Don't Defile My Innocence, Sensei

"Miharu, are you feeling better?"

Mafuyu touched Miharu's hair, and her voice was very soft.

"Onee-sama…" Miharu opened her hazy eyes, although confused and confused, she didn't forget to act flirtatious to Mafuyu, "I'm so thirsty… I want to drink some water."

"Drink water?"

Mafuyu looked at Naoki.

"It's in the vending machine."

Naoki pointed his finger at the vending machine near the wall. It is a normal physiological need to be thirsty and want to drink water, especially after some kinds of exercise that lose a lot of water, it is inevitable that the mouth will be dry, so the love hotel has one vending machine that sells all kinds of drinks.

Mafuyu looked at the corner, his eyes swept over the two vending machines, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

Not true.

There are usually two vending machines in love hotels.

One was selling ordinary drinks, and the other was bedding such as lubricating kits, small umbrellas, and vibrators, which Mafuyu really didn't like.

"Then buy a bottle."

Mafuyu hesitated slightly and said.

Miharu's discomfort was the most important, and the demand for drinking water was naturally met.

"I'll buy it." Naoki turned around and walked over to the vending machine, "What drink?"

Mafuyu quickly made a decision for Miharu: "Buy a bottle of green tea."

"Would you like something to drink, Sensei?"

"Not drinking."

"In that case, okay."

Naoki bought a bottle of green tea, walked to the bed, opened the bottle cap, and handed it to Mafuyu: "Sensei, have a drink."

"Thank you."

Mafuyu took the green tea, thanked him gently, then said, "I will refund the drink."

After a pause, Mafuyu said again:

"How much did you spend to open the hotel?"

Naoki replied:

"3900 yen."

Mafuyu was surprised: "It's so expensive?"

"Love hotels don't come cheap." Naoki shrugged and said of course "Today is the weekend and it's night, so of course it will be much more expensive, next time we come during the day..."

"No next time." Mafuyu's face was cold and interrupted Naoki, "I will return your money."

"This is enough." Naoki said earnestly "This is the first time in my life I opened a love hotel, if I just ask sensei to pay, I feel a little…"

"You shut up."

Mafuyu said shyly.


After feeding Miharu a few sips of green tea, it's estimated that she's slightly awake, and she starts acting like a spoiled child again.

"Onee-sama, I want to take a shower…"

"Bath?" Mafuyu had a doubtful expression on her face, "Uncomfortable now, go back to the apartment and take a shower?"

"Not." Miharu hugged Mafuyu's arm, rubbing like a cat, her voice soft and sweet, "This is so uncomfortable… I have to take a shower now…"

Mafuyu looked embarrassed: "Even if you say so..."

"Onee-sama, Miharu likes you the most."

Under his little sister's flirtatious attack, Mafuyu was quickly defeated, and his essence and principles were lost bit by bit: "Un, it's okay..."

Hey, she agreed easily, she said that she was cold and cruel! Let the students in the school see, their jaws will drop!

"Sensei." Naoki said quietly, "You love Miharu-san too much."

"You don't have to say it."

Mafuyu's face was slightly red, put aside her drink, stood up, and looked at the surroundings of the bathroom.

"The area is huge."

The room is small, but the bathroom area is very large. No problem with two people sitting in the tub. However it was originally designed for two people. In addition, towels, shampoo and various toiletries are provided.

Mafuyu nodded lightly to express satisfaction, and hugged Miharu from the bed: "Miharu, let's take a shower."

Miharu felt dizzy, hugged Mafuyu with both hands, and rubbed her back and forth, "I like Onee-sama the most."

"Don't keep saying..."

"No, I will say it for the rest of my life."

Naoki was expressionless, always feeling the citrus scent in the air.

Mafuyu's face slightly reddened, she pulled Miharu to the bathroom door, turned to look at Naoki, and said warily:

"Can't peek."

"Understood." Naoki raised his hand and covered his ears, "Are you okay?"

It's just a shower, how perverted it is to use your bath sound to eat three bowls of rice!

Mafuyu was still a little worried, took the remote control and turned on the TV, "You watched TV outside for a while..."

Before the words were finished, the woman's gasps could be heard in the room, and then a terrifying image of a man and a woman fighting fiercely appeared on the TV.

Mafuyu threw the remote control directly on the bed, her face immediately turned red, she was embarrassed to look at Naoki:

"You actually…"

"Sensei, don't tarnish my innocence!"

Naoki emphatically denied: "I have never touched the TV, this is a common service in love hotels."

"Onee-sama?" Miharu turned her head in confusion, "What are you looking at? It voice is so painful…"

Mafuyu hastily covered Miharu's eyes, glanced at the TV with an unacceptable disgusting expression on her face, and quickly turned her head:

"Quickly turn off the TV!"

Naoki took the remote control: "Actually you don't need to turn it off..."


Hearing this sentence, Mafuyu looked at Naoki angrily.

What does it mean not to turn off the TV?

Do you still want me and Miharu to watch this disgusting thing with you?

Don't forget that I am your sensei!

"The above shows that it is possible to switch to normal TV channels."

Naoki pointed at the TV, and quickly switched the movie about fighting to regular TV, just in time for the second season.


Mafuyu breathed a sigh of relief, even though he had only seen it twice, it still caused quite a visual impact, and it looked very bad and unacceptable.

"Sensei, go and bathe Miharu-san." Naoki waved his hand and raised his voice, "Don't bother me watching TV."

Mafuyu takes Miharu to the bathroom to take a shower.

After the sound of rustling undressing, soon there was the sound of gurgling water, which was faintly mixed with 'Onee-sama and I are taking a bath together', and 'Miharu don't touch your clothes, your clothes are wet' and so on.

Naoki watched the TV series attentively, without any impulses in his heart.

The yuri sisters just take a bath together, not as interesting as the movie.

In the middle of the TV series, Mafuyu's voice suddenly came from the bathroom.

"Asakawa… you came here."

Naoki walked over: "Sensei?"

Mafuyu whispered:

"Bring me a bath towel over here."

"Sensei also wants to take a shower?"

Naoki reacted quickly.

"Miharu is disobedient, if she doesn't take off her clothes, she'll get soaked…" Mafuyu explained in a low voice shyly, "It's been a while since I showered with Miharu, so I just had a shower."


Naoki opened the cupboard and took out a white bath towel, "Sensei open the door."

"How is it possible to open the door!"

Mafuyu opened the gap in the bathroom door, then stretched out his right hand, grabbed the bathrobe and quickly retreated.

The door is tightly closed.

"You can go back to watching TV."

"By the way sensei…" Naoki said, "Does this include crossing rivers and destroying bridges?"