Journey to Kamakura

"The clue has been found."

Naoki put down his phone and looked at the five Nakano family sisters around him, "Itsuki and I are going…"

"What are you talking about Asakawa-kun?" Ichika's expression became serious, "Of course we go together."

"That's right." Nino snorted softly, "I won't leave you and Itsuki alone, and you will definitely bully Itsuki again."

Miku said flatly and firmly: "Let's go together."

"Let's go." Yotsuba's face showed a bright smile full of vitality, "It's been a long time since everyone traveled together!"

The old woman's daughter went abroad to work with her husband. She had just given birth to a child, and she was unable to return in no time. Therefore, Naoki and Itsuki could only find family portrait photos.

However, Mito's family was not in Tokyo, but in Kamakura. To get the old photo, they had to take a bus to Kamakura.

Seeing that the five sisters had made up their minds, Naoki stopped saying, "Let's go."

The group left the shrine, took the subway to Shinjuku Station, then transferred to the JR Shinkansen and departed for Kamakura.

"Asakawa-kun, how long will it take to get to Kamakura?"

Sitting on the Shinkansen, Ichika asked softly.

"One hour and twenty minutes." Naoki looked at his phone, "If everything goes well, we will return at night."

Nino was surprised: "So so fast?"

"Didn't you watch the TV show that aired recently?" Naoki complained, "To save on rent, the male protagonist takes the Shinkansen to work in Tokyo during the day and returns to Kamakura to sleep by car. At night there are actually a lot of people going to work between these two places."

"By the way, Mother seemed to have gone to Kamakura to play when we were young." Miku looked out the window at the passing scenery. "There is a photo taken in front of the Great Buddha, Looks like the Great Buddha of Kamakura."

Naoki pondered: "Should be."

Even though Kamakura was the seat of the shogunate government in the Edo period, but the area was very small, when it comes to Buddha statues, it is clear that it is the Great Buddha of Kamakura.

"Wait a moment." Itsuki's eyes suddenly brightened, and the hair on top of his head stood up. "Once we get to Kamakura, how about we go to where mommy is taking pictures and go for a walk again?"

The proposal was quickly approved by the four sisters unanimously.



"Where mother is, of course I will go."


Hey, you guys already know primary and secondary clearly! I went to Kamakura for family photos, not tourism!

The five sisters all looked at Naoki.

"Why are you looking at me?" Naoki was playing with his cell phone, raising his head.

Yotsuba asked: "Why isn't Asakawa-san speaking?"

Naoki said nonchalantly: "There's no point in me voting against it, right?"

You've said it all, it's meaningless if I say it!

"You can't say that." The corners of Ichika's lips lifted slightly, and a happy smile appeared on her face, "The right to vote is a basic right of every citizen."

Naoki raised his right hand: "Then I will vote against it."

"Objection invalid." Ichika turned into the presiding judge of the court again, and said with a serious expression, "The minority obeys the majority, and when we go somewhere, Asakawa-kun can follow."


After an hour.

The JR Shinkansen arrives at Kamakura Station.

Naoki and his party got off the Shinkansen, and what appeared in front of them was a clear blue sky, as clean and clear as a sky mirror.

From a distance, you can also see the endless blue sea in the distance. Kamakura, one of the great ancient capitals, has now become a tourist city, look around, there are no high-rise buildings full of modern atmosphere, only traditional buildings with low roofs and an antique taste.

"Hmm…" Ichika raised her hand above her head. "It looks beautiful."

"Eh?" Yotsuba crouched on the side of the road, "Is this a hydrangea?"

Naoki saw the sound, and purple hydrangeas with flowers the size of a sea bowl bloomed quietly in the corners.

"Asakawa-san, don't hydrangeas only bloom in the rainy season?" Yotsuba looked up.

"The hydrangea bloom period is from late May to July, and it's blooming now."

Naoki looked at Yotsuba, and his voice paused slightly.

Yotsuba was only wearing a white shirt when she left today. When she squatted, she was careless and helpless. At a glance, Naoki saw the pink underwear inside! In the future, don't just focus on the skirt when squatting, and cover your shirt too!

Girls are always very sensitive to male gazes. Even though Naoki looked away, he was found by the Yotsuba. She blushed, hastily covered her chest, stood up, and then didn't speak again.

"I'll call."

Naoki took out his phone and walked to the side.

The Mito family's old house is not for sale, but is rented out to someone else to live in. The old lady's daughter gave Naoki her contact information beforehand.

The phone worked quickly.

There's a man on the other end. The other party must have received a call from the old woman's daughter, but she is polite and not shy, but she is at work and can't go back for now, so she can only visit after the other party gets home from work.

Naoki briefly explained the situation, and the ahoge above Itsuki's head shook rapidly: "That's for the best!"


"I-I mean don't interfere with other people's work." Itsuki's face turned slightly red, and his eyes were filled with sparkling anticipation, "Let's go see the Great Buddha Kamakura first, then visit the others at night?"

There was still an hour or two before it got dark, and waiting that stupid way was boring. Naoki nodded and agreed, "Let's go and see the Great Buddha."

Naoki and the five quintuplets took the Enoden bus, then got off at Hase Station two stops away. They took out their cell phones and turned on the navigation, after walking for less than 10 minutes, Kotoku-in Shrine was immediately visible

Kamakura is now completely reduced to a scenic spot, and there is a commercial street in front of the access road, selling all kinds of snacks and souvenirs.

"Smells really good." The Ahoge above Itsuki's head shook slightly, sniffed the sweet aroma of various foods in the air, and immediately forgot the Great Buddha Kamakura, "Are you guys hungry?"

"Not hungry."

Naoki answered quickly.

"Hah?" Itsuki hesitantly said "We've been gone for a long time, should we have something to eat first..."

Naoki immediately refused: "No."

"...Bullying me."

Itsuki was sad and bit his lower lip.

Miku took the opportunity, stabbed Naoki in the waist, and then quickly pulled away, not giving Naoki a chance to catch him, "Don't bully Itsuki."

Naoki looked at Miku.

You can't say no?

Believe it or not, I will bully you together!

Miku easily understood Naoki's eyes, and could only puff out her cheeks: "Reckless Asakawa, Harakiri!"