
"Girls go out and put on makeup even if they cut off their hands."

Nanako spoke sensibly.

Naoki asked, "How do you apply makeup if your hands are cut off?"

"…You were just chatting."

Nanako turned angry when she couldn't say anything "Come out quickly, I'll change clothes, you go down and feed Kabuinujiro."

"Wang Wang."

Hearing that Nanako calling her name, Kabuinujiro stuck out his tongue and came to lick. Even though the dog can't talk, she can feel the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of his owner. Now that Nanako's mood has improved, the dog has also come to life.

Naoki looked at the short-legged corgi at his feet, and said quietly, "How much dog food do you usually feed?"

Nanako tilted her head and said in a confused tone, "Of course Kabuinujiro eats as much as he eats."

Of course.

No wonder that in less than half a year, this short-legged corgi has shown a horizontal growth trend, according to your feeding method, it will soon become a rolling beast!

"Kabuinujiro, come down."

Naoki walked out of the room.

This Kabuinujiro reluctantly looked at Nanako.

"I don't feed you during the day." Nanako became soft, and said softly, "Hurry up and let Asakawa get you something to eat."

Kabuinujiro just got out and walked down on his short legs. As rumor has it, dogs like Corgi are very clumsy when descending because of their short legs. In the end, the dog lost its front paws and rolled on the ground twice.

Naoki had been here several times, and he naturally knew where the dog food and food bowls were. First he poured a bowl of dog food for Kabuinujiro, then went to the kitchen to add some water, and then sat down on the sofa.

After playing with the phone for a while, Kabuinujiro ran up to her with the ball in his mouth, spat the ball in front of Naoki, then sat on the ground, stuck out his tongue and used wet dog eyes looking ahead, tail wagging swiftly behind.

"Sure enough, it's still a puppy."

Only puppies like to play ball. Old dogs will just lie in the sunset, bask in the sun and remember their youth!

After playing around with Kabuinujiro for a while, Nanako walked downstairs after a while.

Nanako tied her hair into a refreshing high ponytail, and wore a light blue short-sleeved shirt, short brown skirt, and black silk, which was standard for a high school girl.

"What do you see?"

Nanako glared, her voice had returned to normal, and she had regained her prestige as Anego at school.

Naoki tossed the ball in his hand at Kabuinujiro: "I thought it took you half an hour to get downstairs."

"How did it take so long, do you think I'm lazy?" Nanako said "Has Kabuinujiro eaten?"


"I'll check the doors and windows and get out."

Nanako acted decisively and quickly checked all the doors and windows, then took the keys and left with Naoki.

It was not yet 5 pm, the sun was shining, and it was still evening.

Nanako probably hid in her room all day and didn't come out. She was stuck in the sun at this time, she couldn't help but squinted his eyes, turned to look at Naoki, and there was a hint of weakness in his tone: "Where are we going first?"

This sort of thing is of course your decision. The more important the point, the calmer you should be, no point in panicking!

Naoki pondered and said: "Go to the police station first."


"Meet your father first, then ask the police for the girl's identity and address."

Once a sex offender is caught by the police, he will first be detained for 72 hours, and he will be released after three days, and then he will have to go to court.

In Japan, the conviction of a sexual harasser is the presumption of guilt, once a girl accuses you of being a sexual harasser, it doesn't matter whether you have touched someone or not, if you can't prove your innocence then you are guilty.

Chiba's father was arrested at the train station last night, and he is still at the police station.

Nanako turned her face away silently, "...I see."


The two boarded the train and immediately exited the police station.

Seeing the police going in and out the door, Nanako was obviously nervous, her legs slowed down, she hesitated, and didn't dare to enter.

"Do not panic." Naoki comforted, "Show your courage to go to school without panties."

Nanako immediately felt embarrassed, she clenched her fist and dropped: "Fuck, if you mention that matter again, you will die!"

Naoki grabbed Nanako's right hand and took her to the police station.

"Hello, can I help you?"

The receptionist asked with a smile.


Nanako opened her mouth and saw the police uniform on the female receptionist, her voice weakened.

Show off your arrogance at school, but just come here to ask for help normally, what are you panicking about! Strong on the outside and tough on the inside, tough on the inside, you said it!

Naoki sighed and said, "We are Chiba Masao's family."

"You are not a member of the family…"

Nanako stood obediently behind Naoki, and could only whisper.

"Please wait."

The receptionist typed the computer a few times, and after remembering Chiba Masao's input information, she looked at Nanako and Naoki, his eyes a little strange.

Nanako stared at her toes, and always felt that her eyes were quite dazzling.

It is normal for the daughter of a criminal to be discriminated against, and there will be more eyes like this in the future...

The next moment.

A hand reached out and grabbed Nanako's right hand, the warmth from Naoki's palm made Nanako tremble slightly.

Naoki ordered: "Don't lower your head."

Nanako raised her head and looked at Naoki's profile.

"There is a well-known focus effect in psychology, unconsciously exaggerating one's attention in the eyes of another." Naoki pinched Nanako's finger, "The fact is that everyone is very busy, everyone is working hard, no one will pay attention to you at all."

Actually true, Nanako always wanted to grit her teeth after hearing this: "When you comfort someone, you say something nice!"

"Destroying is better than entertaining."

"I kicked you!"

After saying a few words, a young police came and took Naoki and Nanako to the detention room.

"You wait for me outside the door."

Nanako said.


Naoki nodded lightly.

Seeing Chiba's father again, last time he was very drunk and smelled of alcohol. This time, even though he was conscious, his eyes were dark and his face was decadent. What are the consequences, it can be said that once you are punished, your life will end.

Seeing Nanako enter, the man's eyes lit up slightly, then quickly dimmed, and said in a hoarse voice:

"...Sorry ."

Nanako clenched her fists tightly, her fingernails whitening quietly, preventing herself from showing the slightest weakness: "If you apologize, wait until you come home."

The man looked up in amazement: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about it."

Nanako stood up and turned to leave.

Naoki looked at Nanako "Why don't you say a few words?"

"There's nothing to say." Nanako shook her head "Besides, I have nothing to say to it at home."

"I thought you would hug and cry."

"Who will cry bitterly!"

"Let's go, ask the girl for information."

Naoki picks up the Nanako and quickly finds the person in charge of the case.

The crime of obscenity confuses most of the police. No one knows if there was a mistake or a misunderstanding. Once a complaint case is convicted, other people's lives are almost destroyed. Therefore, the attitude of the police is mostly conservative. It is recommended that family members and victims leave Private settlement – in fact, many cases relate to molesters, most of them ending with girls withdrawing their lawsuits.

Seeing Naoki coming over to inquire about the situation, the police officer in charge of the case was also relieved, and quickly revealed the other party's contact information.

After thanking them, Naoki and Nanako left the police station.


Unknowingly, it was already 6 pm, and the sky was quietly darkening.

The sun has set.

Late afternoon.

When the season enters autumn, the nights are quite cool.

"Let's go find Yamada-san now?"

Nanako asked for an opinion.

"Don't worry." Naoki shook his head and said, "Before finding someone, there is one more important thing to do."

Nanako tilted her head: "What's wrong?"

Naoki said firmly, "Let's go to dinner."

A few black lines fell on Nanako's forehead, and she: "This is so serious, I thought you were going to do something, why is it important to eat!"

Naoki glanced: "You didn't have breakfast, lunch, and now dinner. If you faint from hunger, I'll be the one in trouble."

"I'm really sorry for giving you trouble." Nanako turned her head and snorted softly, "...I already ate something."

Naoki of course said: "If you really eat something, Kabuinujiro won't be so hungry."

Nanako: "😐"

In such a situation, how could she possibly want to eat, and even Kabuinujiro forgot to feed her.

"Let's go eat." Naoki stepped forward, "Summer is over, do you want to eat eel again?"

"It's too expensive, don't eat!"

Nanako firmly shook her head and vetoed.

His family was not originally rich, and now that something like this happened, she had to save as much as possible in the future, eating one serving of eel was enough to eat instant noodles for a week!

Nanako stretched out her fingertips and gently grabbed Naoki's sleeve: "Go to Yoshino's house."

"Usually only boys go there?"

"I'm not saying that girls can't go." Nanako turned her head, "There's Yoshinoya in front, hurry up and leave."

The two crossed the street and arrived at Yoshinoya's door.

Yoshinoya and Matsuya are the largest fast food restaurant chains in Japan. Its main feature is that it is cheap, giving people a very low-key impression. Basically, only boys can eat here, and girls can barely see it.

Nanako followed Naoki and walked over to Yoshinoya. He had arrived at the restaurant. There were a lot of customers in the restaurant, but looking around, there really wasn't a single girl.


A staff member bowed.

Naoki nodded lightly, and walked to a corner with Nanako and sat down.

"What do you eat?"

Naoki asked.

"Let me see…" Nanako looked at the electronic menu on the table and couldn't help but widen her eyes, "There are many kinds."

Every now and then new seasonal products will be launched, and of course there are many more!

Yoshinoya has a history of more than 100 years since its establishment, the source of its name is place names. In the past, beef rice in the Mount Yoshinoya area was the most famous. Yoshinoya founded in the beginning mainly relied on a bowl of beef rice to conquer the world, no more than 500 days. A bowl of beef rice is quite a lot, and of course very popular.

Today, of course, Yoshinoya has not only beef rice, but also various rice bowls.

Naoki didn't have a hard choice, so he immediately ordered beef rice and came to Yoshinoya's house to eat. Eating beef rice is the easiest and most convenient, and the dish can be served in less than a minute.

"I heard a girl who eats beef will grow a beard." Nanako whispered, "Really?"

"Eating beef can actually make women grow beards, but only if they overeat." Naoki sighed "You don't have to worry about a bowl of beef rice, it's like a poisoned apple, you have to eat a lot. "

"Eh?" Nanako looked surprised, "That apple is really poisonous?"

"You do not know?"

"Strange to know!"

"Apple cores contain cyanide, and eating too much of it can cause poisoning." Naoki said quietly, "The premise is that you eat dozens of pounds of apples at once."

Nanako shouted:

"What, eat dozens of pounds of apples at once, and you will die before being poisoned!"

After a pause, the Nanako whispered:

"There are a lot of people looking at me."

In Japan, girls basically don't go to fast food restaurants like Yoshinoya. Eating in such a place will give people the impression that they don't know how to cook and are too lazy to cook. Overall, it's pretty embarrassing.

Naoki said expressionlessly, "It's me they saw."


Naoki complained: "Bring a girl to Yoshinoya on a date, there must be a lot of people who will grieve for you in their hearts."

Nanako: "😐"

Food is served very quickly in a fast food restaurant. Naoki and Nanako only said a few words, and two bowls of beef rice were served.


Nanako folded her arms, after finishing the pre-dinner statement, she opened the disposable bamboo chopsticks and started eating: "It tastes good."

Naoki looked up and said the truth in one sentence: "If you are hungry for two more days, even green peppers will taste delicious."


After dinner, the two left Yoshinoya. The sky darkened at some point, and a vast twilight enveloped the earth.

Nanako started calling.

After a while, the phone connected, and a soft female voice came: "May I ask who you are?"

The Nanako bit her lower lip: "Sorry Yamada-dan, for disturbing you, I am Chiba Nanako, my father last night..."

The other party quickly interrupted: "Sorry, I'm still working, and I don't want to talk about it for now."

The phone hung up quickly.

Nanako looked pitiful "The phone has been hung up, what should I do now?"

Naoki sighed: "Have you ever received a call to sell insurance?"

The Nanako nodded: "Of course there is."

"Then how do you usually deal with it?"

"I didn't buy insurance, so of course I hung up…" Nanako replied casually, her eyes suddenly sparkling, "You mean don't give up, perseverance is victory?"

Naoki said expressionlessly "I was trying to make you thicker."

If the phone call is hung up, then make a few more calls. When the other party is overwhelmed, they will naturally let go!

"So." Nanako nodded "I'll fight right away."

Embarrassing to hang up.

But to a very important person, the face really doesn't really matter.

"Wait a moment." The Nanako suddenly became worried, "If I keep calling, I will be blocked by the other party?"

Naoki picked up the phone and came up with a solution: "Then change to another phone and continue calling."

This trick turned out to be very useful.

After two more calls, the other party quickly sent a message: "I'm still working, please don't call again. If you have something to say, wait for me to come home from work and see you later."