Black Space Challenge

The night bus stops and goes and arrives in Kyoto unknowingly.

Naoki gently tugged Nino's ear and said softly:

"It's time to wake up."


Nino frowned slightly, obviously got out of bed, opened his eyes and looked at Naoki with a blurry vision, then closed his eyes: "Don't touch me."

Naoki sighed and pulled out his trump card:

"His drooling is dripping."

One sentence made Nino wake up in an instant.

Sitting down quickly, Nino raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth, and immediately became angry: "Stupid Asakawa, you actually lied to me!"

Naoki reminded: "Don't wake other people up."

Nino just remembered that she was on the bus, and hurriedly looked around, and found that the people nearby were sleeping and not paying attention. She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Naoki in embarrassment:

"The bus doesn't stop, doesn't get to Kyoto at all?"

"It will be there in a few minutes."

Naoki looked out the window, the dim morning light had washed away the night, and outside the window, buildings and pedestrians who had gotten up early could faintly be seen.

"Wow~ this is so uncomfortable." Nino stretched, "It's very uncomfortable, I feel like my waist will break, and I won't take the night bus in the future."

The joy was only an hour in the beginning, the next time, most of the students regretted it.

The night bus is really not comfortable at all.

Naoki looked at Nino and said quietly, "You must have chosen the night bus that time?"

"I don't, don't talk nonsense." Nino refuses to admit it.

Naoki sighed and said, "I should be the one feeling uncomfortable."


"Do you remember where you slept last night?"

"Last night..."

Nino blinked, his eyes moving downwards, and landed on Naoki's thigh.

"You seem to remember it." Naoki covered his forehead and said "I dare not move at all, do you know how I got here tonight?"

Nino's face was slightly red, and she turned his head and whispered:

"Who told you not to wake me up?"

"Don't you dare shout." Naoki said earnestly, "I am responsible for the safety of my classmates."


"Get up so angry, after calling you to get up, if you run wild, everyone on the bus will be in danger."

"Stupid Asakawa, I bit you!"

After saying a few words, Nino soon found that the bus was stopping slowly.

"Arrived in Kyoto." Mafuyu, who was sitting at the front, stood up and said loudly, "Everyone line up and get off one by one."

Not only Nino and Naoki, but also the other students have awakened.

Get off the bus.

A light breeze blew, and the cool autumn chill quickly woke people up.


On the next bus, Itsuki also got off.

"I go first."

Nino greeted and walked towards Itsuki.

The two sisters exchanged identities quickly, and no one except a few people knew.

Itsuki walked up to Naoki, raised his eyes to look at Naoki, and whispered:

"You didn't bully Nino last night?"

Naoki muses: "That depends on what kind of behavior counts as bullying."

Itsuki opened his eyes wide: "You really bullied Nino?"

"I do not."

"You just said yes."

"I just discussed the boundaries and definition of bullying. As a judge, there is no evidence, please don't punish me."

"No need for proof." Itsuki hummed lightly, "You usually bully people, and you must have bullied Nino."

"I am not satisfied, I want to appeal."

"Appeal denied."


After all students get off the bus, the teacher of each class is responsible for receiving calls to ensure that no one is leaving, and then get on the train according to class order and go to the reserved hotel.

At the hotel, after allocating rooms, everyone washes their faces and brushes their teeth, then gathers for breakfast.

Breakfast is provided free of charge by the hotel and is included in the tour fee. Not even just breakfast, but three meals a day are included in it.

After riding the bus overnight, Itsuki didn't feel tired at all, and happily ate breakfast.

After breakfast, Mafuyu and two other teachers led the team to Kiyomizu Temple.

The school trip has officially started.

Along the way, there are blue bricks and gray tiles, painted cornices and corners, and the ancient style permeates, and there are various ancient wooden buildings everywhere.

"Strange." Itsuki walked for a while, and quickly became confused, "Why can't we see the tall buildings?"

"Because Kyoto has issued a regulation, except for some specially approved buildings, ordinary buildings cannot exceed 60 meters." Naoki explained, "But the reality is that most of the buildings we see generally don't exceed 30 meters."

Kyoto was called Heianjing in ancient times. Yes, it is Heianjing where Youkai walk at night. From the eighth century to the nineteenth century, when the capital moved to Tokyo, it was the capital for over 1000 years. It is truly a 1000 year old capital city.

When Ping An was founded, it was during the Tang Dynasty, and Ping An was a complete copy of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty.

More than 1,200 years have passed. During this period, God knows how many natural and man-made disasters, wind and rain, and it is impossible for the wooden buildings to be preserved for so long.

In fact most of the temples in Kyoto have been renovated and reconstructed, unlike 1000 years ago.

Soon they made their way to Kiyomizu Temple which was also the first stop of the Kyoto school trip.

Kyoto's oldest shrine has been burned down and rebuilt several times, is a landmark building in Tokyo. Naturally a lot of tourists, there are many shops on both sides of the Shinto in front of the door.

There were countless souvenir shops, snack bars and restaurants and one could smell a sweet fragrance in the air, Itsuki's eyes lit up.

"Let's visit the shrine first." Naoki said. "If you want to eat, we'll come back later when you can move around freely."

Itsuki hesitated: "I didn't say I wanted to eat."

Saliva will flow down, and you say that you don't want to eat, a view or something, no temptation of delicious food at all!

After walking through the Shinto street and arriving at the gate of Kiyomizu Temple, Naoki found that people from other schools were taking pictures in front of the gate of Kiyomizu Temple, obviously they were also people who had come for a school trip.

"Hey, look at that girl."

Itsuki reached out and tugged at the hem of Naoki's shirt, and looked at a girl standing in the front row of the class.

Naoki nodded: "I see."

Itsuki sighed: "What a coincidence that we were able to meet her in Kyoto."

The golden double ponytail was like a handcraft, the delicate snow-white skin, the eyes as blue as the sky, and the tiny tiger teeth looming at the corners of the mouth… Thinking about it carefully, they had indeed met many times.

Some even recognize students' school uniforms.

"That's Toyonozaki Private Academy next door."

"I didn't expect to be going on a school trip at the same time as our school."

"Is a blonde haired girl with double ponytails standing in front of a demigod? Very cute!"

"I've heard that it's a famous person from Toyonozaki, it seems his name is..."

After Toyosaki's students finished taking pictures, soon Naoki and the others were publicly executed.

No way, every year on a school trip, they have to submit a report when they return, even though it is a routine thing, but the group photo is very important.

It is estimated that the teacher who led the team has been to Kyoto many times. A male teacher stepped forward quite skillfully. After negotiating, he quickly found an open space to shoot.

There are not many requirements for taking pictures. Everyone forms groups according to their familiarity, as long as they don't cover their faces. Itsuki didn't look any taller and stood in the back row with Naoki.

"Wait later to come back and take some photos alone." Naoki whispered.

Itsuki looked straight ahead and replied, "I don't want to take photo."

"I didn't say I'd take a photo with you..."

Itsuki suddenly became angry, and turned to look at him.

Photo taken.

After taking a group photo, the next step is to visit Kiyomizu Temple.

When they got here, there was no need for the whole class to be together, students could freely form teams and visit each other.


Ogata arrives, followed by Sekijou.

Naoki looked at the two of them: "What's wrong?"

"When I chatted with mom yesterday, mom said that she came to Kyoto to play and went to that Buddhist temple." Ogata raised his face, "Let's play together?"

Naoki turned his head to look at the small Buddha hall not far from the entrance, "No problem."

Sekijou was very curious, "What's fun in such a small Buddha hall?"

"It's underground." Naoki explained, "There is an entrance to the dungeon behind the Buddha hall. After going down, walk around the dungeons in the dark. This is the so-called 'black space tour, said to be blessed by the gods.'

"Sounds interesting." Sekijou nodded in agreement. "Let's go."

Walking behind the Buddha hall, they can see many tourists waiting in line. If you want to enter the Buddha hall, you have to pay a worship fee of 100 yen.

"Asakawa-san, take two photos for me." Ogata raised his face, "Go home and show mom."

Sekijou hurriedly said, "I also want to be photographed."

Of course, she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to take a photo with Ogata.

Naoki picked up his phone and took a picture of the two girls.

"Wait, send me the photo that Rizu-san took alone." Sekijou whispered.

Naoki turned his head: "I suspect that you will do strange things with the photo."

Sekijou glared angrily: "Don't think of me like you!"

After paying the 100 yen visit fee, Naoki took off his shoes and marched down the stairs.

After walking a few steps and turning a corner, the lights suddenly dimmed, and after a few steps forward, it soon reached a point where one could not see the fingers.

"It's so dark!"

Sekijou wanted to take the phone.

"Don't take your phone." Naoki reminded, "Just feel the rosary-shaped handle on the wall and walk."

"I see."

Sekijou was a little nervous, there was all kinds of light pollution everywhere in the city, and it had been a long time since she had seen such pure darkness.

After walking a few steps, Naoki suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you go?" Sekijou couldn't help asking.

Naoki said earnestly "Have you noticed that there seems to be only the two of us footsteps?"


"Where's Ogata?"

Naoki asked quietly.

Sekijou's eyes widened, his heartbeat stopped for a moment, and hurriedly whispered, "Rizu-san?"

Silence and no one responds at all.

"What happened?" Sekijou's face turned pale, and hastily reached out to grope, "No… why is Rizu-san missing?"

Just now, three people went down together... Strange, how many people went down together?

In the darkness where five fingers were invisible, Sekijou only felt that his memory was a bit hazy.

She read the previous news and saw that there was a confinement challenge in a small black room. As long as you survive 72 hours, you can earn millions of dollars. As a result, no one was able to endure to the end, and they all abstained halfway.

Sekijou thought it was the will of the challengers that was too weak, only now did she realize that the naïve person was actually her.

In such a dark place, let alone three days, three minutes can make people crazy!

"Don't hit the wall."

Naoki reached out and grabbed Sekijou's wrist.

Sekijou as if a drowning man had found a straw, hurriedly held Naoki's hand tightly, and said nervously, "Is there some other secret way, Rizu-san just happened to get separated from us?"

"It's very unlikely." Naoki shook his head, "After entering, I only heard you talk, so there is only one truth… Ogata might not enter."

"Hah?" Sekijou hesitated, "Is that really how it is?"

"By the way, it is more reliable than your guess."

As a landmark tourist attraction in Kyoto, it receives tens of thousands of tourists every day. If there is such a thing as a secret passage, it must have been discovered long ago!

Why can't others find it, only Ogata can find it?

Could it be that the bodhisattva on the ground is a huge pedophile with a child-like face!

"What are we doing now?"

In the darkness where five fingers couldn't be seen, Sekijou subconsciously relied on Naoki, "Back to Rizu-san?"

"Continue." Naoki said quickly, "The underground passage is already very small. If you come back, it will cause trouble for other tourists."

"Oh." Sekijou answered obediently, "Then let's go."

Naoki held Sekijou's hand, but was unable to break free, but was gripped even tighter.

"Slowly." Sekijou said nervously, "Take care of running into it."

"With me here, don't worry."

Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean other people can't see it. After learning that Ogata is missing, Naoki immediately activates his night vision ability.


Sekijou muttered under his breath.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, she was indeed quite relieved to be led by Naoki.

I don't know how long.

A ray of light appeared quietly in the darkness.

"Is it almost time to leave?" Sekijou couldn't help asking.

Naoki nodded: "There are still a few more steps."

After walking a few steps in the darkness, the faint light quickly turned into a bright exit.

After a while.

The two of them walked down the stairs and back down to the ground.

Bright sunlight fell, and Sekijou knew for the first time that it was so desirable.

"Asakawa-san, Sawako."

Ogata's serious voice entered the ear.

"Rizu-san, are you alright?" Sekijou looked surprised, "I was under the Buddhist hall just now and found that you had left. I thought you were walking into a strange secret passage, so I was worried."

Ogata pushed up his glasses and asked curiously, "Is there a strange secret passage?"

"Secret passage..."

The uncle next to her raised his voice slightly, and after winning the eyes of the two girls, he said slowly, "Of course not anymore."

"The money accidentally fell just now." Ogata explained the whole story and paused for a while, "After I pick it up, you all get off."

Sekijou said confusedly: "Why isn't Rizu-san coming down?"

Ogata spoke, and turned his head away.

"Did you forget?" Naoki complained beside him, "Ogata gets scared and cries when he watches horror movies alone."

She looks quite calm, but she is actually a girl with a bit of courage, obviously she doesn't dare to enter the dark tunnel alone!


Ogata puffed out his cheeks sadly: "How long will you two hold hands?"


Sekijou was stunned and looked down, only to notice that she was still holding Naoki's hand, and his fingers were still entwined.

Her face quickly turned red, and she hastily threw Naoki away: "Rizu-san, listen to my explanation!"

Ogata turned his face: "I didn't listen."