Maltose Crisis

On his way to class, Naoki pulled his sleeve up.

Looking at Furuhashi with a white headband, blue hair tied into a refreshing ponytail, and a calm temperament behind her, Naoki said softly:


"It's me."

The corners of Furuhashi's lips rose slightly, except for Naoki, no one knew that the soul had changed in the body.

Sure enough, it was Ogata Rizu.

Compared to the Quintuplets who often dress up and play charades, Furuhashi and Ogata's body exchanges are more secretive, but unfortunately the flaws are also obvious.

Furuhashi is a girl who likes to smile a lot, and Ogaya on the other hand, she rarely smiles, and it's easy to judge each other's identities.

Naoki glanced at the three young girls pretending to be looking at the scenery not far away, and whispered:

"His body changed this morning?"

"Yes." Ogata raised his hand and pressed it against his unremarkable chest "As soon as I woke up and felt very relaxed in my chest, I knew that I had become Fumino."

No problem.

Someone who carries five kilograms all day, suddenly has only one weight left, and of course he feels relieved.

Ogata looked down and asked: "Asakawa-san, what's wrong with your hand?"

"I accidentally scratched a broken mirror last night." Naoki raised his hand, "It's not serious, the doctor said it would get better soon, but it's just that it hasn't been able to get wet in the past few days."

"How about a shower?"

Ogata quickly found his blind spot.

How to do?

Of course, let Mafuyu help wash and wipe the back!

"Just be patient for now." Naoki coughed lightly, "Just wipe it off with a towel."

Ogata said quickly, "I can wipe your back for you."

If Uncle Ogata finds out, he'll kill with a knife!

"Not important to take a shower..."

"This is very important." Ogata said seriously, "The weather is very hot, skin sweat and dirt are breeding grounds for bacteria, and personal hygiene is very important."

Naoki: "😐"

He was speechless, so he could only change the subject and say, "Why haven't you seen Furuhashi?"

"Dad sells udon in the field and Fumino helps." Ogata whispered, "I want to go and help together, Kashima and the others said that there are activities in the morning, so they won't let me go."

"So." Naoki said quickly "Furuhashi has no experience in selling udon, so I guess she'll be in a rush. I'm going to the field to help uncle sell udon."

"Please Asakawa-san."

Ogata was reluctant to part with her, reached out and grabbed Naoki's sleeve, and wanted to continue the conversation.

The eyes of the three guardian girls became more and more dangerous.

"I'm going to the field." Naoki just chose to back off "Text me if you have anything."


Naoki turned and left the teaching building and walked towards the field.

The location of each stall is still the same as yesterday, and it's easy to find a udon noodle shop around the corner.

There is no Uncle Ogata in front of the trolley. There was only Ogata standing on his tiptoes and rushing about. There was even a lump of white flour on his little face.


Naoki stepped forward.


Furuhashi who was in a hurry, saw Naoki and his eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had seen a savior, "There is a guest who wants to eat udon noodles."

"Let me do it."

Naoki walked up to Furuhashi, took an apron and tied it up, stirred the udon noodles in the pot with chopsticks, and asked:

"Where's the salt?"

Furuhashi hurriedly handed over a bottle of salt, "Here."

The most important thing in udon noodles is the broth, a good broth recipe can even become a family heirloom, but the time to cook the noodles, the time to add salt, and the amount of ingredients are also very specific.

The so-called cooking is finding the right balance of various elements.

Naoki is often called upon by Ogata to deliver udon together. The process of making udon had long been understood, even though it was his first time operating it, he moved steadily and didn't panic at all.

Broth, salt, scallions, bean sprouts, soy sauce, and tamarind bamboo shoots and soft eggs, a bowl of udon noodles with an attractive aroma was immediately prepared.

"Thank you for coming here in time, otherwise I really don't know what to do..."

Seeing the guest leave satisfied, Furuhashi clutched his chest and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Her cooking skills were at beginner level, she could make an omelet at most, but she couldn't make good udon noodles at all.

Naoki asked "What about Uncle Ogata, why only you?"

"Ricchan's dad said she had a stomach ache and went to the bathroom." Furuhashi said sadly "Leaving me alone to entertain the customers, I'm not very skilled, I'm about to die of panic right now."

"Thank you very much."

Naoki reached out and stroked Furuhashi's hair

"Don't touch my head." Furuhashi's cheeks bulged "I'm not Ricchan."

"You are clear now."

"Hit you." Furuhashi raised his small fist, "By the way, why is your hand covered in bandages?"

"Accidentally scratched..."

Naoki explained again "You have flour on your face."

"Huh, where is it?"

Furuhashi raised his hand to wipe it.

"By the glasses, let me come over." Naoki said "You still have flour in your hands."


Furuhashi agreed, lifted her face, and obediently asked Naoki to help wipe her face.

"From Ricchan's point of view, you are very tall..."

One is 1.4 meters, the other is 1.8 meters, the difference in height is huge, naturally tall!

Going out together at night hand in hand, passers-by who don't know the truth can easily be mistaken for father and daughter!

Naoki gently wiped the flour off Ogata's face with a towel. Compared to Furuhashi's melon seed face, Ogata's is noticeably rounder and has more flesh.

"It tastes really good." Naoki pinched Ogata's face, feeling soft and smooth, and said in a serious tone, "Thank you for your hospitality."

Furuhashi's cheeks puffed out: "Don't pinch my face."

"I pinched Ogata."

"I now."

"You bastards!" A loud noise suddenly exploded, and Uncle Ogata glared at him aggressively, "How dare you play with my daughter in my absence??"

"Ahem, I'm not playing." Furuhashi blushed, and hurriedly explained, "I accidentally got flour on my face just now, Asakawa-san just wiped my face."

Even though she has switched bodies many times, Furuhashi still cannot call someone else father.

"That is clearly taking advantage of you on purpose." Uncle Ogata's eyes burned with fire, "I don't need this kid's help with something trivial like wiping your face?"


Fumio Furuhashi hesitated and couldn't think of a good reason for a while, so she could only use the method Ogata usually used.

Ogata clenched his fists with both hands and placed them on his chest. His cheeks were like a little squirrel, protruding high, and his eyes widened to express his unhappiness.

"Don't be angry at Asakawa-san."

The cruel uncle Ogata changed his face in a second, and hurriedly smiled to please, "Okay, okay, I won't talk about it."

Him daughter's life was very difficult.

"Uncle, good morning."

Naoki greeted him without changing his face.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Uncle Ogata glared angrily.

"I saw Rizu alone entertaining guests just now. It was hard work, so I came here to help."

"You kid..." Uncle Ogata smiled quickly when he saw Furuhashi's eyes wide open, "Thank you for your hard work."

As Uncle Ogata spoke, he warned with evil eyes:

"Don't call my daughter's name!"

"Now I'm back." Uncle Ogata smiled, "You can take off your apron and go."

"I refuse."


Uncle Ogata looked fierce.

"I heard Rizu say that uncle has been to the bathroom twice." Naoki said. "I always felt you would leave Rizu alone later."

Seeing that Naoki couldn't be kicked out, Uncle Ogata could only walk aside angrily, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and expressed a language of action that no one should approach.

The crisis is temporarily resolved.

Furuhashi breathed a sigh of relief. One is Naoki and the other is father's. Of course, the two of them should not be in conflict. Luckily no trouble.

"Ah, I forgot!"

Furuhashi raised his hand and patted his forehead, and hurriedly reached out and tugged at Naoki's sleeve.

"What is wrong?"

Naoki looked down.

"Drama!" Furuhashi finally remembered the forgotten business "What about the play?"

"If I remember correctly, your class play is tomorrow, right?"

"I can't change it back naturally tomorrow."

After a long time, by summarizing the method, she had already mastered the rules of body swapping.

The first is once a month, the same rules as the girl's good relatives.

Second, the body swap will last for three days, and when the time is up, the body will be swapped again.

Tomorrow was the last day of the school festival, and also the day Furuhashi and his class would be putting on a play, so of course she had to be worried.

Naoki whispered: "Isn't your role as Sleeping Beauty, just lie there?"

"Not that." Furuhashi said, "This is the story of Sleeping Beauty after a magical transformation. After I woke up, I still had many sentences to say. If I just need to lie there from start to finish, I don't need to train so hard."

Uncle Ogata secretly peeked, saw Naoki and Furuhashi chatting happily, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but get wet.


Time flies.

It was noon.

Furuhashi is coming.



The two met, and after a few simple words, they quickly talked about tomorrow's drama performance.

"Don't worry." Ogata said quickly, "We can use the summer vacation competition method."

Furuhashi quickly recalled the three player game that night during summer break, and his face quickly turned red, "That really is..."

"Don't worry."

Looking at himself sullenly, Ogata quickly displayed extraordinary courage, "You went home with Father this afternoon and prepared udon for sale tomorrow. I will go to Asakawa-san's apartment alone, and leave the kiss to me."

Furuhashi: "😐"

With the arrival of Ogata, Naoki finally has a chance to rest.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Across the playground, Naoki was about to go to the library bathroom to solve some cleaning problems, when he suddenly saw a girl with headphones hanging around her neck in the crowd.

It's Miku.

With two small sticks in her hands, she stirred a viscous, golden liquid...namely, maltose.

"Reckless Asakawa?"

Seeing Naoki approaching, Miku wanted to look away, but suddenly saw the bandages and gauze in Naoki's hands, and she couldn't help but ask:

"What happened to your hand?"

"Accidentally scratched..."

Naoki turned on repeat mode again.


Miku glanced angrily and handed over the maltose in her hand, "Here it is."

Naoki stretched out his hand to take it: "Thank you very much."


There's no Coke in a Coke Pie, and no Wife in a Wife Pie, but maltose... really has malt in it.

Maltose was called glutinous sugar in ancient times, and the sugar in that expression was sweet. It was first recorded in the Song of Songs, but in fact, the function of malt is similar to yeast, and its main raw material is actually rice or glutinous rice.

"I ate this maltose when I was very young." Miku started lining up, ready to buy another one. "I've forgotten what it feels like."

Maltose was very common in the past. This is a very traditional way of eating colloidal maltose by stirring it with two wooden sticks until it turns white. This way of eating is often found in cherry balls.

Eating candy is getting easier and simpler now, and things like maltose are gradually only in memory, and don't expect to see them at school festivals.

Naoki complains: "I just remember that people who wear dentures should stay away from maltose."

Miku said angrily: "That's not an exaggeration."

"I remember." Naoki said quietly, "Someone in elementary school ate maltose, and their teeth were glued together."


"It's just a gear change period."

Naoki was still talking to Miku when he suddenly felt his hands heat up, and the maltose fell into his hands subconsciously.

He subconsciously shook his hand, but instead of throwing it away, he interlocked his fingers.

Naoki helplessly asks Miku for help: "Hands stuck."

Miku hearing this "I won't let you eat early."

"I am sorry."

"It's so tight, I can't remove it..."

Miku took out a towel and wiped Naoki's hands, but the towel almost got stuck "It's okay if the maltose hardens."

Naoki's face changed slightly, "Can't wait."

"Hah?" Miku tilted her head "What are you rushing for?"

Naoki took a light breath, "I haven't been to the bathroom all morning."

"Then quickly leave..."

Miku suddenly looked at Naoki's hand.

One hand is bandaged, the other is glued to maltose...

Four eyes facing each other.

Naoki looked innocent.

"Do not look at me." Miku took half a step back, the tips of her ears quickly turning red, "You solved your own problem."

Naoki raised his hand: "I don't know maltose, why don't you help me take off the bandage?"

"No, no matter what you think, wound healing is more important." Miku refuses. "...Go to the library, the library bathroom is very empty, I'll help you wash the maltose."