Sea and Swimsuit

After a few simple words, Naoki stepped back to the side and remained silent.

Ichika approached and told the situation again.

It turned out that when the grandfather of the Quintuplet stepped on the stairs to fix the light bulb in the morning, he slipped and fell and passed out. After the neighbors found out, he immediately called an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

Grandpa has asked the doctor carefully now, because he was sent to the doctor on time, and his health is not serious, and he only needs to be hospitalized for a few days.

Therefore, the Quintuplets were in the mood for ice cream.

The Quintuplets gathered around the hospital bed, chatted for a while, and soon a nurse came in to silence everyone.

The ward was an ordinary multi-person ward, apart from the grandfather of the Quintuplets, there were other patients, and it was easy to annoy others.

"I'm fine now, what kind of hospital am I staying in, I'm going home now..."

The old man wanted to get up.

"Not." Ichika's expression was serious, and she rarely showed the eldest daughter's majesty. "Doctors have the final say. At this time, Grandpa must comply with the doctor's advice."

"Grandpa, watch your body." Nino muttered, "For things like changing light bulbs, just ask the neighbors, you don't have to do it yourself."

Miku said calmly, "The doctor said that kakrk will be hospitalized for two days for observation. After two days, Grandpa can be sent home."

Yotsuba: "Miku is right."

Itsuki: "…What everyone means is what I mean."

After the explanation, the Quintuplets walked out of the ward.

Naoki took out his cell phone and checked the time. Before he knew it, it was already past 5pm. Since it was summer, the sun would not set until late, and the sky was still quite clear.

"I'll go home."

Naoki put down his phone and prepared to leave.


The Quintuplets looked up and surrounded Naoki directly.

Ichika asked wide-eyed, "Where did Asakawa-kun go?"

"Of course I'm going back to Tokyo." Naoki said as usual, "I came here mainly because I was worried that Miku got lost. Now that I've dropped her off, why don't I go home?"


Nino refuses.


Naoki turned around.

Nino snorted softly, his face slightly blushed and said, "Drive Miku so far and only eat ice cream, as if we were stingy… We'll talk about it after dinner in the evening."

It's getting dark after dinner, do you still want to go?

There is no way.

Naoki could naturally see Nino's thoughts: "It's too late after dinner, it's too late to start now."

"It's too late now." Miku grabbed the corner of Naoki's clothes, and said softly, "It will take four or five hours to get back, and it will be late when you get home... You will be back tomorrow."

Holding a stick of ice cream, Itsuki said:

"Asakawa-san didn't apply to an extra school, and there's nothing to do when you get back, why don't you stay and play for a few days?"

"The sea is right outside Grandpa's house, so you can swim." Yotsuba nodded, "We're planning to go to Grandpa's house for a swim before the end of summer vacation, and that's only now."

"Swimming..." Naoki looked at Itsuki, and said quietly, "Forget Itsuki, it will scare other people."

Itsuki immediately became displeased: "I improved my swimming skills!"

"Hmm." Ichika raised her right hand, "I have something to say."

Naoki turned around.

Ichika said with a serious expression:

"Grandpa just said that the bulb was broken and had not been replaced. Please Asakawa-kun change the bulb."

Naoki: "You can leave this kind of thing to the Yotsuba, right?"

"I-I can't." Yotsuba hastily shook his head, hesitantly saying, "...I'm afraid of heights!"

Naoki said with an expressionless face:

"Why didn't I see that you were afraid of heights when you were on the roller coaster at the amusement park?"

"Okay, don't talk in the corridor, it will disturb other people." Nino turned around and said, "Hurry up and go to Grandpa's house."


Naoki actually wanted to leave, but unfortunately he was surrounded by Quintuplets and couldn't escape at all.

Leave the hospital.

The group walked to the bus station, boarded a retro-style bus, and drove slowly towards the waterfront.

"Asakawa-san look." Itsuki's eyes lit up, and she reached out and tugged at the hem of Naoki's clothes, "It's the sea."

Naoki looked out the window, the bus circled a building, the vision in front of him suddenly became clear, and the endless blue sea appeared in his eyes, the breeze blew, and the waves glittered.


Naoki nodded lightly.

The last time he saw the sea was a long time ago. Summer vacation was so hot that if he didn't have to, he would be too lazy to open the door, much less go to the beach to bask in the sun.

The Izu Peninsula is located on the southern side of Shizuoka Prefecture and borders the Pacific Ocean. It has hot springs and coastal resources, industry especially fishing and tourism, and the pace of life is quite slow.

After getting off the bus, it took 10 minutes to get on the bus, and finally arrived at the grandfather's residence of the Quintuplets, they didn't get lost during that period, which was encouraging.

The house is a traditional wooden building, only 100 meters from the sea, you can see the sea when you push the door, there are also fences at the front and back to form a courtyard, and some vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers and eggplants are planted inside.

Nino: "Finally here."

Miku: "It's so hot."

Yotsuba: "I'm going to swim at the beach!"

Itsuki: "Wait a minute, we came here in a hurry, we didn't bring any swimsuits with us?"

"It's very simple." Ichika said with a smile, "Just go to the store and buy a swimsuit that Asakawa-kun likes."

Buying swimwear is your own business, what has that got to do with me!

Pushing the door and entering the courtyard, the stairs are still there, and the courtyard is a little messy.

Nino said, "Let's clean the yard together."


"Asakawa-kun." Ichika turned to look, "Please change the light bulb."


Naoki nodded and agreed.

Go up the zigzag stairs, change light bulbs, and clean the yard together, and without realizing it, it's night.

The sun set quietly, turning into a circle of orange fireballs falling into the sea, dyeing the boundless blue sea a magnificent golden red. It is difficult for those who have never been to the sea to appreciate the beauty of the endless sunsets.

Gentle sea breeze.

Miku raised her hand to hold the hair by her ear, and said softly, "The sunset is so beautiful."

Usually at this hour she should be playing games in his own room, or watching TV in the living room, it's been a long time since she's seen the sunset.

"You can see it every day, it's no different."

Nino whispered, his waist-length hair gently fluttering in the night breeze.

Yotsuba nodded: "Itsuki and I usually come home from extra school, and we often see sunsets on the road, but not as big as sunsets by the sea… Could it be because the sun is small during the day and big at night?"

Naoki looked at Yotsuba, and said quietly, "Fortunately, no sensei heard what you said, otherwise sensei would vomit blood."

Yotsuba commented: "If people vomit so much blood, they will die."

Ichika turned with a smile, "Asakawa-kun is also a tutor."

"Yeah, I just vomited three liters of blood in my heart."

"Then how can you speak?"

"Because the coffin board can't hold it in anymore."

There was a rustling sound behind him, and Naoki suddenly remembered that Itsuki didn't speak. He turned his head and saw Itsuki had been picking tomatoes at an unknown time and was eating.

Seeing Naoki turn his head, Itsuki handed her a half-eaten tomato, "Asakawa-san, would you like?"

I don't want to bite into a tomato, but I'm very interested in biting you!

"It's almost time." Nino took out his cell phone and glanced at the time, "Let's eat."

Yotsuba lifted his chin and hummed proudly:

"Asakawa-san just follow us, we are familiar with Izu."

Itsuki devoured the tomato, then raised his hand to wipe his mouth, "I'm hungry, let's go."


This is the end of the matter, and it is estimated that he will not be able to return at night.

Naoki didn't mention the matter of returning, and walked towards the city behind the Quintuplets

They eat seafood for dinner. The Izu Peninsula is close to the Pacific Ocean. All kinds of seafood and aquatic products are cheap and rich in resources.

After eating and drinking, it was almost 7 pm before they realized it, but the sky was still not completely dark. Looking at the horizon, they could see a crimson color like coals in the sea.

"Let's go." Ichika seemed to be in a good mood, "Go buy a swimsuit~"

Street lights have been lit, white bamboo lanterns sway gently in the sea breeze, and many tourists can also be seen hanging out on the streets.

"It feels like the city hasn't changed from last year."

"That's how it should be, I don't want the city in my memory to be foreign."

The Quintuplets wandered all the way, stopping and going, clearly familiar with the city.

After walking for a while, at some point Itsuki bought Takoyaki again, the hair on top of his head was swaying gently, and he was quite happy to eat.

Naoki stared at Itsuki in silence.

It's been less than 20 minutes since you ate, but you started eating again. Is your stomach like a bottomless pit!

Itsuki blushed slightly and explained, "The takoyaki here is different from Tokyo, the takoyaki inside is not minced meat, it's really a whole little octopus... Asakawa-san eats one too, it's super delicious."

"Just wash your hands."

"It doesn't matter." Itsuki stabbed the takoyaki and handed it to Naoki "Ah, open your mouth."

"Do not eat."

"Just one bite."

Sharing food is one of Itsuki's hobbies, when she discovers different flavors of new snacks, she will give Naoki a copy.

After eating takoyaki, they went to the shopping center in a few steps, and took the stairs to the third floor, all of which were shops selling swimwear.


A shopping guide bowed and saluted, seeing the Twins who looked exactly the same, she was obviously a little surprised.

Naoki stopped outside the door and took out his cell phone.

"Stupid Asakawa, what are you doing at the door?" Nino turned around and signaled, "Hurry in."

Naoki looked at Nino: "I didn't buy a swimsuit."

"If you don't buy a swimsuit, you have to buy swimming trunks, right?"

Nino grabbed Naoki's wrist, pulled the man in, and said, "Are you going to swim in pants later?"

Naoki said firmly, "Actually I can swim naked."


Nino said quietly, "Dirty!"

He came here. He always felt sorry if he didn't swim at the beach. Naoki quickly liked the blue beach shorts.

Compared to it simplicity and directness, the Quintuplets in choosing a swimsuit was much more troublesome.

"Asakawa-kun, come here."

Ichika gestured and shouted.

Naoki put down his phone and walked over.

"Both swimsuits look good." Ichika asked, "What color does Asakawa-kun like?"

Naoki said wordlessly, "You decide what color you like for your own swimsuit."

"It's hard to make a decision, so I asked Asakawa-kun's opinion."

"I see…" Naoki quickly suggested, "Buy them all."


"Wear the red one tomorrow and the blue one the day after, so you don't get entangled."

Yotsuba nodded subconsciously: "Makes sense..."

"There is no point!" Nino didn't complain, "Swimsuits are not underwear, it doesn't matter if you buy two more, it's too wasteful to buy two!"

"By the way, Nino bought so many clothes, many of which were worn only once." Miku said "I haven't seen you wear it since then."

"That's because you bought too few clothes." Nino refused to admit guilt. "You wear your school uniform at school and pajamas at home on the weekends, you don't even bother buying new clothes."

Miku puffed out her cheeks: "Is it fashionable to change clothes every day?"


The two sisters looked at each other, and their eyes collided with sparks in the air.

"Asakawa-kun." Ichika tugged at the hem of Naoki's clothes, reached out and lowered the swimsuit with very little cloth, and whispered in Naoki's ear softly, "How about this bikini?"

Naoki's expression remained unchanged: "Not much."

"I haven't worn it yet." Ichika said with a smile, "If Asakawa-kun likes it, it will be your gift, right?"

"No need."

Naoki had no fluctuations in his heart, and simply refused.

Only two people, the Quintuplets gathered, even if you are willing to wear a bikini, other people will not agree!

"Ichika, what are you doing in a swimsuit with so little cloth?"

Nino who was facing Miku, averted her eyes and looked suspiciously.

"Ah…" Ichika took a step forward, stood in front of Naoki, and said with a serious expression, "Don't get me wrong, Asakawa-kun didn't say that he wanted to see us in bikinis."





The Quintuplets chose their own swimsuits, and then went to the locker room to change. Since there were a lot of customers in the shop, they didn't come out to ask Naoki's opinion.

After buying swimsuits and paying the bill, the group headed straight back to Grandpa's old house by the sea.

"Scorching hot." Nino waved his hand and fanned his face.

"Very hot." Itsuki as the burden bearer among the Quintuplets, was actually the one who was most afraid of the heat, "I want to eat ice cream."

Yotsuba wasn't afraid of the heat, and said with interest, "Hurry up and put on your swimsuit, go and swim!"

Naoki looked at him in surprise: "Swimming at night?"

"Of course, the sea is outside the door, you can swim whenever you want." Yotsuba wrapped his arms around his waist and hummed proudly, "There's another advantage to swimming at night, Asakawa-san, guess."

Naoki shook his head "I can't guess, please let Yotsuba-sensei publish the file."

"Hum hum~" Hearing Naoki call her sensei, Yotsuba lifted his chin up high, a satisfied smile on his face almost overflowing, she raised his thumb, and said, "You don't need to wear sunscreen when swimming at night."

Nino looked confused and pondered, "I think I've seen it on the Internet that seawater absorbs ultraviolet light during the day, then releases it at night?"

"Eh?" Yotsuba was shocked, looking at Naoki with a confused expression, "Is that so?"

Naoki took out his cell phone.

Nino asked confusedly, "What are you doing with your phone?"

"I'll call the physics teacher." Naoki said, "Listen to how much blood that physics teacher is going to spit out."

"Huh." Nino blushed, "Don't call, put your phone away!"

"Is that true?" Itsuki approached out of curiosity, holding a tomato out of nowhere in his hand, "I've seen the tweet that Nino said, and I think it's true."

There's still one of you! Rumors that elementary school students won't listen to, how do you believe it's true!

Naoki looked at Itsuki, and said earnestly, "Don't be a physics teacher in the future."