Serious way to brush your teeth

"No knee pillows." Furuhashi covered her skirt with both hands, "It will be dark soon, come home soon."

Naoki didn't rush: "Does your stomach hurt?"


Seeing Naoki's gaze downwards, Furuhashi quickly understood, her face blushing slightly, "It doesn't hurt at all."

"Of course it doesn't hurt now." Naoki reminded, "When we participate in the competition during summer vacation, don't we verify that the buff lasts for 24 hours."

"So now I can put a buff on you again, so you won't be able to sleep because of the pain at night."

"It's not that serious..."

Furuhashi replied, his right hand covering his lower abdomen.

"It'll be dark soon, quickly take off your clothes." Naoki said.

Furuhashi hesitated "This is the school..."

"This is after school." Naoki corrected, and the look in his eyes was sincere, "Besides, is it wrong for classmates to help each other?"


Furuhashi could only snort lightly.

Words like this can be said, the male face is very thick.

But then again, the pain was so intense for the first two days that it was possible to roll around at night and not be able to sleep...

After hesitating for a moment, Furuhashi lifted his uniform, exposed his stomach, and said:

"I see… you finish it right away."


Pain Absorption isn't a one-time thing, it takes a few minutes of "casting time".

As Naoki entered the casting stage, Furuhashi looked out the window with a red face.

The first few times it was either in the hotel room or private bedroom, but now in the classroom where dis usually attended class, the shyness and nervousness were obviously much stronger.

Holding back his pounding heart, Furuhashi looked at the field under the setting sun.

Even though it was night, there were still many people practicing in the field.

"That shouldn't be seen by people on the ground?"

"Don't worry, it's the third floor, and Asakawa-san is crouching down again..."

In a wild thought, the back door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open.

Furuhashi suddenly became tense, so frightened that she almost had a heart attack: "I was found!"

"Huh Furuhashi-san? You haven't come home yet?"

A familiar voice came along with the night breeze.

"It turned out to be Sekijou-san..."

Furuhashi looked at the orange ponytail girl in the setting sun, the panic in his heart not dispelled by the fact that she was an acquaintance.

At a time like this, the more she panicked, the easier it was to reveal flaws!

Sekijou-san was standing at the back door. From his point of view, she shouldn't be looking at Asakawa-san...

"I just had drama practice at the gym, and my school bag is in the classroom. Now I'm here to pick up my school bag and I'll be back soon."

Furuhashi answered quickly.

Sekijou tilted his head, and his tone was confused: "Furuhashi-san's face is really red?"

"Because I'm walking in a hurry right now, and the weather is hot."

Furuhashi tried his best to change the subject, "Where's Sekijou-san, why aren't you home yet?"

"I'm preparing cans for club activities." Sekijou g walked towards Furuhashi while speaking.

"Don't come!"

Furuhashi shouted in a hurry.

"Eh?" Sekijou was surprised, "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm just sweating…" Furuhashi stammered, holding back his embarrassment, "I can smell my body, so please don't come here."

When Naoki heard the conversation between the two, he looked up, but the moment he moved, a hand reached out and hugged him tightly.

Why can't I wake up?

At such a time, I only need to pick up the pen on the ground, your clothes are neat, and there is no embarrassment at all!

Sekijou heard those words and stopped, and didn't go any further, "What's the point of sweating? It's not like I haven't kissed her before, Furuhashi-san's body smells really good."

Naoki agrees.

Really fragrant.

"Coughs." Furuhashi tried hard not to show a confused expression, "Why hasn't Sekijou-san come home yet?"

"I..." Sekijou didn't know what to do when she came. After putting away the can, she walked over absentmindedly, "I'll go to class to get things. It seems like there was your voice in class, so I was curious to see it."

"Like this..."

Sekijou waved his hand: "Then I will go to class."

"Go ."

Furuhashi was about to raise the flag to say goodbye.

Congratulations on surviving the social death crisis in front of friends...

It's a pity that the next moment, Furuhashi experienced what it means to be happy and sad.

The front door was pushed open.

Sekijou who was about to leave, lowered his head guiltily, "Ki-Kirisu sensei?"

Seeing Mafuyu standing at the door, Furuhashi only felt that she was hit by Medusa's gaze, and she was instantly petrified from the inside out.

"It's getting dark soon, Sato sensei asked me to check the classroom..."

Halfway through, Mafuyu's voice stopped suddenly.

His eyes slowly slid down, and she looked at Naoki who was crouching on the ground, and said expressionlessly:

"Asakawa, what are you doing?"

"Hah?" Sekijou took a few steps forward in surprise, and looked at Naoki who was crouching behind the counter, with an incredible expression, "You… have you always been there?"

Furuhashi closed his eyes and truly understood what social death was like.

I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die...

Sorry, Mom, this is embarrassing for you, and I'm going to kill myself in the tub when I get home!

Naoki stood up from the ground with a pencil in his hand, with a sincere tone: "What can I do but pick up a pen?"

He was not afraid of oblique shadows.

The clothes were neat, nothing was taken off, so they couldn't just smear someone's innocence.

"School will be closed." Mafuyu stared at Naoki and didn't ask any further, "You three left early and didn't stay at school."

"Understood." Naoki was neither humble nor arrogant, "Sensei has worked hard, you should go home early to rest."

Mafuyu paused for a moment, and left without looking back.

Sekijou looked at Furuhashi with blank eyes, and his soul seemed to be separated from the body, she was a little worried: "Furuhashi-san, are you okay?"

"Please don't talk to me like that..." Furuhashi crouched in a corner, clearly autistic, "I just want to be a starfish in my next life..."

"Hah?" Sekijou didn't understand Furuhashi's complaint and asked curiously, "Why starfish?"

Naoki explained next to him: "Because starfish have no brains."

No brains, naturally no shame.

"You just..." Sekijou wanted to ask what the two were doing, but the words left his lips, and she swallowed silently.

Seeing Furuhashi's appearance, it was clear that she shouldn't have asked more.

Naoki said firmly, "I just picked up the pen."

"Who would believe!"

Sekijou glared in annoyance.

Naoki said slowly, "Anyway, you should really listen."

"That is too perfunctory!"

Naoki reached out his hand and pulled Furuhashi up, "Let's go home."


The three left school together and then went home separately.

On the way to the apartment, Naoki was blocked by someone.

To be precise, it was blocked by a cat on the road.

"Meow meow meow!"

At the intersection where the night wind was blowing, an orange cat suddenly rushed at him from a corner.

Naoki raised his legs to dodge, the orange cat braked awkwardly, rolled twice on the ground, then sat on the ground in a daze, and meowed at Naoki.

"Looks a little stupid."

Naoki retracted his gaze and prepared to return to the apartment.

Of course, he had the superpower to hear the sound of everything, but that was just a kitten. What else was going on in his head besides eating, drinking, and having fun?

As a result, only two steps away, the orange cat staggered and hugged its calf.

Naoki looked down "I think I met a cat that touched porcelain."

Enough to raise a hamster, and he doesn't want to raise a cat or a dog at all.

Naoki was about to grab the cat's neck and put the cat aside, but suddenly stopped, and was surprised to find that the orange cat was gesturing with its paws on the ground as if writing?

Naoki looked carefully, and found that the orange cat was really writing.

"You bastard, quickly recognize me!"

This orange cat beckoned and meowed incessantly, looking as fierce as a biting tiger.


Naoki crouched in front of the orange cat and asked in surprise.

It had been a long time since Asumi and the cat had swapped bodies, and didn't expect it to happen again.


The orange cat raised its paw, tapped Naoki's knee with one paw, and let out a dragon's roar from its mouth.

"Sorry, I don't understand meow." Naoki reached out, "If it really is Asumi-senpai, then stretch out your right leg."

The orange cat stretched out its right paw and patted it on Naoki's palm.

"Many cats are holding their paws. What if I make a mistake?" Naoki mused, "If it was Asumi senpai, you would have rolled on the ground twice."

The orange cat rolled to the ground twice.

"I can't confirm your identity just by rolling over. Cats like to roll over anyway." Naoki said sternly "So Asumi senpai, would you like to do a backflip on the spot?"


The cat was so angry that she straightened up and started hitting Naoki's knees with real meow fists.

"It really should be Asumi-senpai." Naoki reached out and hugged the orange cat "So where is senpai's body?"

Asumi extended her claws and pointed forward.

"In the clinic?"



Druid is a common occupation in the game. It is not uncommon to transform into a beast, but passive transformation is very inconvenient.

Naoki did not continue to train Asumi, and quickly walked to the clinic.

Walking into the clinic, Asumi's father was reading the newspaper on the first floor. There were no patients in the clinic, it looked a bit empty and deserted, "Is Naoki here to play?"

"Uncle, good afternoon." Naoki bowed slightly.

Asumi's father put down the newspaper, "You didn't come to play all summer vacation. Did Asumi bully you again?"


The orange cat in Naoki's arms growled in discontent.

"No, Asumi-senpai is taking good care of me." Naoki scratched the cat's chin, and said nonchalantly, "It's just that Asumi-senpai is going to take the college entrance exam, so she should concentrate on reviewing for now."

"Is Asumi-senpai at home?" Naoki searched for an excuse, "I borrowed his book, but I just remembered when I passed by the clinic, and I plan to return the book to it."

"Asumi is upstairs, you go upstairs to find her." Asumi's father sighed, "She has been studying too hard recently, and I'm afraid his body won't be able to stand it if this continues. If possible, Naoki can help persuade Asumi."

"I see."

Naoki agreed, but he didn't find his words useful. Even though Asumi was small, her emotions were very stubborn, and it was difficult for others to change the things she decided.

At this time...

Naoki scratched the orange cat's chin, but he could only scratch his chin, putting Asumi at ease.

Immediately after walking to the second floor, Asumi meowed and jumped down from Naoki's arms, then her legs softened and she fell to the ground with her legs spread apart.

"Stop laughing!"

Asumi sat in a daze, and then waved his claws furiously, but unfortunately the damage was too low to break the defense.

"Is it in the bedroom?"

Naoki looked down.


The cat on the ground shook its head, stretched out its claws, and pointed at the bathroom.

"It's in the bathroom."

Naoki stretched out his hand and pushed open the bathroom door, and a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind: The murder case in the bathroom.

In the small bathroom, Asumi lay face down on the ground, surrounded by scattered bath towels and slippers.

It seems that there is no breath, and there is white foam at the corner of the mouth... That is definitely the first killing spot!

There was no doubt that Asumi should have taken a shower after returning home, and then went to the bathroom, accidentally triggering the mechanism and entering the cat's body.

Asumi was also surprised, and hastily stood up and slapped Naoki's calf with his small paw.

"Look what happened to my body!"

Naoki walked into the bathroom and picked up Asumi who was lying on the ground, he didn't care that it wasn't wrapped up, so he put his hands near her neck first.

Compared with breathing, the assessment of the pulse is better.

"Don't worry senpai, your body is fine."


"It should be due to the usual accumulation of fatigue, and the cat fell asleep."

The cat paw patted Naoki's thigh, then used the cat paw to lift the bath towel, his eyes showing, "Quickly wrap the bath towel for me!"

Actually don't need it. With a flat A-cup chest like yours, it won't make people impulsive at all!

Naoki took a bath towel, and wrapped Asumi's body.

Asumi who was too sleepy, woke up with sleepy eyes, and a soft voice came out of her mouth: "Meow~"

"What's the white liquid in the corner of his mouth?"

Naoki bent down to smell it, and a minty scent wafted to the tip of his nose.

"It turned out to be toothpaste."

Naoki recovered what happened in his heart.

After taking a shower, Asumi came into the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, ready to brush her teeth.

She brushes his teeth so early, and she has to brush them before going to bed at night. You love cleaning too much!


Asumi waved her claws and urged, Quickly change me back!

"Wait a moment." Naoki picked up the sleepy cat Asumi "I'll help you finish the toothbrush first."


If not?

You brush your toothbrush halfway through, and you don't care if you don't brush it clean!

Naoki looked at the pink toothbrush strewn across the sink, it should be Asumi's toothbrush.

Naoki took a toothbrush, rinsed it with water, and then instructed Asumi in his hand, "Open your mouth."

It's just a kitten, how could he possibly understand your words.


Asumi opened her mouth obediently.

"Do you really understand?"

Asumi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Not necessarily understand it." Naoki analyzed "Maybe she wants to eat too."

It might be inconvenient to pierce a foreign object in the mouth, after going in and moving a few times, Asumi struggled a bit and protested.

Naoki changed his posture, hugged her from behind, and continued brushing his teeth.

At the same time.

Asumi was already lying on the ground, covering her head with her paws.

She is now considered two in one. Although she couldn't control his body, she could clearly feel all the feedback from his body, so she knew for the first time that brushing his teeth was really bad...

Brushing your own teeth and letting someone else brush your teeth are two very different things.

It's like driving a car, when you hold the steering wheel, you become one with the car. Sitting on the co-pilot will make your heart skip a beat..

The mouth seems to be very sensitive. It is obvious that it is just ordinary brushing, but when it is gently brushed, it has a shuddering feeling.

As the toothbrush penetrated into the depths, an indescribable embarrassment almost overflowed in the heart, like a tide, constantly washing the body and soul.

"How is it possible to admit defeat like this..."

It's a pity that the human body is more honest than the mouth, and Asumi was finally defeated.


Naoki looked down in confusion, "Asumi senpai?"

Obviously it's just a cat meowing, but for some reason, there's always a really bad feeling.

Asumi lay on the floor, unresponsive, as if she had lost any motivation to survive.

After a while.

The beating sentence finally ended.

Naoki takes responsibility and starts fighting his superpowers which he accidentally goes out of control.

After a while, the tip of the tongue suddenly felt sore.

Naoki took a half step back, "Why bite?"

"I will not only bite you, but also kill you!" Asumi raised her hand and wiped the corners of her lips, "You had fun playing with me?"

"Cough cough."

A low cough sounded from the door.

Asumi froze, as if a match accidentally struck had quickly burned out.