
The next day.

9 am.

Downstairs in the entertainment center.

"Onee-sama!" Miharu with pink hair reaching her waist and wearing a white skirt, ran over, very happy, "You are here!"

"How long have you been here?"

Seeing Miharu's bright smile, Mafy rarely showed a touch of tenderness.

"I just arrived not too long ago." Miharu reached out and hugged Mafuyu's arm, turning to look at Naoki, her eyes like a crescent moon, "Asakawa, good morning."

Naoki nodded lightly, his expression calm: "Good morning Miharu-san."

Naoki has to say that Miharu is quite sweet and cute, and many passersby distract them, but unfortunately Naoki has no fluctuation in his heart.

Although he didn't know why Miharu had invited him, no matter how he looked at it, it wasn't a favor, but an ulterior motive.

"Onee-sama, have you had breakfast?"

Miharu asked.

Mafuyu glanced at Naoki and said softly:

"I've already eaten."

After taking a shower last night, she picked up his phone and found a message to Miharu, inviting her to play together.

Needless to say, Naoki must have been doing something behind his back.

Mafuyu thought again and again, but in the end did not refuse.

First, she has nothing to do on the weekends and has a lot of free time, and secondly... She's a little worried.

Miharu is too simple, easy to deceive, leave her and Naoki alone, it is difficult to say what will happen, it is best to watch for yourself.

There she is.

"What about Asakawa?" Miharu tilted her head "Have you had breakfast? If not, I have bread and a drink in my bag for you to eat."

"Thank you Miharu-san." Naoki replied politely, neither humble nor arrogant, "I've had breakfast."

Not only eating, I also had breakfast with your big sister, you definitely didn't expect it!

"Then let's go." Miharu waved her hand and led to the entertainment center, "Line up for a while, and our turn will soon come."

The three walked into the building, took the elevator to the fifth floor, and faced many room escape posters.

Escape Room is an entertainment project that has only appeared in recent years, it is a real life adventure puzzle game. It's very popular.

The clientele is mostly young people, as this is often combined with horror and thrillers to create suspense and an atmosphere that pleases parents.

It is not easy to scare trouble, children cannot play, and they are too short to reach many organs.

"Through this way." Miharu led the way. "The name of the Escape Room we will be playing today is Book of Darkness. It's said to be very difficult, but don't worry, I'm here."

Naoki and Mafuyu looked at each other and didn't speak.

His actions were very familiar, Miharu obviously came and came first.


A girl in a retro uniform bowed and saluted, then explained the precautions to Naoki and the others.

Nothing more than paying attention to safety, don't panic, photography and vandalism are prohibited inside, and you can ask the staff for help if necessary, and then distribute indoor shoes and flashlights to the three of them.

"Why a flashlight?"

Mafuyu asked curiously.

"Because the light in many places in the Escape Room will be dim." The working girl replied with a smile, "Please put your cell phone in the cupboard, and we will take care of it for you."

The three of them had no intention of breaking the rules, and they handed over their phones one by one. When they entered the Escape Room, someone would take pictures with their cell phone everywhere, which would be very annoying.

After putting on their shoes, the three of them sat in the waiting room and waited quietly. There's plenty of manga in the lounge, as well as free drinks, board games and Gwent cards, it won't be boring.

After a while, the girl who was working earlier brought someone in.

"Excuse me, the number of challengers for the Book of Darkness is four. Next, please form a team with this girl and work hard to overcome difficulties together."

Naoki looked up and saw the ponytail girl with wide eyes, and immediately fell silent.

This world is very small.

"Eh, Asakawa?" Sekijou opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, "And Kirisu sensei? Why are you two together?"

Mafuyu's face was a little hot.

When she went out to play with a student, and was actually caught by another student, an unspeakable guilt rose in his heart.

If I knew it would be like this, I should have turned down Miharu's invitation last night...

"Sekiya-san, good morning."

Naoki raised his right hand and greeted.

"Good morning…" Sekijou nodded subconsciously, and then complained, "If you call my name wrong again, I'll be mad!"

"Sorry, I'll fix it next time."

"I will never see you next time!"

"Is that Onee-sama's student?" Miharu said in a clear voice, "I am Kirisu Miharu."

Mafuyu nodded lightly and calmed down: "Sekijou-san, good morning."

After all, she's been a teacher for a few years, so she doesn't show any fear in front of the students… Besides, Miharu is still here, and not two people dating alone, so it's not that bad.

"I am Sekijou Sawako, this is our first time meeting. Please give me more advice."

As Sekijou spoke, she silently stared at Mafuyu and Miharu.


It must be a sister.

Incredibly, Kirisu-sensei actually has a super cute and cute little sister who loves to laugh, and I think she'll be an iceberg just like her...

After only saying a few words, the staff member just now came quickly, bowed and said:

"The last wave of guests. Please have some guests ready, come with me, and get ready to go through the door."

The woman said and took out four pairs of black blindfolds, "Some guests please wear blinders for now."

"Hah?" Sekijou suddenly hesitated, "Is it still necessary to wear the blindfold?"

The staff smiled and explained:

"That's right, in order to do our best to keep the Escape Room attractive, blindfolds are essential."

"That…" Sekijou hesitated, "Wouldn't we be able to see the road if we were blindfolded?"

"Please don't worry." The working girl explained patiently, "Some guests please hold hands, and I will take you to the Escape Room."

"Don't worry, Onee-sama." Miharu gave an explanation, "Everyone plays like this, it's just a normal process."

Mafuyu nodded lightly and agreed.

Wearing a blindfold is nothing, the way of holding hands is the problem.

Mafuyu did her part and held the working girl's hand, then turned to look at Miharu, "Miharu, give me your hand."

"Understood, Onee-sama."

Miharu held Mafuyu's hand, turned her head and said, "Which of you two is in the middle?"

Sekijou looked at Naoki doubtfully.

"Sekijou-san, you go to the middle." Naoki shrugged "I'll be the last one."

"...Thank you."

Sekijou blushed slightly, gratefully held Miharu's right hand, and stretched out his hand, "This is it."