After School Dating

The next afternoon.

As soon as the school bell rang, Naoki received news from Miku.

"Reckless Asakawa, wait for me under the tree."

Needless to say the specific location, this must be Naoki's first time encountering Miku's cherry trees.


Naoki put down his phone, got up and walked out of the classroom. Originally he was going to stay today to help Itsuki with his homework, but she had disappeared after school in the past few days, but she was happy to be able to relax.

Naoki walked to the bench beside the tree and sat down, took out his cell phone, and instead of waiting for Miku, Nino's white T-shirt appeared in the field of vision.

Nino folded his arms across his chest and looked down with condescending eyes.

"Bastard Asakawa, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry you have the wrong person."

"Hah?" Nino raised his eyebrows: "I can recognize you when you turn to ashes!"

If you are so good, you can go to take a forensic examination now! Anyone who has watched [Non-Natural death] knows that forensic doctors in Japan are extremely rare, and they simply lack talented girls like you!

Naoki looked at Nino and said slowly, "You are looking for Lu Xun, what does that have to do with me, Zhou Shuren?"


Nino said not happy. "I got angry when I heard you speak."


"Why don't you speak?"


"Speak quickly."


"Bastard Asakawa, you are ignoring me?!"

Nino quickly clenched his fists, like peppers exploding in Plants vs. Zombies, and almost reached a state of rampage.

"Life is too hard." Naoki sighed "Listen to me and you are angry, then I will not speak, if I don't speak now you are still angry, should you let me speak or not?"

"Damn it!" Nino's forehead twitched and she wanted to hit someone "I really kicked you!"

"Turn down your volume."

Naoki's expression suddenly became serious.


"Look at nine o'clock," Naoki said in a low voice.

"Nine o'clock..."

Nino looked up absentmindedly.

"It's three in the afternoon, you saw it wrong." Naoki spat "Aren't you like Miku?"

"How about nine, who knows." Nino turned and looked in the direction Naoki reminded it.

"Have you ever seen that girl with a notebook in her arms and her hair in a scarf?"

"I see…" Nino looked suspicious, and said disdainfully, "Could it be that the girl who was bullied by you wants to take revenge on you?"

"Be careful when you see people." Naoki sighed and shook his head helplessly, "That girl wears the armband of a disciplinary committee member, and she is a disciplinary committee member who takes on the school ethos."


"If you hit someone, you will be arrested for violating school rules."

"The disciplinary committee doesn't have that much power!"

Nino complained, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Miku's figure, paused to catch his breath, then turned and left.

"Reckless Asakawa..." Miku came closer, put the headphones on her chest, and looked at Nino, "Just now Nino?"


"What did Nino tell you?"

"Ask who I'm waiting for." Naoki put down his phone and stood up, "Don't worry, I didn't tell you."

"I just went to buy a game, is it okay to tell Nino?" Miku complained. "By the way, Nino was there the day I washed my hair."

Naoki thought for a moment and said, "Then call Nino back?"

"Don't get Nino into trouble." Miku puffed out her cheeks, "Let's go quickly."

Naoki carried his school bag and followed behind Miku: "Do you know where to buy it?"

"...Don't know."

"Then you still take the lead and go behind me."

Miku couldn't help but extend her slender index finger.


The two of them left the school, quickly walked to the nearest train station, waited for a while, and got on the train.

Although it is not the peak of travel in the morning and evening, all schools are closed at this time, and elementary school students, junior school students, and high school students are mixed, and of course there is no place to sit.

Naoki and Miku walked to a corner and stood still.

"Let's go to the commercial street." Naoki whispered, "It will take about 15 minutes."

"Un." Miku nodded lightly, "You have the final say."

Naoki did nothing, took out his cell phone, and played the Internet, Miku didn't play with her own cell phone, but bent down to look together.

A short video quickly appeared, which was a famous funny show.

Naoki has never been interested in funny shows like this, swiping his fingers and skipping the content.

His arm suddenly stabbed lightly.

Miku beckoned with her eyes, "Let's see."

Naoki sighed, quietly swiped the tweet earlier, and clicked play, of course, the sound was not turned on.

The video is not long, only two or three minutes, Naoki glanced at it and found that the content of the program is a comedian will entertain his grandfather.

The threshold for Japanese comedians is much higher than for ordinary idols. There are many poker-faced idols with poor acting skills.

There are always some people fishing in troubled waters, but comedians who can't make the audience laugh don't even have a chance to fish in troubled waters. That said, it takes a lot of talent.

The comedian in the video is a middle-aged uncle with an unshaven beard, but he doesn't need a voice – this man doesn't say "Mancai", i.e. manga dialogue, but keeps on making all sorts of funny facial expressions and tries to make the old man sitting across from him laugh.

Miku looked at the comedian on the phone, and held her breath, managing to contain the comedian's spiritual erosion.

Just as the video was about to end, the camera suddenly turned to the old man.

This old man whose face was criss-crossed and his mouth was clearly pursed inward, suddenly sucked his mouth inward, and his entire face suddenly disappeared, turning into a dry orange.

Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly, and his heart did not fluctuate. When he first saw this old man on TV without dentures, Naoki guessed the opposite in front of him, and the feeling of surprise suddenly reduced, of course there was no surprise at all.

"Only people who have a low laugh would laugh, right?"

Naoki looked at Miku, and immediately fell silent.

"When did you laugh so low?"

Miku's shoulders trembled slightly, and her face bore an expression of extremely hard-working self-restraint, clearly from being smiled by the old man's grin now.

Hey, don't laugh! It's a train, if you laugh, you will annoy others! There were already elementary school students looking at them with strange eyes!

Naoki put on a serious expression and said in a low voice, "Wait, don't laugh…"


Miku's shoulders shook and hid in Naoki's arms.