Was it cheated?

"My chest is very tight and my shoulders are very heavy…"

Furuhashi opened his eyes in a daze, and the world in front of her blurred.

"Uh, what happened?"

I just fell asleep at my desk, why did I open my eyes and turn into a bed?

Furuhashi lay on the bed for a while, and immediately got up.

"Switching bodies with Ricchan again?"

Furuhashi was already quite familiar with body swapping, so she didn't panic, she just raised his hand slowly, ready to verify his guess.

"Um… so big."

A girl's soft humming sound rang out in the bedroom, and a softness that one hand couldn't grasp was deformed in her palm.

"So familiar with the touch of breasts, it really is Ricchan... Even girls can't resist it."

"We're all obviously the same age, and I drink milk every day, why am I so big?"

"There's no need to have Ricchan's size, as long as it's half, I'll be satisfied."

Furuhashi's tone was bitter and irritated, thinking of the great hope that could not be realized in this life, she reached out, ready to take his glasses and put them on, but she felt empty.

"Eh? What about the glasses?"

The familiar location is just a piece of air, and there are no glasses at all.

Furuhashi tried to gather the light in the air, and after a few seconds, his expression suddenly panicked.

"Ehhh, this isn't Ricchan's room?!"

"Whose room is this?"

"Where am I?"

Furuhashi suddenly thought of something, and hastily looked at his body.

"This shirt... How can it be a boy's shirt?!"

She hastily lifted the 'skirt' formed by the shirt, and Furuhashi looked down and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I was wearing clothes…" Furuhashi pressed against his shirt, a deep red blush on his face. " That's weird!"

"Ricchan… No, should I be wearing boxer shorts now?"

"Obviously that!"

Men's shirts, and men's boxers, plus a completely foreign room, and game posters on the walls...

Furuhashi suddenly had an idea that made her panic.

"This is... the boys' room?"


Do not panic.

Furuhashi took a deep breath, knowing that at a time like this, she shouldn't panic.

"Maybe Ricchan is visiting relatives…" Furuhashi whispered to herself. "Impossible, Ricchan is not a child, even if he goes to a relative's house, it is impossible to wear a boy's clothes."

Furuhashi nervously examined his body, then placed his hand on his lower abdomen and sighed lightly.

"Fortunately, there is no strange feeling in the body..."

As for the chest heaviness and shoulder pain, these are sequelae of the breasts, and it is not surprising that this happens every time they switch bodies.

"What happened to Ricchan? Where is this place?"

Furuhashi was about to get up and get off the bed to check the situation, but his face suddenly changed slightly, and she turned his head to look at the door.

"That's the door... Footsteps outside... Anyone want to come in?"

His glasses had not been found, and the world in front of her was a blur. Furuhashi didn't know where Ogata was and what she had done. She only knew that the bodies were swapped.

In other words, in the next three or four days, she would become Ogata Rizu, so she had to save herself.


Furuhashi quickly lay down, grabbed the blanket beside her, and covered his body, revealing only a pair of eyes.

She had quite a bit of sleep experience. If she wanted to pretend to be asleep, she wouldn't show any flaws at all!

"See who's outside the door before making plans..."

The sound of footsteps quickly reached the door.

Then there was the sound of the door being pushed.

Furuhashi held his breath, his heart beat faster involuntarily, narrowed his eyes, and quietly looked at the door.

"Of course, it's a boy..."

Although she couldn't see his appearance clearly, judging by his height and shape, the person who walked out of the door was clearly a male.

Furuhashi was even more nervous, and what worried her the most now was that Ricchan had met a bad person, like an uncle luring a stupid junior school student.


Furuhashi consoled herself inwardly. If she really met such a terrible pervert, she probably wouldn't have any clothes on his body.


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of an unknown man walking towards her, Furuhashi hastily closed his eyes and pretended to continue sleeping.

The bedroom is small, only a few steps from the door to the bed.

Furuhashi clearly heard footsteps and walked to the bed, and then a gaze fell on her, as if the boy was looking for where to start...

"How to do?"

Furuhashi was so nervous that she couldn't be more nervous, "Should I call the police? But I don't know where the phone is..."

The next moment, Furuhashi suddenly felt a hand fall on his forehead, his body trembled slightly, and then the hand went down his cheek, moved down, and pulled the blanket covering his face.

(Is that really a pervert?)

(Now, is that person going to lift the blanket and take off Ricchan's clothes?)

(Such a thing is absolutely impossible!)

Even though it was Ricchan's body, it was his soul in his body, so she couldn't avoid it at all!

Furuhashi became more and more scared the more he thought about it, and instinctively opened his mouth and wanted to take a bite.

In the next second, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Ogata, why did you bite me?"

"Hah?" Furuhashi was dumbfounded, opened his eyes, looked up, and was overcome with surprise, "Asakawa-san?"

A flash flashed across his mind, and all doubts were easily resolved.

No wonder Ricchan appeared in the boys' room, no wonder she was wearing a boys shirt and boxer shorts. If it's Asakawa-san, then everything will make sense.

"Even so… Why did Ricchan appear at Asakawa-san's house at night?"

"Are the two of them dating secretly?"

"And... and they're already living together?"

As soon as she thought about it, the shock in Furuhashi's heart suddenly disappeared, replaced by an indescribable annoyance, his nose started to hurt, and his chest was so tight that she couldn't breathe.

"Quickly let go." Naoki couldn't help but say, "Don't bite."

Furuhashi spit a finger in his mouth, lowered his head and tried to control his sour eyes: "I'm sorry…"

"You still bite in your sleep. Are you a puppy?"


Furuhashi opened his mouth, she wanted to say that she and Ogata had switched bodies, but the words left his lips, and suddenly she couldn't say them.

It must be embarrassing to reveal your identity now, right?