Arctic Ramen

After eating the ice cream, Yuika continued shopping with interest, and Naoki followed behind, acting as an emotionless bag carrier.

It was noon.

"I am hungry." Yuika reached out and touched her stomach, "Servant, can we go to dinner?"

Naoki felt more tired than using superpowers: "I heard pretty girls don't even need to eat."

"Servant is so disgusting." Yuika couldn't help but complain, "Beautiful girls in manga should eat… Let's go eat ramen."

Naoki turned his head in surprise: "Eating ramen?"

"It's ramen." Yuika said in a clear voice, "Yuika hasn't eaten ramen in a long time, and I've always wanted to eat it, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance. One of my plans for going out today is to go out with Servant to eat ramen together."

Naoki quickly found the reason: "Are you embarrassed to be alone?"

There are many things that Japanese girls are embarrassed to do on their own, such as buying baked sweet potatoes alone in winter, eating ramen noodles alone, and eating hamburgers alone.

Of course, for a true foodie like Itsuki, the strange gazes of others couldn't keep her away.

"Is there a way?" Yuika whispered, "Almost all the uncles in the ramen restaurant, and the seats are very close, what if someone sneaks up on Yuika?"

How to do?

Of course call the police!

"You think too much." Naoki looked disgusted, "How can there be so many perverted pedophiles in the daytime."

Yuika puffed out her cheeks in anger: "Yuika is not a little girl!"

"Of course." Naoki nodded solemnly, "You're going to enter high school next year, and it's already past the expiration date."

"Stupid servant! Yuika bit you!"

While the two were talking, they looked for a ramen restaurant along the way.

"This is it." Naoki stopped and looked at the ramen restaurant in front of him. "The ratings and recommendations are both very high."

Yuika was also afraid of the deep alleys, now the streets were full of gourmet shops. It is more reliable to look at netizens' recommendations than to search for gourmet food alone.


Yuika followed Naoki nervously and curiously, walked into the ramen restaurant, and the seductive smell of the thick soup hit her face.

"One, two, three, four…" Yuika looked around and quickly saw all the visitors in her eyes, "Of course, they are all boys."

Ramen restaurant area is generally not big. This is not a single table, but a circular bar similar to a bar. Everyone sat in front of the bar and ate noodles, a lot of people got hot and took off their clothes and hung on the wall behind.

"There's a chair over there." Naoki saw a guest get up and leave, and dragged Yuika over there, "You sit down first."


Yuika sat down obediently, then looked at Naoki nervously, like a pet worried about being abandoned by its owner, "What are you doing?"

Asakawa Naoki didn't answer, "Pour some ice water."

Japan generally does not have the habit of drinking ice water, whether it is winter or summer, they drink ice water, and are free to take, drink as much as you want.

Naoki walked back with two glasses of ice water, and was surprised to find that there was a tall delicate looking blonde girl with beautiful burgundy eyes beside Yuika.

"Thank you senpai."

Yuika took the water glass with both hands, took a sip, and then found that the blonde girl who was just sitting beside her was staring at her.

Yuika was still wondering, the unknown blonde girl suddenly said coldly:


The voice is beautiful.

Just not warm at all...

Wait a minute...

This girl calls out Servant's name?

Naoki looked past Yuika and said with a smile, "Koizumi-san, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Cough cough cough."

Yuika's face turned red, she quickly put down her cup, coughed while covering her chest, grabbed Naoki's sleeve nervously, and said warily, "Senpai, who is this girl?"

Shouldn't that be Servant's ex-girlfriend?


I heard Rin-chan say that Servant is single from mother's womb and has never been in touch with anyone... But what he said is very suspicious!

Koizumi didn't care about anything else, grabbed Naoki's sleeve, and his eyes were wary, "Who is this girl?"

High... very high.

Look so beautiful.

And breasts...

Yuika glanced at the girl's chest and quietly covered her chest.


Too rotten!

She is tall and has long legs and looks beautiful, but breasts are still very big, why does such a girl exist!

"Koizumi-san, a first-year classmate."

Naoki spoke while giving the ice water in his hand.

"Thank you."

Koizumi reached out and took it, calmly thanking him.

"It turns out to be an ordinary classmate..." Yuika breathed a sigh of relief and was only half relieved, when she saw Naoki delivering water, she was immediately displeased. "No matter how I look at it, you are not an ordinary classmate!"

Naoki turned around and poured another glass of ice water, then sat down beside Yuika.

"What do you three want to eat?"

A girl in a white chef uniform came over and asked with a smile.

Koizumi's burgundy eyes suddenly froze, and his expression became serious, "I want to eat Arctic ramen."


Yuika looked to the side and felt that the girl in front of her suddenly became serious, like a samurai about to duel.

"Asakawa, what did you eat?"

Koizumi tilted his head and asked.

"I haven't eaten in a long time." Naoki nodded, "Me too."

Yuika hastily raised her hand and said, "Me, I want it too."

"The Arctic Ramen is very spicy." Naoki pointed to the photo on the wall and reminded, "If you can't eat spicy food, replace it."

"No problem." Yuika's expression was serious, "One should dare to challenge oneself."

You two ordered the exact same ramen, how is it possible to see you guys eating lover's ramen!

After a while.

Three bowls of arctic ramen served.

"So red..."

Yuika looked at the large bowl of ramen in front of her and gulped quietly, bean sprouts, red soup, chopped scallions, soft eggs, mushrooms, and other side dishes, but...

It always felt a little scary and stinging.


Koizumi broke the bamboo chopsticks, folded his arms, and his expression was very pious, as if she didn't see ramen, but the last glass of water in the desert.

Yuika followed, clumsily opening the bamboo chopsticks, picking up the noodles with the chopsticks, opening her small mouth, and stuffing it into her mouth curiously.

After three seconds.

Yuika suddenly opened her eyes wide, raised her hand to cover her mouth, the mist in her eyes rapidly surged, and she looked at Naoki frantically and said:

"Servant, please!"