Become an accomplice

"Take off my clothes?"

Miku looked nervous.

"Of course you have to take it off." Naoki said as usual, "How can I wipe your body without taking your clothes off?"

Miku hesitated: "Can't you just wipe your forehead?"

"Not." Naoki diluted the alcohol with warm water, then soaked a towel. "The purpose of wiping the body is to cool the body quickly and bring down the fever. The forehead area is too small to dissipate heat, and there's no one else around, so move faster."

"Obviously you're still here." Miku whispered and asked with a flushed face, "Then... where should the herbs be wiped?"

"In general, the most frequent use of alcohol to wipe the neck, arms, and back." Naoki sat on the chair beside him. "If you don't mind, you can also wipe the front."

"No need." Miku hastily shook her head, "I don't mind!"

It's enough to rub the back, but still want to rub the chest... How could she promise you such a thing!

"Quick, take off your clothes." Naoki urged, "It's like putting on sunscreen."

"I-I know..."

Miku blushed and agreed.

When she was by the sea, she asked Naoki to help her to apply sunscreen, and now wipe her back... It's okay.

A minute passed in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Miku who was lingering and slowly unbuttoning, Naoki said with a blank expression: "With your method of taking it off, you won't be able to take off your shirt even in the dark."

Miku molested: "I have no power…"

Naoki raised his eyebrows: "You don't have the strength to take off your clothes?"

"It's really gone." Miku looked sad, "It's so heavy, I can't even lift my hand."

Naoki had never experienced anything like this, but he was very clear that humans are very weak when fevers are high, and now Miku couldn't even take off her clothes which was obviously very serious.

"I'll take it off."

Naoki made a fateful decision.


Seeing Naoki approaching, Miku widened her eyes.

"Do not move." Naoki stretched out his hand and pressed on Miku's shoulder, with a rare serious expression, "The persistent high fever will leave sequelae on the body, you should cool off as soon as possible now."


Miku agreed weakly, turned her head red, and looked at the corner.

She has no strength in his body, she can't refuse if she wants to, she can only agree.

The infirmary quickly fell silent, and only the sound of two people's breathing could be heard.

Seeing Naoki spread his arms across his chest and start to unbutton his shirt, Miku's eyelashes trembled for a while, and finally she couldn't stand the shame that welled up in her heart and quickly closed her eyes.

Naoki, on the other hand, was much calmer.

It's just taking off the shirt, nothing. While traveling by the beach in Kamakura, he even took off a high school student's swimsuit a few times!

Even though it was the first time he unbuttoned a girl's shirt, Naoki moved very steadily and calmly, and it only took about two seconds to unbutton Miku's shirt.

Men seem to have the added bonus of flair when it comes to undressing women.

Unbuttoning two buttons in succession, the shirt was no longer able to provide any defense for Miku, and Naoki quickly saw a snow-white and smooth abyss.

So white.

But it also has a lot to do with the color of the bra. Under the black bra background, the skin will naturally be softer and whiter.

Miku usually looks quiet, but actually she likes wearing black underwear.

Naoki looked at poor Miku, weak and helpless, and the doujin he had been reading suddenly appeared in his mind.

An empty infirmary, a beautiful girl sleeping in a hospital bed, at this moment, there is a subtle overlap between reality and doujin!

After a while, all the buttons were unbuttoned, and Naoki managed to undress Miku's body. The girl's shoulders were thin, her skin white as snow, her cheeks flushed like fire, she looked very attractive.

Unfortunately, Naoki's eyes were calm and unmoved.

Naoki lightly patted Miku's shoulder, his voice clear and loud, "Turn around."

"Don't hit." Miku muttered, and turned around halfway. She probably didn't have much strength, and she would let out a light gasp when she turned around, "It hurts~"

It can't even kill a mosquito with this small power. Are you more vulnerable than mosquitoes!


That tone... Sounds more like a spoiled child?

"I start."

Naoki reached out and tested the temperature of the water. The temperature is just right, and not cold. He wet the towel again and started to wipe Miku's body.

"First is the neck."

The neck is rich in blood vessels and is closest to the head, which is best for cooling the brain.

Naoki pushed Miku's hair forward, revealing the girl's slender snow-white neck, and her eyes slightly stopped on Miku's neck, and a sudden urge appeared in her heart.

There are all kinds of strange human hobbies, one of which is called the back neck fetish. Naoki didn't believe it before, but now he does. There really is a back neck fetish in the world!


Miku's distress mixed with a soft hum of pleasure.

Miku slightly shrank her neck and whispered, "It's cold."

"Cold is true." Naoki looked at his nose and heart, "Initially using the volatile nature of alcohol to dissipate body heat, to achieve the purpose of cooling and lowering fever... arms."


Miku agreed with a flushed face, clenched her right fist, and raised it slightly upwards.

"Are you the lucky cat?"

Naoki grabbed Miku's wrist, straightened Miku's arm, and wiped the skin of her arm, "I made you lift up like this."

Miku puffed her cheeks: "I don't have the strength, I can't lift it."

After wiping her neck and arms, followed by her back, Naoki re-wetted the towel and wiped Miku's back, feeling very smooth.

Before letting Miku rub his back, Naoki helped Miku rub his back first, and life seems to have reached a strange achievement.


Miku breathed a sigh of relief, and as the alcohol evaporated and dissipated a lot of heat, her body quickly became more comfortable, "Is this okay?"

Naoki said unhurriedly: "Actually there are still feet and soles that can be rubbed. The fever-reducing effect is really good, you want…"

"Not." Miku hastily shook her head and refused, "Absolutely not."

It's so embarrassing to take off the shirt, and Naoki wants to take off the skirt, she doesn't want to die!

While speaking, Naoki re-wetted his towel and started again.

"Eh?" Miku turned to look, "Why did it start again?"

Naoki said quietly, "Because the alcohol has evaporated."

It definitely won't work once, at least three or five minutes before it stops.

Suddenly the door was knocked twice.

Miku heard the voice, and hastily turned her head to look. Before she could speak, the door was pushed open.

Miku thought the person who had returned was a teacher in a white coat, but the creature that appeared in front of her was a junior school student.


Miku suddenly widened her eyes, her face quickly turned red, and she raised her hand to cover her chest in a panic.

Naoki reached out and pulled the curtain on the hospital bed to block Miku.

"Forgive me." The junior school girl who pushed the door was surprised, "I didn't see anything… eh, senpai?"

"That voice sounds familiar…"

Miku looked back with a flushed face, and found that it was the junior school girl who pushed the door, and it was the junior school girl she had often met in the library, Koga Yuika.

"Infirmary… a girl without clothes…" Yuika opened her eyes to Miku who was hiding behind the curtain, she clenched her fists angrily, "Senpai, what are you doing with Yuika on my back?!"

"What can the infirmary do?" Naoki didn't feel guilty or confused at all, "See the doctor of course."

Yuika's cheeks are even more prominent: "Yuika just saw it, the girl is not wearing clothes!"

What kind of disease do you need to undress! Taking ten thousand steps back, even if it is really a doctor, it must be a doctor, there is no such thing as senpai!

Naoki: "Who didn't see what she said just now?"

"Don't change the subject." Yuika snorted angrily, "It's too much to bully the girls in the infirmary, only Yuika should report senpai!"

"Not." Miku originally wanted to be an ostrich, but when she heard this, she turned her head and explained anxiously, "You misunderstood, Asakawa didn't bully me!"

If the teacher found out, the consequences would be serious, and she didn't want Yuika to be misunderstood.

Yuika looked at Miku carefully.


Completely unrecognizable.

The Quintuplets looked exactly the same, and she had no idea who they were.

"Don't worry." Naoki said, "It's actually quite simple to want someone to keep a secret forever."


Miku looked at him in surprise, and suddenly a common line in the TV series came to her mind: Only the dead can keep secrets.

"What do you want to do to Yuika, senpai?"

Yuika covered her chest with both hands, took a half step back, and didn't want to obey.

Naoki asked, "What do you think is the strongest relationship in the world?"

Miku tilted her head: "Family?"

Yuika said, "A couple?"

"Families may also have bad relationships, and partners may just be greedy for each other's bodies." Naoki wet his towel again, "On the contrary, accomplice is the strongest relationship that keeps a secret."

"What do you want to do to Yuika, senpai?"

Yuika felt a bad premonition come to her heart.

"Let's sit down." Naoki pointed at the hospital bed, "Take off your clothes."

"Don't disturb the children."

Miku reached out and grabbed the corner of Naoki's clothes, shaking her head slightly.

One sentence almost made Yuika angry, "Yuika is not a child anymore!"

"Feel sorry for."

Miku covered her chest with one hand and started to explain what happened.

"I see."

Yuika nodded lightly, not doubting the authenticity of Miku's narrative.

Now that school wasn't over, it was impossible to do strange things in the infirmary, and the door was unlocked, so it was easy to find.

"Asakawa, give me the clothes." Miku looked at him with a flushed face, "I'm going to put on some clothes."

Naoki nodded lightly and handed over the shirt.

Under these circumstances, unless Miku passed out, Naoki definitely wouldn't let her continue to help wipe her back. Luckily the effect of alcohol on lowering a fever is good, Miku is clearly much more energetic, and has enough strength to put on her own clothes.

The curtains are drawn.

Miku hid in the infirmary bed compartment and started changing.


Yuika took the opportunity to step forward quickly, she hit Naoki's chest.

"To actually force Yuika to undress for other girls, pervert senpai, that is dereliction of duty!"

Naoki reached out and grabbed Yuika's fist, and asked curiously, "What are you doing in the infirmary?"

"Yuika… my stomach hurts…" Yuika covered her stomach, her face blushed slightly, and her voice dropped, "Our class has tennis class outside, and after running for a while, my stomach hurt, so I asked permission to come and rest."

"Stomach ache?"

Miku put on her shirt and pulled back the curtain. Hearing this, his expression became strange, and she couldn't help but look at Naoki.

Naoki turned to look at Miku, they both looked at each other, and both understood each other's thoughts.


Yuika shouted doubtfully.

"Before health care Sensei left now, she recommended suppositories to Miku." Naoki said firmly, "It is said that the effect is very good. After using it, the pain will go away."

"Eh?" Yuika's eyes lit up slightly, "There is such a good medicine? Why doesn't Yuika know?"

While speaking, the door was pushed open again, and a female doctor in a white coat came in and paused, "Why is there another one?"

"It's cold medicine." The female doctor looked at Miku, "You take the medicine first, the same two pills, you can't delay it any longer."

"Thank you sensei."

Miku whispered thank you.

Naoki got up and took a glass of water, handed it to Miku, and asked Miku to take some medicine.

"This classmate." The female doctor averted her gaze and looked at Yuika's dog, "What's wrong with you?"

"A little pain in the stomach…" Yuika's face was slightly red, "Senpai said that Sensei has a medicine here that works and doesn't guarantee pain?"

The female doctor sat on the chair with a playful smile on her face: "You mean pain relief suppositories?"


Yuika looked at Asakawa, a little unsure.

Naoki nodded: "That's it."

"This is the medicine." The female doctor opened a drawer and took out a medicinal tablet, "Although few people know about it, the effect is very good. Sensei used to suffer so much that she couldn't go to school for a day or two. After using the analgesic suppository, there is no more pain, how about it, you want?"

Yuika's eyes lit up: "Why have I never heard of such a powerful medicine?"

"Because the use is a little special..."

The female doctor slightly leaned forward and approached to explain how to use it, as if a witch in the forest kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood, but what she didn't know was that Yuika's cuteness and ignorance in front of her were all disguised, but she was actually a perverted girl.

Yuika stretched out her hand to cover her butt, turned around and fled in a panic "I'm not in sick anymore, goodbye!"

The flu medicine worked really well, and Miku's temperature dropped not long after taking it.


Time for lunch break.

As soon as the bell rang, Naoki heard footsteps approaching quickly, and then the door was pushed open: "Miku, I'm coming!"