
"It's nothing…" Sekijou waved his hand with a reluctant smile on his face, "You don't have to worry…"

"Did you see it?" Naoki looked at Ogata and said earnestly, "When she smiles, his eyes don't curl, and the corners of his mouth are still slightly lowered. It was a typical forced smile."

Ogata took out his notebook seriously: "I wrote it."

"Quickly stop, this kind of thing doesn't need to be written at all!"

The smile on Sekijou's face died down, and she lay down on the table again, "This is actually club related…"

Ogata tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Saawako only joined the chemistry club?"

"That's right, and it's still alone." Sekijou sighed and said, "The school festival is coming up soon, the club needs to hold an event…

Hearing this, Naoki already understood the truth: "Ghost club?"

"Am I not human?" Sekijou glared.

Naoki said, "Who else besides you?"

Sekijou lay down again, holding his head and crouching down in self-defense.

"I've been to the chemistry club a few times, and I don't seem to see anyone else." Ogata patted Sekijou on the shoulder and asked curiously, "What about the other members?"

"They are all ghost members." Sekijou said weakly, "I texted them during the day, either unable to escape from participating in class activities, or something else…"

"The instructor said that the club should hold an event."

"But there's only me at the club, so there's nothing I can do."

"So." Ogata thought seriously, "I've decided to sell udon noodles at the school festival. If Fumino is worried, it looks like I'll be participating in a drama rehearsed by the class... Can Asakawa-san help out?'

Sekijou hastily said, "Don't ask him to help!"

"Why not?"

The tone of voice and Ogata was confused.

"Because..." Sekijou hadn't forgotten what happened at the farm last weekend, "Asakawa must be busy, right?"

Naoki said unhurriedly:

"I'm not busy."

Sekijou's eyes widened: "You don't have any activities at the school festival?"

Naoki shrugged: "The school festival is the current school festival, and it has nothing to do with a transparent person like me."

Sekijou :😐

Obviously you are popular with girls, how can you say that you are a transparent person!

"Sawako, don't be discouraged." Ogata cheered, "Fumino and I will help with the prep work."


The corners of Sekijou's eyes were wet, and she couldn't help but grasp Ogata's little hand, as if she would swear allegiance the next moment.

"If you are short on staff, you should think about the content of the activity." Naoki walked to the window and looked at the bright atrium, "…How about magic?"

"No, 100% veto." Sekijou waved his hand, "It's not like the school doesn't have a magic club. Besides, we are a chemistry club, it really doesn't make sense to do magic."

Ogata pushed up his glasses: "What activity did the chemistry club have at the school festival last year?"

Sekijou was lying on the table, his head depressed: "It's because the senpais fished together last year, and the instructor made the chemistry club have to participate today…"

"Go to the library first, let's discuss this matter slowly."


Leaving the Chemistry club activity room, Naoki was about to go to the library to study when a female teacher with waist-length pink hair suddenly walked over.

"Asakawa-san, come with me."

Mafuyu's expression was serious.


A question mark appeared above Naoki's head, looking at Mafuyu with a serious expression, as if holding an arrest warrant, a sentence suddenly appeared in his heart.

Something happens...


He studied hard this week, got in on time, never came late or left early, and didn't even break the school rules!

"So." Naoki nodded lightly and looked at Ogata and Sekijou beside him, "You guys go to the library first."

Following Mafuyu into the office, Naoki closed the door, "Sensei, why did you call me to come all of a sudden, what can you say when you get home?"

"Do not talk." Mafuyu's expression was cold, she took out her cell phone, and said, "I just saw Miharu post a message, then…"

Mafuyu said, and handed the phone to Naoki.

Unlike the outdated Mafuyu, Miharu likes to share photos on social software, especially cute pets, food, and some selfies. Unlike Mafuyu, the social software is empty and has no news.

Naoki looked at the phone, and the photos shared by Miharu were of some really delicious desserts, including some selfies, "After seeing it, Miharu-san is so cute."

"I won't let you see this." Mafuyu approached, "Look at Miharu's neck."

Naoki looked closely, and immediately noticed a faint red mark near Miharu's neck...

After carefully discerning for a while, Naoki mused: "Looks like a hickey?"

"It's a hickey."

Mafuyu put down the phone and nodded lightly.

Naoki was curious: "How can Sensei be sure?"

Mafuyu's face suddenly froze, and there was frost crackling in the air.

Hey, what made you suddenly angry? The hickey uses too much force, causing the capillaries under the skin to burst. You have never used such power!

"Miharu-san has a boyfriend?"

Naoki changed the subject.

"Not." Mafuyu looked back "I asked Miharu, she doesn't have a boyfriend."

Naoki pondered: "Maybe it was a misunderstanding?"

Mafuyu's expression was serious: "What kind of misunderstanding could leave such an imprint?"

Random speculation without knowing the truth is very irresponsible, Naoki didn't say much, only said: "What will Sensei do?"


Mafuyu bit her lower lip.

It made sense that Miharu was already 18 years old and could decide on her own life, but as an older sister, something akin to a hickey appeared on her neck suddenly. It would be a lie to say that she doesn't care, the important thing is that Miharu doesn't have a boyfriend yet, why are there such marks on her body...

Mafuyu suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Naoki.

Hey, you suspect the wrong person! If I wanted to take action against Miharu, I wouldn't have left behind such clear evidence!

Naoki raised his face: "Sensei, you don't believe me."

"Miharu always looks at you differently…" Mafuyu folded her arms across her chest and suddenly shook her head, "Not you, you were watching TV at my apartment last night…"

"Stop pretending, it's a fight, it's me." Naoki was expressionless, "Last night, while I was watching TV, I used the Kage Bunshin technique to bully Miharu-san."

Mafuyu said angrily: "Don't talk."

"Of course, I still care…" Mafuyu sighed softly, "No, we have to find out."

Naoki suggested, "You can ask Miharu-san directly to see if she will answer calmly or carelessly."


Mafuyu answered softly, picked up the phone, and sent a message to Miharu.

"Miharu, your neck seems injured?"

After a while.

Miharu came back with a message: "No,, it was a trace made by a cat accidentally, don't worry Onee-sama."

Like her perfunctory guilt, that is to say, Miharu knows why there's a hickey on her neck!

Mafuyu put down the phone and his eyes were firm: "After the summer festival, I haven't seen Miharu for half a month... Let's go and see Miharu."


"The things I care about should be found out as soon as possible, right now."

"Then Sensei, change your clothes."


Mafuyu raised her hand to cover her chest.

Naoki said: "Since you want to observe Miharu-san secretly, you can't keep wearing the uniform?"

Mafuyu reached out and pointed at the office door: "You're out."


The two returned to the apartment.

Naoki changed into his normal shirt and pants, then waited in silence. After a while, Mafuyu came out of the apartment. The uniform on his body had been changed to a candy red shirt. Underneath it was a set of brown skirt colors, pantyhose which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, replaced by a pair of black knee socks, and waist-length hair was tied up, turning into a young and beautiful high ponytail, which gently swayed back.

Mafuyu grabbed the bottom edge of the skirt with his right hand, trying to hide the looming absolute plane, his face slightly reddened: "Is it inappropriate..."

This kind of dress that high school students often wore was too young for her, and she was a bit embarrassed to wear it unexpectedly.

"No problem at all." Naoki took out his cell phone, "It's better to say that Sensei is so cute."

Mafuyu's face was slightly redder, and stared, "...Humiliation!"

"Don't take photos!"

"I'm taking a selfie."

"Selfies are not allowed, get rid of your cell phone!"

Mafuyu turned around, always feeling a little embarrassed: "I better change it..."

"The time is short, and the soldiers are very fast." Naoki grabbed Mafuyu's wrist, "When Sensei changes, Miharu-san will be eaten and cleaned."


The two immediately departed from the apartment and took the train to the university where Miharu was.

On the train.

"Sensei, which university did Miharu-san attend?"

Naoki asked.

Mafuyu grabbed the carriage handle and answered. "Tokyo Women's University."

Mafuyu whispered, "Miharu has always been in girls' school since she was little."

In ancient Japan, the idea of patriarchal preferences was very serious, and women could not go to study. Then Catholics entered Japan and started establishing girls' schools. The government also promotes and supports girls' schools, today, girls' schools have become very common.

Naoki continued: "Where did Sensei go to university?"

Mafuyu turned his head and looked at him: "Why are you asking this?"

"I'm curious." Naoki told the truth, "When I go to college next year, you can use it as a reference."

"I went to Tokyo University..." Mafuyu whispered.

Naoki said softly, "If you were born a few years earlier, you wouldn't be Sensei, but Mafuyu-senpai."

"Don't say that." Mafuyu was definitely a teacher, and it was too much to be demoted to a senior, "I'm your Sensei!"

Naoki nodded lightly: "I know, Sensei will always be Sensei."

Mafuyu pressed her chest, only slightly moved, when she heard Naoki continue, "But apart from being a Sensei, you can have another identity."

"…You shut up, don't talk."


20 minutes later, the two got off the train, crossed the street, and arrived at the gates of Tokyo Women's University.

The sun gradually tilted to the west, and many girls could be seen walking towards the door, as far as the eye could see, not a single boy.

Naoki was about to enter, when Mafuyu suddenly grabbed his wrist, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to look for Miharu-san?"

"Women's University usually prohibits boys from entering except for certain days of school celebrations." Mafuyu shook his head, "And now that school is over, Miharu is definitely not at school… Come with me."

Mafuyu passed the school, stepped forward, and whispered, "Others might go out to play on the weekends, but Miharu's words…"

10 minutes later.

Naoki meets Miharu who is training at the skating practice site. As a figure skater, basic training is very important.

Naoki had to say that Miharu was quite sweet and cute, this was definitely a younger version of Mafuyu, but her figure was still a little green, not round like Mafuyu.

The two of them stood still in a corner, staring at Miharu with a graceful posture like a swan on ice, Mafuyu's eyes were a little complicated.

"If I hadn't stopped skating then, what would I be like now?"

A hand reached out and held Mafuyu's right hand.

Naoki whispered: "Sensei, don't always remember the past, what matters is the present and the future."

Mafuyu's expression was cold, "Let go."

"Don't let go." Naoki changed the subject, "Is that short-haired girl the girl who watched the movie with Miharu-san before?"

Mafuyu looked at him, and quickly recognized her: "It should be true..."

The short haired girl who had a good relationship with Miharu looked familiar, "I heard Miharu say it seems to be called Ochako…"

While speaking, Miharu's training had finished, and Mafuyu was about to step forward when Naoki grabbed her hand and whispered, "Wait a minute."

Ochanko, greeted it, and seriously handed her the towel and drink in his hand.

After a short break, Miharu continued to practice, Ochako retreated to a corner, and then, under the watchful eye of Naoki and Mafuyu, she lifted the towel in front of her, an expression of happiness suddenly appeared on her indifferent face, take a deep breath into the towel. ...

Naoki: "😐"

Mafuyu: "😐"

What an amazing pervert girl, no wonder Miharu said that she doesn't have a boyfriend, but she definitely has a girlfriend!