Asteroid Love

"All in all, don't tell Aunt about this." Furuhashi raised his hand to rest on his forehead and took a deep breath, "Rin-chan, make sure to help keep it a secret."

"Don't worry, Onee-san, I'm the best at keeping secrets." Rin raised her hand in salute, and said: "I definitely won't tell mother about Onee-san living with Nii-chan."

"It is said that this is an overnight stay, not a cohabitation." Furuhashi lightly pinched Rin's face "Don't talk nonsense."

"Understood, Onee-san." Rin nodded, "Promise not to say anything."

"I always feel uncomfortable..."

Furuhashi sighed, and out of the corner of his eye she suddenly saw Naoki standing beside her, with an expression on his face hesitating to speak.

"Asakawa-san?" Furuhashi asked curiously, "Do you have anything to say?"

Naoki meant something: "The longest time for some young children to keep a secret is only 30 minutes."

"Stupid Nii-chan." Rin stood up angrily, clenched her small fists, and hit Naoki's chest, "I'm in third grade of junior school, so I'm not a kid!"

Furuhashi: "😐"

Don't betray yourself.

Before he says it's you, you jump out and refute him. It turned out that the longest secrecy time was only 30 minutes!

Sure enough, she couldn't believe anything Rin had sworn.

"Then I won't be playing tonight."

Furuhashi chose to retreat.

"Not." Naoki shook his head and said, "You should go."


"Only when you're gone can you keep an eye on Rin and tell her not to talk nonsense."

Furuhashi: "😐"

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed there was only one way.

"I'm going to work." Furuhashi pushed the muddled thought out of his mind for a while, "You two are waiting for me to come back."

Rin waved: "Goodbye Onee-san."

The door is closed.

The living room suddenly became silent.

"Nii-chan, sit here." Rin patted the pillow next to her, "Play a game together."

Naoki took the joystick and sat beside Rin.

"This is my save file, Nii-chan don't play." Rin found Street Fighter while adept at saving games, but she still refused to let her mouth rest, "Who does Nii-chan like?"

Naoki paused, then narrowed Rin's eyes: "...What are you talking about?"

"I am 14 years old, and I will be entering high school next year." Rin was displeased, "Nii-chan doesn't always think of me as an idiot."

"If you can pronounce pi to ten decimal places, I'll admit you're not an idiot."

"Idiot Nii-chan, don't change the topic, who would go to memorize such a thing." Rin nudged Naoki's arm, and said, "Even though Rizu-chan's breasts are huge, she's not Nii-chan's type."

Naoki randomly chooses a game character: "What do you think?"

Rin complained: "Rizu-chan is so small, Nii-chan will be considered a perverted pedophile, or an oppai lover?"

You think too much, 99% of men in the world are a combination of pedophiles and oppai lovers, so there is no shame at all.

"Sekijou Onee-san is actually quite kind, enthusiastic and cheerful, and seems like a very reliable senpai." Rin continued commenting, "But she always secretly stares at Rizu-chan with strange eyes, and then blushes inexplicably."

Don't say that, Sekijou blushed because she saw Ogata's body, and it had nothing to do with herself.

"In the end, it was Onee-san." Rin sat up straight, "Soft and kind, cute and pretty, and her voice is really good… In short, she's really cute."

Naoki glanced at Rin: "Are you sure it's not because you two eat snacks together every day?"

"This has nothing to do with snacks, I'm just speaking from a fair and impartial point of view." Taking advantage of Naoki's turn, Rin quickly stepped forward and attacked, "So, who does Nii-chan like?"

Naoki was silent.

Who does he like?

This question was suddenly asked by Rin, and Naoki finally could no longer choose to avoid it.

Humans are indeed plagued by useless emotions.


It was 3 pm.

Furuhashi came home from work, after returning to the apartment, she rested for a while, then changed clothes and skirts, and the three of them set off together to go to Rin's house.

"Mom, we're back."

Rin took off her shoes and ran into the house barefoot.

"Welcome back."

A woman in an apron and hair tied in a ponytail greeted her.

"Ah, this is Fumino-chan." Asakawa's mother's eyes lit up and a gentle smile appeared on her face, "Come in quickly."

Furuhashi bowed and saluted: "Auntie, good afternoon."

"Fumino-chan come and eat the fruit." Asakawa's mother turned her gaze and looked at Naoki, and instructed, "Naoki, go and take the watermelons out of the fridge, and peel the mangoes too."

This difference is too obvious! I didn't even drink a sip of water when I entered the door!

Walking into the living room and sitting down, Asakawa's mother pretended to be mistreated and said, "Summer vacation is coming to an end, and this is the first time Fumino-chan has come here, you obviously promised that you would come often to play. "

"Aunt." Furuhashi coughed lightly, "It was just summer vacation, I came to help Rin with her homework."

Asakawa's mother patted her forehead: "I was very busy with work during that time. I have to go out very early every morning, and I don't have time to comfort Fumino-chan, I have to make up for it today."

Furuhashi hastily said, "Auntie, don't bother."

"Just treat it as usual." Naoki cut a piece of watermelon, handed it over, and complained, "So enthusiastic about making Furuhashi uncomfortable."

Asakawa's mother smiled and said, "Fumino-chan is so cute, it would be nice if it was a family in the future."

Rin interrupts: "This is family now…"

Before she could finish speaking, Furuhashi covered his mouth.

"Ha ha ha." Furuhashi had cold sweat dripping down his forehead, "Rin-chan just choked."

Sure enough, Rin was a no-nonsense person, and she almost said it just now!

After speaking for a while, Asakawa's mother quickly stood up and smiled gently:

"You guys talk, I'm going to the kitchen to cook."

As an elder, there was a natural generation gap between her and the younger generation, and a simple chat was enough for a while, Asakawa's mother was clearly aware of this truth.

Furuhashi got up and said:

"Auntie, should I help?"

Naoki raised his head and looked at Furuhashi carefully.

You can't even crack an egg, and you want to help out in the kitchen. Once you enter the kitchen, the contents will be revealed!

Aware of Naoki's gaze, Furuhashi's face turned slightly red, and looked at him from the corner of his eye.

Her cooking might not be good enough, but she's quite good at whisking eggs!

"Not." Asakawa's mother waved her hand, "I can do it myself. You can watch TV in the living room."

When Asakawa's mother left, Furuhashi clutched his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the pressure of parents being really great, more than the pressure of seeing Ogata's parents.

"Onee-san, I'm sorry." Rin turned her head sadly, covering her mouth with her hand, "I won't talk nonsense next time."


Furuhashi sighed silently.

This certainty is by no means convincing.

"Onee-san, don't worry." Rin raised her right hand with a serious expression, swearing to God, "If I say so, I will let… let Nii-chan not find a girlfriend for the rest of my life!"

Hey, you've had enough, you actually swore using someone else, and as expected, from the start, you had the 'don't punish me if I said it by mistake' thought!

Rin said desperately: "Onee-san doesn't know, Nii-chan used to say more popular."

Furuhashi was curious and couldn't help but say:

"Is that true?"

"Before we moved next door, there was a girl who was the same age as Nii-chan, and she liked to come and play with Nii-chan."

Furuhashi was slightly surprised.

Living next door, and someone of the same age... Definitely a childhood friend who only appears in light novels!

When Furuhashi was a child, she did not have good boys and friends. Things like childhood friends were actually rare. It's better to say that most childhood playmates will be strangers when they grow up.

Rin continued:

"As a result, one day, Nii-chan stupidly said, 'Women will only affect my sword-wielding speed', which made the neighboring girl cry."

Furuhashi: "😐"

"Women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword." Naoki's expression remained unchanged, "That's right."

Just like the dream about the infinity train the night before, Itsuki hugged his arms tightly, and Naoki didn't even have a chance to draw a sword!

"Hurry up and apologize to the girl who cried because of you." Furuhashi complained, "It will leave a shadow on other people for life."

"Onee-san, don't worry, that girl has moved on." Rin said, "I have the girl's contact information and I saw the girl had a boyfriend last year."

Furuhashi heard those words and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wait a minute...

Why should you relax?

Even if a childhood friend falls from the sky... it has nothing to do with me, right?

The ones to worry about are Ogata and Miku.

"There are many similar things." Rin said desperately, "Mom used to worry. Nii-chan is very withdrawn and has an awkward personality. In the future, it's very likely that he will be single for the rest of him life… Now that Nii-chan has Onee-san, mother doesn't have to worry anymore."

Furuhashi blushed, and looked away slightly: "What does that have to do with me?"

Rin said bluntly: "Of course because Nii-chan likes..."

Furuhashi quickly reached out and covered Rin's mouth, his cheeks quickly becoming hot, "Watch TV!"


After dinner, sitting in the living room and drinking a cup of tea, it was already 7 pm.

The time has come at the end of August, and the speed of darkness is very slow, until now, the sun has set and the light has completely disappeared.

"Mom, we're going out."

Rin shouted sternly.

Furuhashi bowed and saluted: "Auntie, I am leaving."

"Go play." Asakawa's mother nodded lightly, "Naoki, take care of Rin and Fumino-chab."

Naoki sighed: "They are not children, they don't need me to take care of them."

"Hah? What did you say?"

"…Promise to take care of them."


When they came out of the door, a gust of heat came rolling in, and it was full of heat. It doesn't take long for people to sweat.

Fortunately, when they walked near the riverbank, because of the open terrain, the wind blew from time to time which was very comfortable and cool.

Naoki looked towards the river, the fireflies had already started to appear, and countless cold light the size of a grain of rice fluttered gently in the darkness.

The three walked to the corner of the river bank, and Furuhashi said: "This is the last time we watched fireflies together."

Naoki nodded lightly: "That's right."

"It's a shame Yuika-chan isn't here today." Furuhashi wrapped his arms around her skirt, sat down by the river, and took out a spray from her small backpack, "Rin-chan, have a seat."

Rin was about to go to the river to play in the water, she often saw fireflies, so of course she didn't like it. Hearing this, she said curiously:

"Onee-san, what is it?"

"Insect repellent spray." Furuhashi opened the spray. "When I came back in the afternoon, I bought it at the convenience store. Lots of mosquitoes on the river bank. If we wear this, we won't be bitten by mosquitoes."

"Oh, I remember!" Rin patted her forehead and suddenly said, "When Onee-san came to play for the first time, bugs crawled onto her clothes, and those insects were thrown out by Nii-chan."

Furuhashi blushed, and looked at Naoki shyly: "Quickly shut up, don't ever mention that matter again!"

Naoki is innocent: "I didn't say anything, why are you staring at me?"

After spraying bug repellent spray, Naoki suddenly felt a streak of light across the sky, and when he looked up, several meteors pierced the clear night sky.

"Onee-san, there is a meteor!"

Rin's voice was heard.

Furuhashi raised her pretty face and looked at the meteor in the sky, her eyes flickering slightly, "This is the Perseid meteor shower."

Naoki said: "Summer is almost over, today should be the last eruption of the Perseid meteor shower?"

"Right." Furuhashi clasped his knees with both hands, his eyes shining, "The Perseid meteor shower in the Northern Hemisphere in summer has the longest duration and the greatest number. I used to observe it with my parents when I was little."

"I have seen Saint Perseus in "Saint Seiya"." Rin asked curiously, "Why is the meteor shower also called this name?"

"Saint Seiya was originally an anime based on Greek mythology." Furuhashi's voice was soft, "Perseus is actually the hero Perseus in Greek mythology, Athena asked him to take the head of Medusa's banshee, then Perseus managed to cut off Medusa's head and dedicate it to Athena."

"Athens kept her promise, let Perseus ascend to heaven, and give him the throne that symbolizes glory, namely Perseus."

Furuhashi was very interested, pointed at the sky and said, "Look at those bright stars, do they vaguely depict human figures in the sky?"

"That star is Algol. Every two and a half days, its brightness will decrease gradually, and will return to normal after ten hours, so it is also called the 'Magic Star', representing the head of Medusa banshee."

"Next to Perseus is Andromeda, Perseus' wife who defeated the sea monsters and saved..."

Furuhashi's eyes shone, but unfortunately for Rin, an idiot, it was like listening to a book from heaven, and she couldn't understand it safely.

What Perseus, Andromeda, the sky is clearly an ordinary star, and nothing special at all.

Only Naoki listened quietly, Furuhashi's shining eyes, just like Miku talking about historical military commanders, those eyes were really full of compassion and love.

"Onee-san." Taking advantage of Furuhashi's sigh, Rin hastily said, "Do all the stars in the sky have names?"

"Of course not." Furuhashi shook his head "There are too many stars, more than all the sand on earth combined, so if you can find an undiscovered asteroid, you can..."

Furuhashi suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the bright starry sky above his head.

"Just what?"

Rin asked curiously.

Naoki said on the side: "You can name the asteroids you find yourself."

The number of stars in the sky is great and the variety is very rich, but for now, asteroids are the only celestial bodies that can be named after their discoverer.

"Any good names?"

"In theory yes."

"It has been decided." Rin clenched her fists, looked up at the starry sky, and said sensibly, "I want to find three asteroids, named after me, Nii-chan, and Onee-san!"

Shut up! You can't even tell the difference between Perseus and Andromeda. You want to find a new asteroid, you come back soon to shower and sleep, you have everything in your dreams!

The next moment.

Naoki suddenly felt his right hand gripped tightly.

"Asakawa-san…" Furuhashi clenched his left hand and pressed his chest firmly, a hazy mist appeared in his eyes, "I remember."