We have a traitor

"Sorry, Fumino-chan."

The Thor club trio defended Furuhashi in the middle, gnashing their teeth one by one, filled with righteous anger.

"It is all our fault that you were bullied!"

"You really misunderstood." Furuhashi raised his hands to cover his face, lay on the table, afraid to see anyone, the tips of his ears turned pink "It's just that my leg slipped accidentally, so I didn't do that kind of thing."

"But we asked the two little girls in first grade, and they all said at once that someone was holding you."

"I'm not, that's a rumour!"

The school gossip was too scary, obviously just slipped and was hugged by Asakawa-san, and one afternoon, it became a strong kiss on the wall, and tomorrow morning, I will have a child!

The Thorn Club trio sat up straight and smiled dangerously.

"Since it's a rumor, Fumino-chan will tell the boy's name?"

"Yes, tell us who that man is."

"He saved Fumino-chan, we should naturally thank him."


Furuhashi hesitated, his eyes wandered and said: "I don't know… I don't know which class that boy is in."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know him." The pink-haired girl smiled and said, "After school, we accompanied Fumino-chan to squat at the school gate. Fumino-chan doesn't know him name, so she won't even forget him appearance, right?"

"Makes sense."

"Just do it."

The thorn club trio looked at each other and reached a kill vote.

Furuhashi lied.

If it was an unknown man, even though embarrassed, she would still say it openly, and now protecting secretly, it was clear that she had hidden feelings.

Furuhashi: "..."


Why is that?

Obviously just want to run on an empty stomach and burn fat, why is it suddenly making headlines at school?

Furuhashi was lying on the table, raising his eyes to look at the blackboard, his face was red, and his eyes were full of tears.

Now there is good news and bad news ahead of her.

The bad news is that it exposes itself.

The good news is that Naoki hasn't been revealed yet.

If someone finds out that the male lead is Asakawa-san... There will be danger!


"I must be silent." Furuhashi made up his mind, "Don't let Asakawa-san get caught, otherwise it will be dangerous."

Furuhashi took out his cell phone, checked the time, and saw that class was about to start, she secretly messaged Naoki.

"Asakawa-san, I won't be going to the library for two days. We have to keep our distance."


Naoki quickly responded to the message.


"The more critical the moment, the calmer it is, everything is as usual, like meeting a tiger in the wild, turning and running will only make you die faster. The correct way is as usual, don't panic at all."

Furuhashi blinked: "I see, it's momentum. As long as the momentum is strong enough, the tiger will retreat."

"The answer is wrong." Naoki said m "This way I can make my death more dignified."

Furuhashi: "..."

"Don't panic, the more you panic, the more suspicious others will become. There are many times in life when you have to pretend to be calm, like going to school without panties on, pretending to be wearing panties…"

"Which girl would go to school without panties!"

With a school of that size, there must be more than one or two girls who don't wear panties. Don't judge others by your moral standards. Many of the moral values of women are the same as those of men, and all of them are negative!

"Kashima-san and the others already suspect you." Furuhashi blushed and said carefully, "Just now they asked me if it was you."

"Don't worry as long as you can't show evidence." Naoki didn't panic at all, "I have successfully joined the assassination team."

"Hah?" Furuhashi was confused, "What?"

"The man from the Furuhashi Protection Association is forming a group to kill me, I just filled out my name on the form, and all the information is clear."

Furuhashi could only complain: "…Is this the traitor among us?"


A class passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye it was time to disband.

Naoki walked out of the classroom with his school bag, and soon there was a scream from behind.

"Asakawa-san, wait a moment."

Naoki stopped, turned and looked back, and the trio of Thorns gathered.

"Asakawa-san." The girl with pink hair put her hands behind her back and said with a smile, "Thank you for looking after Fumino-chan during the day."


Furuhashi who was following the three was shocked. Could it be that Asakawa-san has been found out?

"What are you talking about?" Naoki had a confused expression on his face, "I didn't see Furuhashi-san during the day."

The three girls from the Thorn Club secretly glanced at each other.

(Did we guess wrong?)

(He didn't panic at all, it must be the wrong person.)

"Oh, I'm sorry." The pink-haired girl bowed and apologized, "I recognized the wrong person."


Naoki shook his head gently, without any disturbance in his heart, and even a little disgusted.

You actually want to persuade me in such a simple way, stop kidding! Seeing the three of you aggressive, I know that you guys are not good, and with vigilance, how could I fall into such a childish trap!

Another short-haired girl from the Thorn Club coughed lightly and asked curiously:

"Un, what kind of girl does Asakawa-san like?"

Naoki showed doubts: "This kind of question involves personal privacy, and I refuse to answer it."

"Why are you shy?" The short-haired girl who asked the question raised her hand to cover her mouth and said in a low voice, "I can introduce girls to Asakawa-san."

"Okay, then I say so."

"Hey, you changed your mouth too fast!"

"Actually..." Naoki looked serious, "I like younger girls."


"Under 14 is the best."

The three girls from the Thorn Club stared wide-eyed and panicked and retreated.


"You actually like girls under the age of 14, pervert Asakawa-san!"

"Fumino-chan, let's go."

The fact proved that the self-destruct effect was very good, not only succeeded in dispelling suspicion, but also made the trio of thorns who asked the question retreat in panic.

Naoki retracted his gaze and was about to go to the library when a girl in a white coat and tied in a high ponytail suddenly jumped out from behind.

"Hahaha, I'm the one holding the evidence!" Sekijou Sawako held her cell phone in her right hand, raised it and said proudly, "Asakawa Naoki, I have used the cell phone to record what you said earlier, it can be used as evidence in court at any time."

"Are you threatening me?"

Naoki's facial expression gradually turned cold.

"That's right." Sekijou lifted his chin, and hummed proudly, "I threaten you, don't delay Ogata Rizu's lessons in the future."

A happy smile appeared on Sekijou's face: "Hurry up and let her give up the desire to study liberal arts, I'm going to play the record right now to Ogata Rizu, and you will definitely be hated by her."

"Good idea." Naoki nodded in agreement, "Unfortunately…it's too late."