakawa, drop me off quickly, I'll go myself."

Warm and sweet breath fell on his ears, making his ears itch a little.


Naoki tilted his head slightly and put the girl on his back.

With the thickness of Miku's cheeks, she was obviously embarrassed to let herself go all the way to the convenience store, but if it was replaced by Ichika... Naoki always felt that even if it was a princess hug, it would be too cheeky!

Miku naturally noticed Naoki's small movements, her face became hot for a while, and she rushed away from Naoki. After walking, she took less than two steps, and the searing pain struck again.

"Reckless Asakawa."

Miku stretched out her hand to hold the corner of Naoki's clothes, she turned her head and looked into the distance, it seems that there is something very interesting on the empty road: "Hurry up and go."


The two of them walked into the convenience store, and someone happened to be carrying cotton candy at the door. Once the caramel is colored, cotton candy that is as soft and silky as air immediately appears in a variety of beautiful colors.

Miku looked at the cotton candy, and suddenly remembered the scene of going home with Naoki on the first day, and then eating cotton candy on the street, and her footsteps involuntarily slowed down.

"Want some cotton candy?" Naoki said.

"Don't want to."

Miku withdrew her gaze, shook her head in denial, paused for a moment, then raised her hand to pull the blue silk near her ear, and whispered, "I just had dinner, I drank milk tea again, and I will gain weight if I eat again... Maybe next time."

The reason for his refusal was to gain weight, not 'too full to eat'! Sure enough, my guess was right, you are actually the same as Itsuki, you must also have the big belly king attribute, but it's just a hidden state!

The two of them bought a box of plaster, and after paying the bill, they left the shop together.

"There's a garden in front, let's sit down." Naoki looked around, "Then put some plaster on."

Tokyo is a small city with a large population. Unlike European countries, there are benches for people to rest in the streets and alleys. If you want to rest, you should sit in a cafe or go to the park.


Miku nodded lightly, and naturally stretched out her hand to hold Naoki's clothes. After all, she doesn't know the way, so what should I do if I don't hold him?

The two of them quickly walked to the small garden. It's more than 7 pm. It's cold outside at night. The park was empty and silent, only the streetlights shone dimly. Of course, no one would come on a cold day.

"There's a gazebo over there."

Naoki walked with Miku. There were a few stone tables and chairs, and the tops were clean. There must be an old geezer who used to play chess and drink tea here and reminisce about life.

Miku placed her school bag on the stone table, then covered her skirt with her hands, sat down, bent down and took off her shoes, and sighed lightly, "Huh..."

What should I do if my shoes grind my feet?

The best way, of course, is to just take it off.

Beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings suddenly appeared in the air, looking slender and slender, and the delicate curve from the knees to the toes clearly had an unspeakable temptation.

Naoki was silent for two seconds, then quickly retracted his gaze and took out his cell phone.

If I saw it for a second, I would definitely be noticed by Miku, and then puff out the steamed bun face and declare myself guilty!

Miku looked at Naoki, stuck her fingers into the hem of the stockings, and gently removed the stockings, as if there was no friction between the stockings and the skin on her legs, she easily retreated to the end.

Naoki looked out of the corner of his eye, saw Miku taking off her stockings, revealing her snow white skin and her cute toes curled together. His Heart: The scene in front of him is expected to remain in his memory forever.

"Good thing I'm wearing stockings today."

Girls were quite sensitive to boys' eyes, so Miku could naturally detect Naoki's gaze, but she didn't say anything to repel people, "He actually likes to see girls take off their stockings… Should have controlled the legs and the stockings mentioned in the book?"

"Sure enough, it was the reckless, pervert Asakawa."

When she left until the end, Miku was a little embarrassed, the stockings in her hands stretched to the limit, and then flew with a 'pop'.

Looking at the stockings flying in front of him, Naoki grabbed them subconsciously, felt smooth and soft, only a thin ball, and held it easily in his palm.

Naoki looked at the stockings in his hands: "It feels a bit..."

"Forbidden Words!"

Miku's shy voice was heard.


Naoki looked at Miku whose face suddenly turned red, and asked in confusion, "What kind of forbidden speech technique?"

"Don't talk for the next five minutes." Miku stared wide-eyed, as if as long as Naoki spoke a word, he would be instantly punished, pulled to the gallows and executed instantly.

Naoki nodded in understanding.

"Give me back the stockings."

Miku took the stockings and breathed a sigh of relief.

Impossible. After walking that far, his feet would definitely be sweaty. It's normal for stockings to get a little wet, but it's good to know, it's absolutely not allowed to say so.

Miku took the tape, tore it off, put it on the heel, and quickly put on the stockings, her expression calmed down, and she wasn't a person with many expressions.

Miku put on her shoes and stood up, "Let's go."

Naoki didn't answer, turned around silently and walked out.

"To the train station?"

"Why don't you speak?"

Naoki pointed his finger at his mouth.

Miku quickly understood, she puffed out her cheeks lightly: "Forbidden speech technique raised."

"No." Naoki said earnestly, "Less than five minutes, so I can't talk."

"You just spoke clearly."

"It was a hallucination."


After the plaster was put on, the pain in the leg was greatly reduced, and there was no problem with walking, but Miku was still holding onto the corner of Naoki's clothes.

Immediately after walking to the train station, Miku let go of her hand and said softly, "...See you tomorrow."

Naoki was confused: "Tomorrow?"

"Wuu—" Miku came over, "Don't forget to come tomorrow as a tutor."