The age of the teacher cannot be stated

"Kirisu sensei left and hasn't come back yet?"

After closing the door, Naoki returned to the table and sat down, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

Mafuyu who has such a strong sense of responsibility, would actually be absent from the sleep inspection event for no reason, did she lose track of time?


Every morning at 7, Mafuyu who doesn't even need an alarm clock, wakes up at 7 in the morning. She has a strong sense of timing and will definitely not forget an important thing like checking the bed.

Could it be... She was entangled in something and couldn't come back?

"Better not to worry."

Naoki shook his head, it was meaningless to think alone, "We'll talk about it later."


Time passed quickly.

It was 10 o'clock at night.

Naoki picks up the phone, Mafuyu doesn't answer, and sends another LINE message, but it never shows 'read'.

"No one answered the phone, no one read the messages, and the bad premonition came true."

Naoki sighed, rubbing his eyebrows with a finger.

"Where is Mafuyu sensei?"

She was not a reckless person who liked to run around, there must be a reason for suddenly leaving. If it has nothing to do with me... Then it has something to do with the students?

This is a school in the forest, there are mountains and forests nearby. There are no internet cafes and KTV, there are lots of mosquitoes at night, no idiots running into the mountains and forests at night.

"So…" Naoki quickly found a place in his mind, "Abandoned dormitory?"

A daring test is held by the school, the students are responsible for pretending to be ghosts and scaring people. This is an 'official act'. Tonight's adventure in an abandoned dormitory building, without the teacher's permission and approval, is the private property of 'adventurous behavior', and unnecessary danger is possible.

With the character of a responsible person like Mafuyu, she would definitely go over to watch and stop it when she heard people talking about 'haunted house adventures'.

Naoki put on his shirt, got up and walked out.

He didn't know what the specific situation was, the above was just speculation and excuses, but… Mafuyu wasn't there, just go to the abandoned dorm and have a look.


Get out of the hostel.

The hustle and bustle of the day had disappeared, and the big school was quite chilly in the night breeze.

Because it is a school built in a mountain forest, there is no light pollution caused by various high-rise buildings, and the starry sky at night is quite clean and bright.

Naoki stepped on the cold moonlight and quickly walked to the abandoned dormitory building.

It was now past bedtime checks, and almost everyone was resting in the dorms. No one will come to take the risk. The dormitory building that was left in the dark was even more deserted and desolate, if it was a shy girl, like Miku, it was expected that she would turn her head and run, not daring to step into it for half a step.

"It would be troublesome if it wasn't there..."

Naoki turned on his cell phone's flashlight function, stepped into the half-closed door.

"Unknowingly, I've been in and out three times."

The first time it was Nanako asking for help, the second time it was Ichika who went missing, and now the third time.

A faint musty smell filled the air.

Naoki rubbed his nose, and sure enough, he couldn't accept the unpleasant musty smell even after looking at the hut.

"Mafuyu sensei?"

Naoki shouted.

Holding the phone and sweeping the hall on the first floor, the surroundings were empty and silent.

"… Asakawa-san?"

Mafuyu's familiar voice came from upstairs.

Sure enough, my guess was right, Mafuyu was indeed in this abandoned dormitory building.

Naoki walked straight up, and immediately saw Mafuyu holding a small flashlight on the stairs on the second and third floors.

"Why are you here… ahhhh!"

Mafuyu who was walking in shock, suddenly stumbled under his feet, couldn't help but cry out, lost his balance and fell.


Naoki quickly stepped forward to catch Mafuyu

"It's very dangerous..."

Mafuyu wrapped his arms around Naoki's neck, heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and was about to thank him, when she saw Naoki's profile closely, only then did she realize that she was being held by Naoki in the arms of the princess in his arms, his face became slightly hot, and he hurriedly hurry said:

"Please put me down quickly."

Naoki agrees and puts Mafuyu in his hands, the reason is very simple... It's too heavy to hold.

The physique of today's youth is getting worse, and more and more men are unable to hold their brides at the wedding ceremony.

Naoki pondered.

Should I exercise?

What if I get married later and can't carry the bride?


Mafuyu frowned, snorted softly, and stretched out his hand to hold his right leg.

"What?" Naoki looked down, and Mafuyu was still wearing a pair of high heels, "Are your feet swollen?"

Mafuyu bit her lower lip and answered softly.

The light was dim, so she went down quickly in high heels, and she asked for trouble if his feet were swollen, so she had to think about it!

Naoki sighed, and half squatted in front of Mafuyu:

"Come on, I'll take you out."


Mafuyu hesitated.

"Hurry up." Naoki urged, "Can't you see what time it is, do you want to stay here at night?"

Mafuyu's face froze, and she came closer, and lay on Naoki's back.

"Sensei, what are you doing here in a place like that?"

Naoki asked.

"I heard someone say that a lot of students came for the courage test." Mafuyu wrapped his arms around Naoki's neck, a blush appeared on his face, and replied softly, "This dormitory building has long been damaged, there are many security hazards, it is too dangerous to enter rashly, I came here to ban students from entering."

Naoki sighed: "You are too gentle."

"Hah?" Mafuyu was slightly confused for a while, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"School in the forest is a school tradition, right?"


"After so many years of schooling in the forest, don't other teachers know that there are students who come to leave the dormitory at night?" Naoki complained as he walked, "You see a lot of graffiti messages from seniors on the walls, obviously it's also one of the Forest School's 'traditions' to explore this dormitory building."

"The others averted one eye and closed one eye ignoring it. Only you rushed to stop it." Naoki paused, "How should this kind of behavior be defined?"

Mafuyu opened his mouth, turned his head and said, "No matter what other teachers think, I'm just doing my job."

"You have the final say." Naoki curiously said, "It's passed the bedtime check, this building should have been empty for a long time, why don't you come back?"

"I…" Mafuyu bit her lower lip, "I got lost."


There are only four floors of an abandoned dormitory building, how can you still get lost?

Is the attribute of a street idiot more serious than the five twins of the Nakano family!

Mafuyu took a light breath and said in a confused tone: "The corridor I just walked through was very long, I don't know what happened, and I couldn't walk to the end. I still hear you calling me, and finally found the position of the stairs."

Naoki's fingers trembled slightly.

Damn it! It's not gone, it's clearly the work of a ghost!

Could there really be a ghost in this abandoned dormitory building?

Not impossible.

The ghost of an old woman found in a cemetery has proven that it exists in the real world.

With Mafuyu's character, she definitely wouldn't lie about this kind of thing.

Naoki quickly recalled the orb that came out of the darkness during his adventure with Ichika and the Yotsuba. It's not a joke, it's really a ball thrown by a ghost?

"Your hand!"

The warm and sweet breath sounded embarrassed in his ears.

Naoki regained his senses, "I just lost my mind."

I don't know that the ghost is only aimed at Mafuyu or what is going on. Naoki walked safely all the way, without encountering any supernatural occurrences from the infinite ladder.

"Is it heavy?" Mafuyu pressed her chin on Naoki's shoulder and whispered, "Put me down, I'll go alone."

"Don't worry." Naoki sighed, the refreshing night breeze made one's spirits jolt, "At the current age of a teacher, the weight is pretty standard."

Mafuyu's face condensed, and she gently gritted his teeth.

"What's with my age?"

"Sorry I was wrong."

Naoki firmly lowered his head and apologized.

The age of the girl really can't be mentioned, even Mafuyu is no exception, and there is quite a tragic lesson in history.

Sima Yao, the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, one day ate in the harem, and made a joke with Zhang Guiren, saying that you were old, and as a result, Zhang Guiren strangled him with a blanket in anger.