Student and Teacher Multiplayer Movement



A dark rainy night after a power cut.

And there was a strange knock on the door...

Furuhashi said nervously:

"Asakawa-san, I think I heard someone knocking on the door just now."

Naoki: "Could it be that you heard wrong?"

"No, it was just a knock on the door." Furuhashi turned to look at Ogata, "Ricchan, did you hear that?"

Ogata shook his head and said, "There was a lot of thunder just now, I didn't hear a knock on the door."


Furuhashi suddenly panicked.

What has happened?

Why was she the only one who heard a knock on the door?

Furuhashi's imagination opened up instantly, and the common plots in various horror films flooded his mind.

*Tock Tock*

There was another knock on the door.

This time there was no deafening thunder, and the three people in the room could hear it clearly.

Furuhashi nervously and whispered:

"Knock again."

Ogata nodded: "I heard it too, someone did knock on the door."

"It's not necessarily human." Furuhashi quickly turned his head, "It's very windy and rainy outside, surely no one will come out?"

"That's the problem." Furuhashi gulped nervously, "Maybe not the one knocking on the door, maybe…"

Before she could finish speaking, Naoki felt his left arm embedded in two soft and smooth balls.


Ogata hugged Naoki's arms tightly, like a panicked little animal, his small body shivered, and there were even tears in the corners of his eyes.

Calm, rational, always interpreting things with scientific thought, like mechanically made, when frightened by an unknown ghost, she instantly turns into Ogata who shivers in his arms.


Naoki tried to stabilize his mind, and coughed lightly: "Ogata, let go of your hand first."

"No, no, no." Ogata shook his head quickly, "There's a ghost!"

Whether it's a ghost or not, if you don't let go of your hand, a werewolf will immediately appear in the room and run wild!

Since it was the middle of summer and the weather was hot, Naoki only wore a short sleeve shirt on his body, with the sleeves on the outside, and Ogata also only wore a light shirt.

At this time, Ogata was holding his hand tightly, and Naoki could clearly feel the tenderness of Ogata's chest as well as the little thing called reason and humanity in his heart and instantly received 10,000 points of critical damage, horns grew on top of his head, his eyes glowed red, and he almost turned into a werewolf!

When the time comes, you and Furuhashi will be counted as one, good sisters will share the blessings and burdens, and no one can escape!

A slight pain in the waist quickly made Naoki wake up from his beast-like state.

Furuhashi puffed out his cheeks and said angrily.

"I am sorry."

Naoki pulled his arm from Ogata's arm, lightly touched the top of Ogata's head, and comforted her:

"Don't worry, the person knocking on the door isn't a ghost... I already guessed who it was."

"Eh?" Furuhashi was surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Do you know who Asakawa-san is?"

"More or less."

As Furuhashi said, on a rainy night like that, even NHK toll collectors wouldn't choose to go out in this weather, and the chances of outsiders visiting were slim.

But if the neighbors live next door... That's okay.

"I will open the door."

Naoki stepped towards the door.

"Asakawa-san." Furuhashi grabbed the hem of his shirt nervously, with a worried tone, "What if it really…"

"It really doesn't matter." Naoki said confidently, stretched out his right hand and rubbed the top of the literary girl's head, "I am an Esper."

"Such a weak esper can't be convincing at all!"

Furuhashi and Ogata held hands and followed Naoki carefully.

The knocking on the door continued.

In an environment like this, it's always necessary to find out who's knocking on the door in order to feel comfortable.

After walking to the door immediately, Naoki didn't hesitate and reached out to open the door.

A dazzling thunder flashed across the sky, briefly illuminating the woman who knocked on the door, her long hair curled and her face was pale...



Furuhashi and Ogata exclaimed in unison, hugging each other and shivering.

The woman outside the door looked just as surprised, her waist-length pink hair fluttering in the wind.

Long, fluttering hair is beautiful, but in windy weather, you must tie your hair up, otherwise you will most likely be considered a monster!

Naoki was naturally not afraid, he turned to the side to open the door, and greeted:

"Sensei, come in quickly."

The door is closed.

The howling wind immediately calmed down.

Under the light of the flashlight, Furuhashi finally saw who was knocking on the door, widened his eyes in amazement, and said:

"Kirisu sensei?!"

Ogata raised his face, "...not a ghost?"

Definitely not a ghost! This is a peaceful everyday world, not a strange world. How can there be so many ghosts knocking on the door!

"You…" Mafuyu seemed to regret her hasty move, "Why are you here?"

Furuhashi clenched his fist with his right hand and coughed lightly, "Come here to study with Asakawa-san, who would have thought that it would suddenly rain heavily, I can't go."

Furuhashi remembered.

Kirisu sensei seems to live in the apartment next door to Asakawa-san, but I haven't seen her in such a long time that I almost forgot.

Naoki looked at Mafuyu and said curiously:

"Was there a power outage at sensei's apartment?"


Mafuyu was wearing pajamas with a cat pattern on them, with her right hand wrapped around her chest and nodding lightly.

Ogata tilted his head, and said his guess, "Is Kirisu sensei afraid of being alone?"

"I am not afraid." Mafuyu's face condensed, subconsciously showing a majestic aura in the school, but unfortunately the cat pajamas and slightly pale face on her body greatly reduced the majesty, "I just…"

Biting her lips lightly, Mafuyu turned her face away and said softly:

"It's just that the phone ran out of battery."

Naoki picked up his phone, showing the remaining battery: "I'm out of battery."

Furuhashi: "I forgot to charge it."

Ogata: "And me, I've run out of electricity for food delivery."

Mafuyu: "😐"

Reaching out with his finger and lightly pressing between his eyebrows, Mafuyu sighed helplessly, and looking at everyone's red critical strength, the small shame in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Asakawa-san, do you have a candle?" Mafuyu quickly explained his intentions, "If you have extra candles, help me out."

In such a night thunderstorm, if there is only one person, even if she stays in the room, she will feel cold, but it is still within the acceptable range, but after a sudden large-scale blackout and the battery from the mobile phone, Mafuyu finally start to panic.

Fear of the dark is an instinct that is ingrained in human genes. People who say they are not afraid should be slapped.

"Candle, I haven't used it in a long time, I don't know if there is..." Naoki pondered, "I'll look for it."

After a while.

Naoki stood in front of the drawer, looked at Mafuyu, and said firmly:

"There is two news now, one good news and one bad news. Which one should sensei listen to first?"


Mafuyu said expressionlessly, "Listen to the good news first."

Naoki: "The good news is that there are still candles."

Ogata was curious: "What about the bad news?"

"Bad news..." Naoki took out a candle from the drawer, "This is what's left."


Mafuyu was suspicious.

"There's really only one candle, Asakawa-san isn't playing any jokes." Furuhashi helped testify, "If sensei doesn't believe you, you can come and see."

"It's fine if you don't have one." Mafuyu shook his head and said softly, "I… I'll be back."

"Stay here." Of course Naoki wouldn't let Mafuyu go, "No candles, phone is off, and it's impossible to go out in this weather, what are you going to do when you come back? "

Mafuyu bit her lower lip slightly: "I'm going back to rest."

Naoki had a serious expression: "What if sensei suddenly hears a strange sound during a break?"

"Strange sound?" Mafuyu tilted her head, her tone slightly suspicious, "What do you mean?"

Naoki pointed the flashlight at himself, and said quietly:

"For example, suddenly there is a sound crawling under the bed, or in the closet…"


The calm Ogata hugged Naoki's arm again, with tears in his eyes and trembling.

"Stupid Asakawa-san." Furuhashi approached, "Don't scare Ricchan."

"Yes, I'm very sorry."

Even though she knew that Naoki was deliberately trying to scare her, Mafuyu had to admit that it was very scary in this situation.

Mafuyu looked embarrassed: "…Shame!"

"Kirisu-sensei, stay here for a while." Comforting Ogata, Furuhashi suggested, "It won't be too late to return after the call."

Mafuyu finally nodded lightly in agreement.

"Sensei sit down first, I'll make you a cup of tea." Furuhashi assumed the responsibilities of a housekeeper. "Don't be afraid Ricchan, we are all here... Asakawa-san, go and light the candle, the phone is turned off, and the remaining power is reserved for emergencies."

Seeing Furuhashi who was handling the housework in an orderly manner, Mafuyu suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart——

The girl in front of her was the real head of the family.

After knowing this, Mafuyu then sat down at the table in silence.

After a while.

The four of them sat in a circle around a low table, and Mafuyu was holding green tea and drinking it lightly.

It was still windy and rainy outside, with lightning and thunder, but Naoki had lit a candle, and the bright orange-red flame dispelled the darkness, which made people feel more at ease.

Suddenly, some people understood why most primitive people worshiped fire. Fire in the dark can indeed give people a great sense of security.

"Continue studying?"

Ogata asked.

"I don't want it anymore." Furuhashi shook his head and said, "The candlelight is still a little dim, and continuing to read is not good for the eyes."

Mafuyu nodded calmly: "You don't need to rush to study, just wait for the electricity to come on."

"I have something to say."

Naoki raised his hand.

Mafuyu averted his gaze and spat out a word: "Speak."

"The light of a candle is not really dark." Naoki held the teacup with both hands and said firmly, "The ancients caught fireflies and put them in cloth bags to study. We have to overcome difficulties and work hard."

"In ancient times, it was written with a brush or carved on pieces of bamboo. How big was the character then and how small is the character now?" Furuhashi said angrily, "Don't you want to study, why bring the tutorial book with you?"

"Do something with one heart and one mind." Naoki didn't change his face, "When drinking tea, concentrate on drinking tea. If you accidentally drop the teacup and spill it on the instruction book, it will be troublesome."

"Then wait until you finish your tea before reading."

"What if I can't finish drinking?"

"Your cup is finished."

Naoki handed the teacup to Furuhashi and said casually, "Pour another cup."

Furuhashi wanted to complain, but suddenly saw Ogata's cheeks bulge. Even the face of Mafuyu sitting across from her was a little blurry, his face was slightly red, and she turned his head and said:

"If you want tea, pour it yourself."

The light is very dark, not very suitable for reading and studying.

But in the case of a power outage, there is no other way of entertainment. The phone battery is in a rush, so it can only be used for emergency use. The TV can't be watched, and the computer can't be turned on, many topics can't be said.

"So boring~" Furuhashi supported his chin with his right hand and looked out the window, "It's been raining for a long time, why don't you stop."

"It didn't take long, actually." Naoki glanced at the time, "When people do nothing, time will naturally lengthen."

Ogata suddenly suggested, "How about playing a game?"

"Hah?" Furuhashi was surprised, "What game does Ricchan want to play?"

Ogata sat up straight, his eyes lit up slightly, and a look of anticipation appeared on his little face:

"Last time I went to participate in a study competition, we played games together in Asakawa-san's room at night."

Mafuyu turned his head and looked at Naoki with a cold face.

Hey, what are you looking at?

You're just saying you have to come back to your room by 9pm, but you're not saying that girls shouldn't go into the boys' rooms to play games!

"This is a card game." Naoki wasn't afraid of shadows, and he didn't feel guilty at all, "This is a normal game."

"Asakawa-san, is there a card?"

Furuhashi asked.

"Of course." Naoki nodded "And mahjong, do you want to play?"

"Wait." Mafuyu finally complained, "Why is there a mahjong in your apartment?"

Naoki naturally said: "Mahjong is just a very ordinary entertainment prop, isn't it normal to have mahjong?"

Furuhashi fell silent and said:

"Obviously living alone, mahjong can't be played at all."

Naoki looked around at the two girls in front of him, a teacher, and said with satisfaction, "Now I only have a mahjong table."