Helper and Knee Pillow

The Yotsuba couldn't answer.

She didn't tell Itsuki and the others about being a maid, and she was embarrassed to tell Furuhashi.


Furuhashi looked suspicious.

She didn't feel anything at first, but now Yotsuba's eyes were erratic and doubtful, which made her wonder what the Yotsuba was doing here.

"Of course the Yotsuba came here to study." Naoki's expression remained unchanged, and of course he would not offer the Yotsuba a way out, "After all, I am a tutor."

"Un, that's true." Yotsuba nodded hastily, thinking about how to explain it, "I was recently in summer supplementary school, and I couldn't understand it at all, so I had to copy everything, then I asked Asakawa-san to study together."

"Additional school?" Furuhashi nodded lightly and changed the subject without a trace, "I also planned to apply to an additional school beforehand, but the weather is so hot that I can't muster up the courage to go out every time."

"It's really really hot." Yotsuba heaved a sigh of relief and said "It's okay to go out in the morning, not too hot, but not good during the day, just walk on the street and your clothes will be drenched in sweat... It's said that the Little Ice Age seems to be coming to an end. come soon, why is it still so hot?"

"Do you have any misunderstandings about the Little Ice Age?" Furuhashi complained, "The Little Ice Age was that the winters were very cold, and there would be severe droughts or floods in the summer."

If summer becomes as cold as winter, in winter, it is impossible to live at all!

Yotsuba shrank his neck, "The Little Ice Age will never come. It doesn't matter if it's hot in the summer, and very cold in the winter."

Naoki was surprised: "Are you still afraid of the cold?"

Itsuki is a typical hot body, when she went to give incense to his mother a few days ago, she climbed the mountain for 10 minutes and sat in the cold drink shop for 1 hour after descending the mountain.

The quintuplets have so much fat, in the summer afraid of the heat, the physique to endure the cold in the winter!

"Isn't it normal for girls to be afraid of the cold in winter?" Furuhashi glanced angrily, "Asakawa-san doesn't even know how painful it is to keep the blanket warm at night in winter."

"That's right." Yotsuba raised his hand in agreement, "Furuhashi-san is right."


After breakfast, after washing the cutlery and chopsticks, the three sat around a low table and studied together.

Speaking of coming to study, can't keep chatting all the time.

It was 8.30am in the blink of an eye.

"It's almost time." Furuhashi stretched his waist excitedly, "I'm going out. "

"Hah?" Yotsuba looked at Furuhashi "What are you doing outside, Furuhashi-san?"

"Go to work." Furuhashi waved his hand, took his small backpack, and walked briskly towards the entrance, "Asakawa-san, Yotsuba-san, see you later."

When Furuhashi left, the apartment suddenly became quiet.

Naoki put the carbon pen in his hand and looked at Yotsuba.

"Asakawa-san?" Yotsuba leaned back a little nervously, "Why are you staring at me?"

Naoki said casually:

"Do you think doing something should have a beginning and an end?"

"That kind of thing…"

The Yotsuba refused to answer.

Even she understood Naoki, and she clearly wanted to bully her.

"I don't know." Yotsuba turned his face away and covered his ears with his hands, "I can't hear what Asakawa-san is saying."

"Be true to your word." Naoki said unhurriedly, "I remember this is a family rule from your Nakano family?"

"Yotsuba, please honor your promise."

"What..." Yotsuba was lying on the table, the green hair accessory on his head slightly shaking. "You live with Furuhashi, and you make me wear a maid costume."

"Furuhashi ran away from home and came here to spend the night." Naoki of course said "You promised to wear a maid outfit, are those two things related?"

Yotsuba was silent.

Thinking about it carefully, it really had nothing to do with it. If she wanted to say that he ran away from the house, she and Itsuki still ran away from the house in front of Furuhashi. Of course, she couldn't blame anyone else for what everyone had done.

Yotsuba has a gentle personality, she hesitated for a while, and finally stood up with a flushed face, reached out his hand to take the backpack, and whispered: "Well, when will Furuhashi-san be back at work? "

Naoki said, "Should be back by tonight."

"That's good." Yotsuba heaved a sigh of relief, the maid was nothing, but she didn't want others to see, "I-I'm going to change."

She hurriedly walked to the bathroom, and after a while, Yotsuba carefully pushed open the door and walked out.

It used to be a light yellow short-sleeved shirt and plaid skirt, but after coming out, she had become a maid.

The style of the maid dress is a bit conservative, showing neither the back nor the chest, but the black and white combination is still attractive, the maid skirt narrows suddenly at the waist, and the skirt is slightly shorter. Unlike maid outfits in cafes that were knee-deep, there was an absolute, clear and seductive nature between the skirt and stockings of the maid outfit Yotsuba was wearing.


Yotsuba covered her chest with one hand and her skirt with the other, turned her body slightly, blushed slightly, and asked.

Naoki said quickly:

"Out of 100, I would give 10."

"Eh?" Yotsuba said in disbelief "There are only 10 points?!"

The maid outfit she painstakingly prepared only got 10 points, the score was too low!

"Listen to me." Naoki said quietly, "The reason for not giving the remaining 90 points is because I am afraid of your pride."

Yotsuba pouted "I wouldn't be proud... Asakawa-san bullied me!!"

Naoki nodded lightly to accept that opinion: "Then I will change the score, 100 points."

Yotsuba's face became hot, and the slight irritation in his heart immediately disappeared, she said haltingly:

"The score is too high… Let's give it a 10."

"What if you get angry again?"

"I am not angry."

Naoki had discovered that among the Quintuplets of the Nakano family, the one most interesting to bully was actually the Yotsuba.

Bullying Nino will be bitten.

There was only meat buns in Itsuki's eyes.

Miku is too weak.

As for Ichika... The black-bellied girl, it's good not to bully others.

Only the Yotsuba are different. She usually looks carefree, bright and cheerful, and always faces everyone with a smile. In fact, she was so lacking in confidence, peeling away the layers of pretending to be strong, the inside was actually extra soft.

Even so, so as not to drag everyone down, she resolutely chose to run into the night and asked Naoki to do some training.

On the way here that night, the Yotsuba must have wanted to run away many times and chose to surrender, right?

But no.

Naoki had no way of knowing what kind of determination came with the Yotsuba at that time, but that didn't prevent her from recognizing one thing, Yotsuba was actually quite cute.

"Coughs." Yotsuba quickly took on the role of a maid, "I'll mop the floor."

Naoki shook his head: "The floor has been mopped."

"What about the clothes?" Yotsuba rolled up his sleeves "I'm going to do the laundry."

"It clothes were also washed."

"Then what about the trash?"

"It's sorted out on the balcony, just waiting to be dumped tomorrow."

"Everything is done." Yotsuba suddenly slumped, and said in pieces, "I'm useless as a maid."

"Domestic workers who only do housework, not maids." Naoki took the teacup and took a sip. "The scope of maid work far exceeds that of domestic workers."

"Hah?" Yotsuba looked curious, "Like what?"

"For example…" Naoki spread his finger on his shoulder, "Come massage me."


"Massage first."

Yotsuba agreed, came over with a flushed face, knelt behind Naoki, and reached out to help massage.

"Asakawa-san is very tough."

"Nothing helps to relax, so naturally it's difficult... The technique is not bad, have you practiced before?"

"Ichika and Nino often have shoulder pain, and I help them massage, so I have experience… How do you feel?"

"It's very comfortable, but the power could be a little more."

"If I use too much strength, my hands will quickly become sore."


After a while.

Yotsuba sat behind Naoki with a duck-like posture, his face red and panting, and a few sticky and messy strands of hair on his forehead, she said pitifully:

"No way, my hand hurts, I can't take it anymore."

"That's all for today." Naoki pressed his neck and gently shrugged his shoulders, "Next is another maid service."


"Of course it's a lap pillow."

"Ehhh, lap pillow?!"

"As a maid, it's perfectly normal to provide a lap pillow."

"...Bullying me."

Yotsuba sat on his knees and whispered, "You can only sleep for 3 minutes."

Naoki said speechlessly, "Is 3 minutes too short?"

"This is what Asakawa-san taught me." Yotsuba hummed proudly, "And if you sleep too long, my legs will go numb."

Naoki was surprised: "Did Yotsuba give someone else's lap pillow?"

Yotsuba immediately raised his voice: "Of course not!"

A lap pillow is not an ordinary item, how can it be so easy to let someone else give it! It was too much to suspect that she had given someone else a lap pillow!

"Then how do you know that your feet will go numb if I sleep on them for a long time?"

"This kind of thing makes sense, okay?"

Naoki lay down and managed to get the Yotsuba knee pillow feat.

"How do you feel?" Yotsuba stroked Naoki's hair, blushing, and whispered, "Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"It feels so soft." Naoki mused "I thought Yotsuba's thighs would be really hard."

Yotsuba stuck out his finger and lightly touched Naoki's cheek, expressing dissatisfaction: "Why are girls legs so hard?"

"Running and exercising every day will naturally strengthen the leg muscles."

"Then I will run less in the future?" Yotsuba was suddenly worried and whispered, "I heard that people who run and exercise often have thicker legs?"

"It's called sturdy, not rough." Naoki corrected, "There are so many sprinters in the Olympics, and I've never seen a girl run so fast on her feet, so don't worry about it."

"Right." Yotsuba heaved a sigh of relief, "I've been exercising since my first year of high school."

"You're black later like Its."

"It's not black, Itsuki's legs are..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Yotsuba was shocked and looked at the door frantically, "Itsuki?!"

Itsuki is not Cao Cao, how can he jump out once someone complains!

"Asakawa-san, wake up quickly." Yotsuba urged nervously, "Look who's knocking on the door."

Of course, the lap pillow was gone, Naoki sat down, got up and walked behind the door, looking out of the cat's eyes, and then silently looked at Yotsuba:

"One good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Yotsuba tilted his head and quickly made a choice, "Good news!"

Naoki said "It's not Itsuki outside the door."

Yotsuba heaved a sigh of relief: "What about the bad news?"

Naoki said quietly, "It was Nino knocking on the door."

Yotsuba: "😐"

Really bad news.

Seeing his appearance now, she was so embarrassed no matter how she thought about it!

"I-I-I-I will change my clothes!"

Yotsuba hastily stood up and hid in the bedroom.

Naoki reached out and opened the door.

A girl with waist-length hair and hair accessories with ribbons on her temples was standing outside the door, who else but Nino.

"Very slow." Nino fanned his hand in front of her and said impatiently, "Why did it take so long to open the door?"

"It's been very fast." Naoki moved the door and let Nino in, "Before you come to play, I want you to send a message to give me."

"You are alone at home, are you still out?" Nino came in, took off his shoes, and pouted, "And it was surprising when I suddenly came to the door, right?"

Sorry, no surprises at all, just shocks!

Naoki asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"Green tea." Nino walked to the electric fan and sat down, turned on the electric fan, and narrowed his eyes comfortably, "It's hot outside... What are you doing?"

"Read to learn."

Nino looked at the tutorial book on the low table and pouted softly, "I don't see you working hard in normal times, but you have worked hard during summer vacation."

Naoki opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of green tea, and walked to Nino's side, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and his eyes were subconsciously attracted by a white and delicate touch.

Nino just blew on the electric fan to dissipate the heat as quickly as possible, she even hooked his fingers around the neck of his shirt. She was completely unprepared, and Naoki could see it clearly!

Aware of Naoki's gaze, Nino blushed slightly, and quickly covered his neck: "Bah, evil!"

Naoki expressionless: "So that means you…"

"Shut up, green tea for me!"

Nino cut in embarrassed.

What's wrong with being unprepared?

I've read them all, but I'm still too shy to talk back believe it or not, I'm going to hang you from the stake!

Seeing Nino drinking, Naoki said curiously:

"What are you doing here?"

Nino glanced: "I can't come here?"


"Hmph." Nino snorted lightly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "It's boring being home alone, so I came to play with you."

Naoki corrected: "Ichika, Miku, and Itsuki are at home right?"

"I was talking about you." Nino felt that there was something wrong with what Naoki said just now, but couldn't understand it for a while, "At home alone every day, even without friends, it must be boring right?"

Naoki shook his head: "It's not boring."

If you hadn't knocked on the door suddenly, I would still be lying on the Yotsuba's lap pillow right now!

"Your mouth is hard." Nino said in a reasonable manner, "If it's not boring, no serious person will read a book on summer vacation."

Hello, as a prospective student, reading books on summer vacation is common!

While speaking, Naoki suddenly saw a crack in the bedroom door, and one eye looked out:

Done changing clothes?

Naoki looked at the Yotsuba, thinking to himself, what kind of reaction would Nino have if he found out about the Yotsuba... That must be scary.


The gap in the door opened quietly, and Yotsuba blushed and waved at her.

Naoki glanced at Nino and quietly walked to the bedroom door.

"Come in."

A hand reached out and pulled it into the room.


Looking at the red-faced and disheveled girl in front of him, Naoki looked surprised.

I thought you had changed your clothes, but the maid clothes are off and the T-shirts aren't on!

"Stuck in the back." Yotsuba turned his back and whispered, "This hurts."