Itsuki : I got stronger!

"...What are you wearing dentures for?"

Naoki looked speechless.

Yuika said confidently, "In front of Yuika, and teasing that ox breast, today I will tell you how strong Yuika is. "

"Sorry, I don't want to."

"No, you do."

Yuika took out a notebook from her schoolbag: "Study first, then let Servant admit defeat and beg for mercy."

A junior school student who couldn't move a bucket of water, how could she have the confidence to let others beg for mercy and admit their mistakes!

Learning begins.

Yuika sat down properly and listened intently.


It was 5.40pm in the blink of an eye.

The sun is gradually setting to the west.

School is also quiet.

"I've learned everything." Yuika closed the notebook in satisfaction, "Servant, let's stop for today."

Naoki nodded: "Go home."

"Wait a moment" Yuika opened her mouth, showing two small sharp canines, her face slightly reddened, "Let Yuika take a bite first."

"I refuse."

"Yuika is a vampire now, I will die if I don't bite."

"As a vampire, why aren't you afraid of the sun?"

"There are so many vampires in manga who are not afraid of the sun, and they are not inferior to Yuika." Yuika drew closer, a pink blush on her face. "Servant, close your eyes."

Naoki closed his eyes.

Immediately, he felt a sweet milky fragrance wafting to the tip of his nose, followed by a warm and sweet breath, and then a hint of soreness on his lips.

Naoki knew beforehand that Yuika would gain different attribute bonuses after wearing different 'equipment', such as tail sensitivity and ear learning speed, etc.

Last week's school festival, dental props opened. After the equipment, his sensitivity is greatly increased, in short… She can even use his tongue to tie cherries.

With tails, animal ears, collars, and canines unlocked today, Naoki suddenly remembered a famous saying.

The moment seizes the future.

"Silly servant, admit defeat?"

Yuika parted her lips slightly, panting heavily, and hummed proudly at Naoki who was slow to respond.

Naoki reached out and touched the corner of his lips, and said resolutely, "Not giving up and not admitting defeat."

"Then Yuika will do it again."

As a perverted girl who easily took off her panties as a gift, Yuika definitely didn't have much shame.

"Impossible ..."

Out of breath, Yuika chose to give up and admit defeat.

"Why can not?" Naoki looked at the gentle Yuika in his arms "What about your rhetoric just now?"

Yuika panted heavily, but she wasn't sure: "Servant is a boy, and his physical strength is better than Yuika… In terms of skill, Yuika wins."

There are no objections to this.

Yuika was originally not the passive defensive type, and now she has a status bonus, and it completely crushes everyone in terms of skill.

Naoki looked up at the sun, which had almost set far below the horizon, and suppressed a desire in his heart: "It's time to go down and come back."

"Servant, carry me on your back." Yuika buried her head and acted like a spoiled child.

"How about carrying it in one hand?"

"Yuika is not a cat!"


When Naoki returned to the apartment, it was completely dark.

After eating a bento from the supermarket, Naoki sat down at the computer, compiled and edited a set of exam papers, and sent them to the Quintuplets chat group.

"Go and print your own, one set for each person, and try to get it done in the evening."

Itsuki: "Accepted, promised to solve the problem."

Yotsuba: "After taking a bath, do the test paper."

Miku: "Seems like a lot."

Nino: "This isn't a final exam, it's too serious."

Ichika: "I don't want to write a test paper, I just want to fish, Asakawa-kun will watch over me with a video call?"

Naoki: "I refuse."

Nino: "You just focus on chatting later, you won't even be able to write a test paper!"

Miku: "Nino is right."

Ichika: "I feel that Miku's study spirit recently isn't as good as before."


The next day.

Around 8am, a girl came in through the back door. The temperature in autumn is hot and cold, and the situation of living in a flower bed is not that serious. Quintuplets don't need to run every day like spring.

"Asakawa-san, good morning."

Itsuki greeted, she sat down at the table next to Naoki.

"Good morning." Naoki raised his head "Where are the test papers?"

Itsuki opened his school bag, and took out a set of exam papers: "Everyone's exam papers are here. Before going out in the morning, I specially collect it. Even Nino is done."

Naoki took the test paper and twirled the red pen on his fingertips: "I'll take a look."

Because it was his own test paper, his proofreading speed was naturally fast. It only took time to read the class earlier to complete all the Quintuplets test papers.

While reading a book, Itsuki peeked in from time to time.

"Want to know how many points you got in the exam?" Naoki could see Itsuki's thoughts at a glance.

"How much value did I get?"

Itsuki lifted the book to cover his cheeks, and just looked up, his bright blue eyes full of anticipation.

"Very good." Naoki nodded lightly, not being stingy with his own praise, "You have improved a lot from the last final exam, it will definitely surprise others."

The first step in teaching students is learning to praise properly.

Confidence is like a plant in a pot, which needs to be watered from time to time. With Itsuki's appearance, it deserves a thumbs up.

Hearing Naoki's praise, Itsuki's ahoge head hair swayed slightly: "You're not trying to make me happy, Asakawa-san?"

"If I want to make you happy, it's better to use meat buns..."


Itsuki felt the good feeling from earlier fall again.

Like Nino, Naoki always likes to complain about eating meat buns alone, it's too much!

"I will give you a test paper." Naoki handed Mei's exam paper, "At your current level, the midterm rankings can completely enter the middle of the class."

"Let me see."

Itsuki couldn't wait to take the test paper and read it carefully.

Pass all five subjects, and each increase from the final exam scores in early summer.

Even though it wasn't a formal midterm, Itsuki didn't care, the paper specially prepared by Naoki wasn't much different from the midterm exam papers, maybe even higher.

"Nino is always careless and misses something, that's good." Naoki said, "But during exams, another thing is very important, and that is time."

Naoki pointed at a question on the math exam paper: "How long have you been working on this problem?"

"Eh?" Itsuki was surprised, "How did you know?"

Naoki said as usual: "Because you answered correctly."


Itsuki opened his eyes wide. Obviously, she didn't understand where it was exposed. Last night, she did the test paper in his own room.

"Because this question is more difficult." Naoki spoke the truth in one sentence, in an undertone, "With your current level, it's impossible to do it in a short amount of time."

Itsuki: "...I feel humiliated."

Just telling the truth, I didn't embarrass you!

Naoki whispered "I know better than you how deep you are right now."

Itsuki: "I don't know why, it sounds really bad."

"Asakawa-san, give it to me."

Itsuki stretched out his right hand.

Naoki was surprised: "What?"

"Eh, those are their test papers." Itsuki whispered, "Let me see."

Competitiveness is a good thing. Only when you know how to make progress can you be competitive.

Otherwise, like when you first changed schools, your grades are zero or single digits, and you don't care about the other sister's grades at all.


"Not for you."

Naoki shook his head and refused.

"Eh?" Itsuki looked at her suspiciously "Why not give it to me?"

"Exam paper scores are personal privacy. As a sensei, I have an undeniable responsibility." Naoki said righteously, "During lunch break, I will give the test papers to Nino and the others. If you want to know, you will wait until then, then ask."


The four classes in the morning passed in a hurry.

It's time for lunch break.

Itsuki went to the cafeteria first, while Naoki came to the corridor and waited in silence.

After a while, Miku who was wearing headphones walked out from the next class.

Seeing Naoki waiting in the corner, Miku stopped and looked down.

Naoki stepped up to follow Miku: "Tomorrow is the midterms, don't play games too late tonight, rest early."

The first sentence was to accuse her of playing games and Miku couldn't stand it.

Miku said angrily: "I don't play games until late."

Naoki said quietly "At 12 o'clock last night, you were still logging in to that horse race girl?"

"...How do you know?"

"I woke up in the morning to log in to the game, and specifically saw your last login time."

"It's not that you suddenly gave out a test paper, let's write it down, and it will be too late after writing it." Miku turned her face away, "guilty, Harakiri!"

"I don't want to accept the crime, and I want to appeal."

"Deprivation of the right to appeal."

Naoki and Miku talked all the way, and soon arrived at the cafeteria.

Bought a set of tonkatsu dishes that are usually eaten. Naoki served the dish and quickly found the Fifths of the Nakano family sitting in a corner.

Except for Miku who had a bit of difficulty choosing, she was still left behind, the other four girls were already seated.

Naoki walked over with a plate and sat beside Nino.

"Asakawa, why do you want to sit and eat with us today?" Nino looked surprised.

Naoki said lightly: "Because I haven't seen Nino all morning..."

Nino put his hands in front of his chest, his face was slightly red, looking proud, she didn't mean to stop Naoki: "Continue, I'm listening."

Yotsuba drank the taste of the soup: "Nino isn't as easy to mess with as us."

Ichika smiled and looked at him: "Could it be that Asakawa-kun was bullying the Yotsuba?"

"Absolutely not!"

The Yotsuba quickly lowered her head to eat.

As for Itsuki… in the duel with the cook for two in front of her, his cheeks bulged, and she didn't have time to speak.

"I will give you a test paper." Naoki took out the exam paper silently, and handed it to Nino, "Wrong place has been given a note, you guys have a look after dinner."

"Ichika, your test paper."

"Thank you Asakawa-kun~" Ichika came in with a piece of sushi "This is a thank you present."

Naoki looked at Yotsuba again and said, "Yotsuba, your test paper."

While talking, Miku finally overcame the difficulty of choosing and walked out with mapo tofu.

"Sit next to me." Naoki pointed to the empty seat beside him, "I'll give you the test paper."

Miku sat beside Naoki.

The sisters looked at their test papers while eating.

"What, why do you have to write such big and careful words on the test paper." Nino complained, "Was I not careful enough?"

"I said it's fine." Naoki chewed and ate the pork chop slowly, "Please let everyone answer this question."

Ichika held his chin with his right hand, and tapped his lips with his fingers: "What about Nino... She baked cookies two days ago, and she was just chatting with the others, but the cakes were all burnt."

Miku: "Glasses are scattered everywhere, and she often asks others to find them."

Yotsuba tilted her head and thought for a moment: "Aren't stockings always one less?"

"It is an unsolved supernatural event." Nino snorted "By the way, all the subjects have passed, so I'm going on vacation after tomorrow's test."

"Asasawa-kun, eat some fried shrimp." Ichika and the other dishes were handed over, and she said with a smile, "When we first transferred to another school, everyone got zero marks in most subjects, and now we can graduate all of them, all thanks to Asakawa-kun, open your mouth~"

You are enough, how could I be fed in public!

"Ichika, what are you doing?" he said. "Someone has seen."

"If someone saw him, talk about seeing him." Ichika's face was straight, "If I don't change my name, if I don't change my surname."

Yotsuba, are you all right?

Itsuki who finished the food for two, finally broke the seal and spoke.

"Ah..." Yotsuba came back to his senses, and hurriedly smiled, but the smile was a little reluctant, "I'm fine."

"Everything is almost done, why don't you eat more?" asked Itsuki suspiciously.

"I'll eat it soon." The Yotsuba quickly lowered her head and picked up her chopsticks, "I can finish them in three minutes."

The lunch break was very short. After lunch, the five sisters got up together and walked to the teaching building with Naoki.

As he was turning a corner, Naoki suddenly felt someone grab his sleeve, and turned his head to look at the dejected Yotsuba, his eyes already crying:

"I'm interested sorry..."