Yuika's Curiosity

"Don't say that servant, Rin-chan will cry."

Yuika tugged at Naoki's sleeve.

You can only remember when you cried. A third-year junior school girl would be stupid enough to stuff an entire light bulb candy in her mouth. If it wasn't for school time, the school would be famous now!

"Senpai, there must be a way to help Rin-chan?"

Yuika is confident in Naoki.

After all, Naoki was an Esper, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Actually don't worry at all." Naoki said slowly "This kind of sugar is not a real light bulb, it will melt by itself after a while."

"But it will soon be dark, it will take a long time for such a big candy to melt. Rin-chan will definitely be laughed at when she walks down the street." Yuika said pitifully, "Please senpai."

"Nii-chan can't help?"

Rin picked up his cell phone, his mouth was tightly packed, and she couldn't say a word. If she wanted to communicate, she could only use his cell phone.

Rin-chan, don't worry. Yuika was full of confidence, "Senpai is really strong."

Rin was suspicious: "Why does Yuika-chan seem to know Nii-chan so well?"

"Is there something?" Yuika with a harmless angelic smile on her face, "That must be Rin-chan's illusion."

Naoki checked and found that the sugar in the lamp would take a long time to melt naturally, and he couldn't leave his stupid little sister behind. If not, he will have to sue mother when he returns.

"Very complicated."

Naoki waved at Rin "Come here."

Rin came closer.

"Don't move, I'll help you take out the candy." Naoki said.

Rin was confused: "Huh?"

"Don't worry, I have a lot of theoretical experience in dismantling..."

"Why is senpai having such a strange experience!"

Yuika complained "Senpai, don't scare Rin-chan, be careful."

"Actually, there is another way." Naoki wasn't kidding, "You can't take out a whole candy, just break the candy."

"Eh?" Yuika's eyes lit up slightly, "Sounds really decent..."

Of course it works! For those who accidentally put a light bulb in their mouth, after going to the hospital, the doctor's solution is to carefully crush the light bulb and then remove the shards. After all, it's impossible for you to swallow it!

"But the candy is in Rin-chan's mouth, how do you break it?"

Yuika asked a question, not knowing what to do.

"Very simple, just use your finger." Naoki stretched out his index finger.

Yuika exclaimed and said "God finger?!"

It's just an ordinary finger, don't call it weird!

Naoki turned to look at Yuika.

As expected of a perverted girl, she is quite knowledgeable.

"Coughs." Yuika raised her hand to cover her mouth, her face blushing slightly, "Senpai, don't waste time, Rin-chan is going to die."

Naoki turned to look at Rin, gave it a try, and found that it was difficult to stick a finger into it, and sighed: "How small is the mouth, don't you have self-awareness?"

When Rin heard those words, she was displeased and retorted.

"Don't understand at all."

"Un, Rin-chan might say..." Yuika thought for a while, and translated, "What if the mouth is small, isn't it all filled?"

Rin nodded in agreement.

Yes, that's it.

Soon after, Rin hummed again, shaking her head left and right, dodging Naoki's finger.

Yuika continued translating: "That… Rin-chan seems to want to ask Senpai if she washed his hands?"


Naoki was telling the truth, he came after receiving the message, and he didn't have time to wash his hands.

Hearing Naoki's answer, Rin's already big eyes widened again, clenched her small fists, hit Naoki's chest, then stretched out her hand to show the door.

Yuika faithfully translated: "Senpai, Rin-chan asked you to go to the bathroom to wash your hands."

No need to say anything at all, body language is already clearly expressed!

Naoki got up helplessly, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then returned to class and sat in front of Rin.

With such a big thing in her mouth, needless to say that it must be very uncomfortable. Rin no longer had her usual vitality, and she slumped down on the table.

The rescue continues.

With Rin's cooperation, Naoki managed to find the entry point, followed the tip of the light bulb candy, and put his finger in Rin's mouth.

Very tight.

Such a huge light ball candy filled his mouth to the brim, and after the fingers entered, there was absolutely no room to move!

But everyone goes in, and Naoki can't just walk out, and he gets sticky drool on his hands. If he couldn't solve the problem, he was obviously looking for trouble for himself.

"Then..." Naoki lightly pressed his finger on the candy light bulb to find the resonant frequency, "Break it."

Ability to activate.

It was quite hard at first, the melted sugar bulb did not appear for a long time, cracks immediately appeared on the surface, and the cracks were like cobwebs, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The sugar light bulb immediately burst.

Naoki put out his finger "It's done."

"I can really talk…" Rin covered her mouth, and she took a bite of the candy, and said faintly, "Nii-chan's fingers just feel like they're shaking, it's so disgusting."

It's fine if you're ungrateful, but you still say it's disgusting. Believe it or not, grab a light bulb candy and pop it in your mouth!

Rin devoured the candy in her mouth furiously, picked up her short legs and ran out, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Calm down in class.

Naoki looked at Yuika "Are there any tissues?"

"There are tissues." Yuika nodded, took out a pack of tissues from her school bag, looked down, and landed on Naoki's shiny and sticky finger, her face slightly red, "Senpai's fingers can really vibrate?"

Naoki said with an expressionless face:

"Why are you blushing?"

"Yuika isn't blushing." Yuika turned her head away guiltily, and handed over the tissue.

Naoki took the tissue, wiped his fingers, and complained, "Can you make it come out of your mouth? If you are really curious, you can give it a try."

"I don't want to, there's Rin-chan's saliva on Senpai's finger!"

Yuika snorted and refused. After a few seconds, she blushed and whispered, "But… if I change my finger, Yuika can figure it out."


What an incredible pervert, there is no shame in the dictionary!

"Sorry, I refuse." Naoki wiped his finger "Your mouth is too small."

"Yuika isn't small!"

"I know how small you are."

Yuika's face turned slightly red, and she snorted softly, "Obviously that servant is too big."

Naoki looked disgusted: "I suspect you did it on purpose."

Yuika sat on Naoki's lap with her small body: "The perverted servant who sticks his finger in his sister's mouth and stirs it has no right to speak ill of his Master."

Although Yuika was a perverted girl, it had to be said that apart from her personality, she was indeed quite a cute girl, with a gentle and pretty face and skin as smooth and white as snow, like a naive puppy, that people wanted to play with.

Feeling the firmness and tenderness of sitting on his lap, Naoki looked at his nose and heart: "Don't move."

"Eh?" Yuika was taken aback, tilted her head slightly, with a little devilish smile on her face, "Why did I tell Yuika not to move?"

Naoki didn't speak.

"Servant, quickly pray to Yuika , if you don't say it, Yuika can't promise you."

You just don't cry when you don't see the coffin, you are a junior school student, you don't have the ability to do all kinds of things, you have to burn to know it's terrible!

Naoki squeezed his right hand around Yuika's waist.


a voice called out.

Yuika who was talking about soldiers on paper suddenly softened.

Naoki said expressionlessly "Come to my apartment at night."

"Not." Yuika blushed, laying down in Naoki's arms, "Mom will be worried if I don't come home."

"You can say that you are with Rin."

"...Servant kidnapped junior school student!"

After talking for a while, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door.

Hearing footsteps, Yuika quickly got up from Naoki, reached out her hand to straighten the folds on her skirt, and quickly disguised herself as a cute little girl who was harmless to humans and animals.

"I'm back." Rin ran in, her twin ponytails fluttering happily behind her back, regaining her former vitality, and she was furiously curious, "How did Nii-chan break such a hard light bulb candy with his fingers?"

"You do not understand."

"Hmph, Nii-chan didn't tell me how I understand." Rin was suspicious, "Nii-chan is secretly practicing weird fingering, right?"

The grades are really bad, so if you have nothing to do, read more books, don't read Nanjou's books!

"Nii-chan is too much, after practicing the weird fingering, he actually used it on his sister for the first time." Rin said, "Too much, I want to go home and tell mom."

Naoki expressionless: "What do you want to eat?"

Rin reached out and hugged Naoki's arm, and said coquettishly, "Recently opened a new dessert shop, and I want to eat dessert."

"Wasn't that light bulb candy enough for you?"

"The more you eat, the more anger you get, and the anger hasn't gone down." Rin clenched her pink fist, "So eat more dessert to calm down."

Naoki sighed helplessly: "Let's go."

"I like Nii-chan the most!"


The three of them walked out of the junior school teaching building with their schoolbags in their hands, and the sun began to gradually tilt to the west.

"The dessert shop is right in front, we can walk there."

Rin walked in front, she never remembered to eat or not fight, in such a short time, she had forgotten the image of the light bulb candy, and said in a clear voice "By the way Nii-chan. The stocking thief has appeared at school recently, does Nii-chan know what the Phantom Thief stole?"

You have said that it is a stocking thief, what else can he steal!

Naoki said, "Are stockings?"

"Eh?" Rin took half a step back and opened her eyes wide, "How did Nii-chan know? Could it be that the mysterious thief's true body is you?"

Naoki raised his hand.

"Ouch, it hurts." Rin clutched his forehead and jumped away, shouting, "Nii-chan doesn't talk about martial arts and sneaking up on girls. If I was prepared, I wouldn't be beaten by you."

"Then do it again?"

"Come on."

Naoki snapped his fingers.

"Oops!" Rin covered her forehead and leaned back angrily, "Nii-chan attacked me again!"

Naoki said lightly, "You asked me to come over."

"I am not ready!"

"Then do it again?"


After being slapped a few times, his head collapsed, and Rin said sadly: "Nii-chan is too mean, I don't like Nii-chan anymore."

Obviously you have to be provocative, and now that you have suffered a loss and shouted grievances, shouldn't you show your face!

Naoki's solution to this problem is simple: "Pocket money, give it away."

Rin, who was still sad now, immediately showed a smile: "I like Nii-chan the most!"

After happily collecting pocket money, Rin had forgotten about the collapse of his head, and happily continued:

"I've heard people say that recently, after a girl finished gym class, her stockings would be stolen. The strange thing is thieves will only steal one stocking and keep the other one."

"At first I thought it was accidentally lost, but after we communicated with each other, we found that many people lost a pair of stockings."

Steal half and save half, this stocking thief is very principled.

Rin continued: "It's said that not only in junior school, but even in high school, some people have lost their stockings, does Nii-chan know?"

"Don't know."

Naoki shook his head, he had no friends in class. Except for talking to Itsuki, there was basically no communication with anyone else. Naturally, there was no way to find out this kind of gossip.

"Someone actually stole stockings at school." Yuika's voice was soft and weak, "Scary."

Naoki looked down with disdain in his eyes.

A perverted girl who wants to put panties in other people's mouths, what are you afraid of!

If a stocking thief steals from you, you may be executed right away in stockings!

"Nii-chan, the dessert shop is here."

Rin took the lead, pushing forward with her small chest.


A familiar voice fell into the ear.

Naoki followed his reputation, looked at the blonde girl wearing the maid system, raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Nanako?"

"It really is Chiba-senpai." Rin shouted happily, "Is Chiba-senpai working part time?"

"Ah..." Nanako blushed slightly, and said casually, "It's just a part-time job."

"Chiba-senpai, good afternoon."

Yuika slowed down, looking very harmless.

"Good afternoon." Nanako gently and bowed, "There is space over there, please come with me."

Naoki looked at Nanako with a faint smile on his face, and said firmly, "Nanako, do you have any special services in your shop?"

"Are you stupid?" Nanako glared and lowered her voice, "This is a dessert shop, how can there be such a service!"

Naoki said firmly, "I want a delicious magic omelet."

Damn it! The temperature on Nanako's face rose rapidly, resisting the urge to kick someone, "There is no such strange magic, if you want to eat omelet, go to the cafe next door."

Naoki lowered his voice: "You should at least call Master, right?"

"Asakawa, you don't have to go very far!"