Furuhashi is No. 1 in the World

"I am very tired..."

Furuhashi was lying on the table, the cat ear hair accessory on top of his head shaking with his breath.

Being super popular, there were almost no distractions, and there were even guests who gave full marks to come visit Furuhashi twice.

"You worked hard, Fumino-chan."

Asumi raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, with a faint smile on her face "Let's go to the back to change clothes, if we don't come back, Kouhai-kun can't wait. "

Furuhashi blushed and hastily replied, "Asakawa-san and I are not the kind of relationship you think."

"I'll go home." Naoki packed his school bag and said, "You don't have to wait for me."

"Is Kouhai-kun an idiot?"

Asumi stretched out a finger, and poked Naoki's chest, "Why are you so tall, next time I stab you, remember to crouch for me first."

Squat down and let me kiss your forehead, and then be taken away by the police on charges of pedophilia, go to the police station for tea?

Only a fool would do such a troublesome thing!

"Don't want to."

Naoki suggested, "You can bring a stool..."


Asumi slapped the table with a slap on the table, with a super fierce expression on his face, "Kouhai-kun, you can't talk nonsense, watch out for misfortune to come out of your mouth."

Letting you just carry a small stool is definitely a reasonable proposal, and it's not a disaster!


It didn't take long for Furuhashi and Asumi to change clothes and exit the changing room.

"Kouhai-kun~" Asumi was still angry, and asked with a smile, "Do you think Fumino-chan in a maid outfit is cute, or in her school uniform is cute?"

Naoki suddenly appeared with a word in his mind: The question of death?

Similar topics often appear on the Internet. Questions and answers that seem simple are actually full of pitfalls, such as "my best friend is better, or my best friend." No matter which one you choose, it is the wrong answer, and you will not get any points, instead points will be deducted!

Naoki's expression became serious, and he analyzed his answer with the thoughts of an outstanding student, and quickly got the right answer, "They are all cute."

It looks like a multiple choice question, but it actually hides the wrong persuasion. The correct answer is a multiple choice question!

And from a human aesthetic point of view, Furuhashi is indeed a very cute girl, Nine out of ten people would say that she is cute.

It's just a flat chest.

The maid couldn't help at all.

It was to be expected that Furuhashi would definitely not be wearing an evening gown in the future.


Furuhashi had just come out to hear these words, and his face suddenly turned red with. She's obviously the very cold Asakawa-san, but she actually compliments people... That's too weird!

"Fumino-chan, here is your salary for today."

Asumi handed over the money.

"Isn't...too much?" Furuhashi hesitated.

The part-time jobs were all hourly wages, and the maid's hourly wage was slightly higher, at 1,200 yen per hour, but the money was definitely more.

"Don't worry, nothing's wrong." Asumi waved her hand, "Besides the salary, there's also a bonus from the shop manager, because Fumino-chan is the most popular maid right now, and all the guests have been giving compliments..."

Furuhashi still wanted to refuse, "How about the bonus, when I first started, I was clumsy and squeezed the tomato sauce on the back of the guests' hands..."

"The guest is not angry, but happy."

Naoki said beside her.


"I heard it while I was reading. He said that the clumsy Fumino-chan was really cute. It was the first time I had skin-to-skin contact with a girl, and I didn't wash my hands for three days after I got home."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Furuhashi's head, and she couldn't help but say, "Just to help wipe the sauce off his hands, that guest…"

"Very sad!"

Asumi quickly picked it up, and at the same time beckoned with her eyes, "Relax, Fumino-chan, you can't speak ill of customers in the cafe."

Even if you know that the other party is a pervert, you can't say it.

Naoki continued, "The guest also said that he wanted to buy back tissues to wipe his hands as a family heirloom."

As for the gathering process, whether it will do strange things to the network all of a sudden, is unknown.

Previously, there was an American actress who sold a piece of snot tissue for $100,000 at auction, and then there were hand wipes from Furuhashi. There are indeed many deviations in this world.

Furuhashi: "Call the police?"

Asumi: "Ah, you really should call the police."


Waving to the shopkeeper, and the three walked out of the cafe together.

"Fumino-chan, you want to work again tomorrow?"

Asumi asked.

"I don't want it anymore." Furuhashi shook his head and refused, and said softly, "The midterms are coming soon. I will study hard in the next few days, if I fail the exam…"

Furuhashi suddenly remembered something very serious and couldn't help but stare at Naoki.

Naoki is now a study instructor. If she fails the exam, Asakawa-san will be expelled as a study instructor by the principal, and then... Let a stranger teach herself and Ricchan?

There is absolutely no such future.

So in the next period of time, I have to put in 120% of my effort and over study!

"You guys are really going to the left, so I'm not heading towards you." Asumi waved, "Fumino-chan, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Asumi-senpai."

Furuhashi replied with a smile.

"Kouhai-kun~" Asumi looked away, looked at Naoki, and whispered in his ear in a voice enough for Furuhashi to hear, "Don't lie to Fumino-chan to go to foreign places."

"Asumi-senpai, don't say weird things!"

"Huh, boys are all beasts, Fumino-chan can't take it lightly."

"That's right, I will turn into a gorilla when I see the moon." Naoki narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Especially hunting middle school students…"

Asumi jumped up and hit Naoki's knee, "Kouhai-kun, accept the punishment from the iron fist of justice!"

One of the most hated words from Asumi, namely junior middle school students.

Saying goodbye to Asumi, Naoki and Furubashi walked towards the train station.

"I didn't expect Asumi-senpai to work so quietly in a maid cafe."

Furuhashi stepped on a white square brick on the ground, and said, "She is cute and gentle, and it is much more reliable than at school."

"School is the real thing." Naoki saw the truth, "The maid cafe is just a disguise."

"I think it's mischievous, mischievous, or gentle and cute, that's all Asumi-senpai." Furuhashi raised his hand to hold the hair near his ear, and said softly, "It's like Asakawa-san, even though it always looks cold, but…"

Sometimes there are moments of tenderness.