Underwear size must be appropriate

3 minutes later.

Furuhashi's door.

"… Asakawa-san?"

The door opened with a slit, and Furuhashi looked out carefully. After seeing Naoki, she heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly opened the door.

Naoki asked:

"Should I say 'I'm back' at a time like this?"

"Ah, welcome home."

Furuhashi answered, and after speaking, his face slightly reddened, she quickly opened the door, and bent down to take out the slippers from the shoe cabinet: "Come in quickly."

"Excuse me.'

Naoki walked to the entrance, and found that the entire room was brightly lit. He said while changing his shoes:

"Tell me about the specific situation."

"I just got home, drank a glass of water, then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I was sweating all over my body, and it was very uncomfortable."

Furuhashi followed Naoki's side, her pretty face pale, "I heard something while I was taking a shower. Walking through the door, I certainly didn't hear wrong."

"I believe."

Naoki nodded lightly, Furuhashi is not a person who likes tax evasion, it is impossible to make jokes like that, obviously she really heard a strange voice.

Furuhashi's house was so big that it could already be called a villa, but whenever Naoki came, it seemed empty – there were only Furuhashi and his father in the house. In the large room, there was only Furuhashi, and it looked very lonely and empty.

Naoki asked, "Your father hasn't come back yet?"

"Not yet." Furuhashi shook his head, "It's confirmed that Father isn't home."

"Short analysis." Naoki said thoughtfully, "Your father isn't home, you were taking a shower in the bathroom, and you must have heard some noise outside the door… So there must be something else in the house."

Hearing this sentence, Furuhashi suddenly became nervous and looked around carefully. For a time, she only felt that the grass and trees were all soldiers: "Could it be a ghost?"

"The ghost has no footsteps."

"Then maybe... the ghost will knock on the door."

So don't mix movies with reality, how can it be so easy to meet ghosts!

"Don't rush to conclusions before finding out the truth." Naoki comforted, "Tension and fear will only affect judgment, maybe it's a thief."

"Thieve…" Furuhashi hastily raised his arm and covered his chest nervously, "This is even scarier!"

Ghosts will only scare people in the dark, making people suspicious. If the thief really broke into the house and she was taking a shower, if the thief broke into the bathroom... Furuhashi couldn't imagine it anymore.

Thinking about it carefully, the ghost was more acceptable.

"This is just a guess, don't scare yourself." Naoki reached out and stroked Furuhashi's hair, "In short check all the rooms."

Furuhashi was worried and whispered:

"Maybe the thief didn't leave... Should we still call the police?"

"Don't waste police resources." Naoki said firmly, "Don't forget, I'm an Esper."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Check from the first floor first?"


The two quickly turned into guards of their own house and began to inspect the surroundings.

First stop kitchen.

"It's huge, as expected of a rich family."

"Quickly check, and look into the cupboard, don't be dazed."

Even though the kitchen was large, there was nowhere to hide, the investigation was completed quickly and was ensured to be safe.

Naoki and Furuhashi continued to check, and soon they checked the utility room, toilet, changing room, changing room, and then got to the bathroom door.

"See also the bathroom." Furuhashi held Naoki's shirt and whispered, "Be careful of the darkness."


Naoki reached out and pushed open the bathroom door, the air filled with the scent of soap and bath soap.

The bathroom area is also large, but spacious and clean, and basically there is no place for people to hide, Naoki looked around and quickly landed in the changing basket.

It is estimated that the escape was too hasty, Furuhashi did not keep a change of clothes, and the top was a pink bra.

Furuhashi blushed, rushed to the bathroom quickly, and covered the changing basket with his body.

Naoki retracted his gaze and gave a suggestion: "Underwear size should be appropriate, and don't buy models that are too big."


Furuhashi's face quickly turned red, "I know this kind of thing, don't say it!"

"Go go go!"

Furuhashi waved his hand to shoo the people away.

"Wait a moment." Naoki's expression suddenly became serious.


Naoki walked towards the bath.

Furuhashi held his breath, and stared at the bathtub nervously, she had to know that in horror movies, murders in the tub and under the bed are everywhere.

Naoki quickly walked to the bathtub and looked inside, it was full of white foam from the bathing agent.

Just in case, Naoki reached out and plunged into the water, his expression quickly turning serious.


Furuhashi suddenly became nervous, for fear that Naoki would take something strange out of the bath.

"The water is very hot." Naoki pulled back his right hand, "Be careful when bathing."

Furuhashi could only complain: "Of course I know about this kind of thing!"

After all the inspections on the first floor were completed, the two quickly climbed the stairs and walked to the second floor lightly.

There is also a toilet and secondary bathroom on the second floor, and then there is a master bedroom, a second bedroom, a study, and an ancient bridge room.

Naoki paused and whispered, "Did you close the door when you left?"

"Hah?" Furuhashi stuck out half of his face and immediately saw the door to his room was half closed, she couldn't help but be nervous, "I-I don't remember well… I received a call from Ricchan asking for help, and rushed over to hurry. I probably forgot to close the door."

"Come in and check."

Pushing the door into the room, the two of them felt the refreshing night breeze blowing towards them.

Furuhashi is nervous, but there is a wind blowing, there is no doubt that not only the door is open, but the window must also be open.

Turning on the energy-saving lamp, Furuhashi looked around and found that the room was tidy, and there were no traces of upside down, and she was relieved.

"The window is open."

Naoki looked at the window, where the star-patterned curtains fluttered gently in the night breeze.

"When I come home from school in the afternoon, I open the windows for ventilation." Furuhashi said in a low voice, "I probably forgot to close it."

"Ventilation is a good habit, please maintain it."

Naoki walked to the window, examined it carefully, and quickly said:

"Shouldn't be a thief. The window sills are very clean and have no traces of being stepped on."

Furuhashi's room wasn't small, but there wasn't much place to hide. Naoki turned and walked to the cupboard, opened the cupboard and checked it. Of course, it was empty, nothing but clothes.


Furuhashi suddenly gripped Naoki's right hand tightly, his face turned pale, and she said nervously, "I just saw something under the bed."