Sensei, your little sister is in my hands



Ichika's eyes bulged unblinkingly, her lips gently opened and closed, but no sound came out, she clearly swore with her lips:

"Stupid Asakawa-kun!"

"What did you say?"

Naoki narrowed his eyes.

"I didn't say anything." Ichika turned and walked towards the convenience store, "Hurry up and go buy an umbrella."

The two walked to a convenience store and bought a transparent umbrella for 200 yen. This type of umbrella is very common and cheap, it is not worth a bowl of ramen, many people buy it for emergency purposes.

Train stations and other places to dump it as a general umbrella for others to use.

Ichika opened her umbrella first, raised her right hand, and handed the umbrella over to Naoki, the corners of her lips slightly raised, as if nothing had happened:

"Come on, go to the station."

In just a short time, Ichika has come to know that holding umbrellas together doesn't mean that boys have to take the initiative, but that girls can take the initiative too.

Naoki put the umbrella he took back into his backpack, and walked towards the train station with Ichika.

Wet streets filled with pedestrians rushing with umbrellas.


Ichika suddenly spoke quietly.


Naoki turned to look.

"Suddenly I feel lonely walking down the street on a rainy day."

Naoki looked up and looked ahead, the faces of many people were blurred under the umbrella, and he breathed in the damp air and said:

"Maybe because when I pass by with other people is the only crossroads in my life."

Ichika suddenly fell silent.

After a while, his voice was heard.

"Don't want to...."

"What did you say?"

"Don't be a pedestrian..."

Ichika showed a pitiful expression: "My arm hurts so much."

Even if you hold an umbrella, you will scream complaints, what else can you do!

"Give me an umbrella."

Naoki reached out to take the umbrella.

"Thank you Asakawa-kun."

Ichika pushed forward, stretched her waist, and then hugged Naoki's arm, as if nothing had happened:

"It's a little cold."

"It's definitely hot."

Naoki wanted to pull his arm, but unfortunately he was hugged tighter by Ichika, so he had no choice but to give up.

Soon to the station.

"There are a lot of people." Ichika showed an embarrassed expression, "So many people, I'm embarrassed to give credit to Asakawa-kun."

Naoki didn't expect it at all: "I don't want it."

"The daughter of the Nakano family won't go back on her word." Ichika raised her pale index finger, "How about paying in installments starting tomorrow?"


"Don't talk about it now." Ichika said with a smile. "Asakawa-kun will know when the time comes."

"Then there's no need to say more." Naoki waved to chase the people away, "The train is coming, hurry up."

Ichika stabbed her finger into Naoki's arm: "Asakawa-kun is too much, bullying me."

"So…" Naoki said quietly, "But you bullied me, right?"

Seeing Ichika getting on the train, Naoki held the umbrella, turned around and walked towards the apartment.

Not long after walking, Naoki suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at the izakaya across the street.

A woman blushed shyly out of the izakaya, with pink hair reaching her waist, a kind figure, and an acquaintance.

Kirisu Miharu.

Mafuyu's sister Naoki had seen her once at the apartment and once at the cinema. Since she was similar to Mafuyu, he could recognize her at a glance.

"Drink too much?" Naoki guessed in his heart, "It should be a student union."

Japanese students, their favorite activity in their college career is networking. In short it is drinking and chatting together, bragging, and solving single problems, also known as meeting blind dates.

Naoki glanced at it and didn't plan to go over to say hello. He wasn't familiar with Miharu, and he had no goals for her, so he could avoid her as much as possible.

It was just that Naoki was about to turn around when he suddenly saw a man coming out of the izakaya who looked like a college student, and stretched out his hand to pull Miharu.

Naoki immediately frowned.

When talking to Mafuyu about her younger sister earlier, Mafuyu had said that Miharu had studied at a girls' school since childhood, and that even the university was the famous Ocha Women's University.

Miharu has no plans to interact with people in the short term.

So... who is this man?

A friend or someone who cares about others?

"Very complicated."

Naoki walked towards Miharu.

If Miharu really met a bad person, Mafuyu knew that she would be very disappointed, right?


Naoki quickly caught up with the two.


The youth supporting Miharu was slightly taken aback, and when he saw Naoki, his face couldn't help but show panic and guilt.

"Hey, who are you kid?"

Naoki ignored him completely and raised the umbrella in his hand, "Miharu-san, it's me, Naoki."

Miharu opened her eyes wide and stared blankly, her expression looking rather cute.

Naoki paused and continued:

"Miharu-san, Mafuyu sensei is calling you back to the apartment for dinner."

Hearing Mafuyu's name, Miharu finally came to her senses. She threw away the youth who was supporting her, ran to Naoki in the rain, hugged Naoki, and said faintly, "Where is Onee-sama? body is very uncomfortable."

The young man gritted his teeth and said:

"Hey, what do you want to do to my girlfriend?"

Naoki looked at him coldly and snapped his fingers.


The youth was horrified to find that he could not make a sound at all, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

If there was a chance earlier, judging by Miharu's reaction just now, there might not be a chance now.

Naoki stretched out his right hand and made a gun-holding motion.

The man was shaking all over, his face was terrified, and without saying a word, he turned and ran, so scared that he even threw away his umbrella.

Naoki sighed lightly, his face was a little pale, in fact using super strength spent physical strength, fortunately he only needed to eat, otherwise he would turn into a soft-legged shrimp.


Naoki looked at Miharu who was hugging him tightly and muttered incoherently.

Not only that, Miharu's clothes were also drenched in the rain, one could say her condition was quite bad, it's just that it's hard to drink like this, it is estimated that she accidentally drank something strange.

Naoki sighed and made a reluctant decision: "Sorry, sensei, I will bring your little sister to open the room…"