Counting to fall into a trap

Facing Wu Ming's doubts, Tamamo-no-Mae covered her mouth with her sleeve and smiled slightly.

"That's what I thought, and that's why I said that the summoning of the Demon God's Pillar has nothing to do with Osakabehime."

Geez, this is even selling comrade information.

Wu Ming shook his head helplessly.

"Since there's nothing else to do, then I'll go first. Nightingale might not be able to hold it in anymore." With that, Wu Ming was about to leave.

"Wu Ming-sama." Tamamo-no-Mae suddenly opened her mouth and called Wu Ming by his real name.

"Hah?!" Wu Ming turned his head and looked at Tamamo-no-Mae.

Facing Wu Ming's staring eyes, Tamamo-mae smiled apologetically, then said.

"You are a being blessed by the incarnation of Amaterasu, so use that power well."

After saying this, Wu Ming left. After all, if dragged, Nightingale would really die.

Soon after, Wu Ming recalled the previous scene, and he used pseudo Chains of Heaven to pull Nightingale back.

"Is it a blessing from the Sun God?" Wu Ming recalled what Tamamo-no-Mae had said, thinking about the rain of the sun.

"By the way, Shuten Douji, have you ever felt the despair brought on by the sun?" With that said, Wu Ming closed his eyes and started to feel the magical power entering his body accidentally.

"Ahhhh~ I don't even feel hopeless in Minamoto no Yorimitsu, can you make me despair~"

The Demon God Pillar let out a strange sound, and then started attacking first.

The countless eyes on the Demon God's Pillar accelerated, condensing magic power, and then, each eye released a ray of heat comparable to that of a holy sword.

The heat rays gathered to form a huge beam of light with a diameter of 100 meters, hitting the positions of Wu Ming and Nightingale.

Wu Ming opened his eyes and then waved his hand.

"—Gate (portal)—" With a simple spell, purple ripples appeared under Nightingale's feet.

Nightingale fell instantly, and after Wu Ming heard the scream, Nightingale was completely swallowed up by the purple ripples.

"—Present Mind Arthur (Arthur Gift Armor)—"

Once again liberating this Noble Phantasm concept, all the armor on Wu Ming's body fell off, forming a shield, the shield formed a thin layer, and greeted the hot beam emitted by the Demon God's Pillar.


The imagined explosion did not come. A layer of shield light disperses all the heat rays that are swallowed, and turns it into pure magic power to spread out, and a hissing sound comes out.

"—Gate—" Saying the incantation again, Wu Ming's figure behind the shield disappeared, leaving only purple ripples.

"——————" Suddenly, the Demon God Pillar let out an incomprehensible sound, a scream belonging to the Demon God Pillar.

Behind the Demon God Pillar, Wu Ming held his holy spear, and the first half of the holy spear pierced the eye behind the Demon God Pillar.

Although there were eyes behind the Demon God Pillar, but because Wu Ming appeared so quickly, the Demon God Pillar didn't react at all.

As for how Wu Ming got here, at this moment, the purple ripple behind Wu Ming that was slowly closing had become a powerful explanation.

Wherever he was, wherever he could look, Wu Ming could use his portal.

Wu Ming pulled out the holy spear from the Demon God Pillar's eyes, jumped back suddenly, and left the Demon God Pillar's body.

On leaving, a large amount of dark purple mist emerged from the eyes of several Demon God Pillars in the vicinity.

Undoubtedly, if Wu Ming did not dodge, he would probably be enveloped in that deep purple mist.

Wu Ming, who does not have a protective armor, does not dare to be careless, even if the dark purple fog is not like a poisonous mist, but who knows if it will melt in an instant.

Due to the damage, the Demon God's Pillar also stopped releasing the heat rays, and as a result, Wu Ming's Noble Phantasm also stopped.

However, Wu Ming did not let Noble Phantasm take off the recovery armor. Compared to the armor form of the Noble Phantasm, the shield form after the release of this real name was more useful.

But it can't move quickly and on time.

The Demon God Pillar naturally noticed that the shield did not come to Wu Ming in time.

Immediately after, the eyes behind the Demon God Pillar began to violently rotate, and as the magic power condensed, a ray of heat was also emitted, and the target was naturally Wu Ming behind the Demon God Pillar.


The shield that emerged from the purple ripples resisted the attack of the Demon God's Pillar.

Although there was no way for the shield itself to arrive in time, Wu Ming had a way to make the shield come.

The portal that Wu Ming used to teleport behind the Demon God's Pillar at the back of the shield was not closed. He expanded it and opened another portal in front of him, which naturally allowed the shield to come in.

Next, Wu Ming sneaked into the Demon God's Pillar through the portal, the Demon God's Pillar attacked him, and he used the portal to withstand the damage, and the process repeated.

Even though there seemed to be an advantage for Wu Ming, it really wasn't.

Since Wu Ming had that conceptual Noble Phantasm, the Demon God Pillar couldn't actually injure him, but Wu Ming's attack didn't work for the Demon God Pillar either.

Wu Ming to stab the spear into another place, but after stabbing, the strong body of the Demon God Pillar will recover the wound he suffered.

One is the spiritual base after cheating Dragon of the Root, and the other is the Demon God Pillar controlled by Shuten Douji, both of whom are mystery creatures at this time.

This created an extremely embarrassing situation, Wu Ming could not defeat the Demon God Pillar, and the Demon God Pillar could not defeat Wu Ming.

"Ah, ah, your tortoise shell is really hard." Shuten Douji was not bothered, and said very easily.

"Your ability to recover isn't bad, Demon God Pillar." Wu Ming replied.

"Hehe~ Since that's the case, then I won't be playing with you~" After the Demon God Pillar finished speaking, the huge Demon God Pillar started moving towards Gudako.

She would not accompany Wu Ming to fight in this unsolvable battle, and would get rid of the most important character directly.

Wu Ming will definitely not allow it, once again through the portal to a certain eye of the Demon God Pillar, the holy spear was stabbed.

The Demon God Pillar was used to having his eyes pierced, and since Shuten Doji wasn't ready to respond yet, the Demon God Pillar didn't use any action.

But Wu Ming laughed.

"Found it."

Wu Ming had said before that he wanted Shuten Doji to try the despair brought on by the sun, and he closed his eyes to feel the blessings of the rain of the sun. Of course, it was impossible to play a boring show with the Demon God Pillar.

The reason why Wu Ming continued to stab the Demon God Pillar was actually to search for the Holy Grail within the Demon God Pillar.

Wu Ming didn't think that the summoned Demon God Pillar would set aside the Holy Grail instead of swallowing it. It could be said that if there was no Holy Grail, then the strength of the Demon God's Pillar would definitely decrease.

However, Wu Ming was not like taking or destroying the Holy Grail.

At this moment, a large amount of black mist suddenly enveloped Wu Ming, which was a magic erosion mist that was purer than the previous deep purple mist.

"Ahhhh~ I already knew you were looking for the Holy Grail, thank you~ I purposely let you find it~" Shuten Douji sneered.

After all, Shuten Douji is not a fool, she knows Wu Ming's thoughts by guessing, so she devised this trick, please put the jar, and let Wu Ming fall into the trap.

"Of course I know this is a trap. After all, it's impossible for me to find the Holy Grail if it's yours, so I took the initiative to jump into this pit." A low voice came from the black mist, and it was sufficient. The spirit's voice didn't seem to have been eroded at all.

"After all, this is how I release my power."