Mermaid Sensei

"Then let me try?"

Mrs. Ogata is quite curious.

Her daughter's voice just now was very strange. How can such a perverted voice be in a regular massage?

As a mother, she had to find out the truth, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sleep at night!

"No problem."

Naoki nodded lightly and looked towards the bed.

"I'm just sitting on a chair!" Mrs. Ogata hastily shook her head.

Lying on her daughter's bed and letting the man she liked massage her was too embarrassing to even think about, that kind of thing was completely unacceptable.

"You can also sit on the chair." Naoki naturally wouldn't force her, and brought a chair in front of the table, "Auntie, sit down."


Mrs. Ogata sat in a chair with a very serious expression on her little face.

Naoki walked behind Mrs. Ogata and moved her fingers gently: "Auntie, I started?"

There is a small mirror on the table, and Mrs. Ogata can only see herself and Naoki behind her.

"His fingers look really flexible..."


"Ah, it's okay." Mrs. Ogata sat up straight, her face a little red, "Naoki, you can start."

Naoki agrees and places his finger on Madame Ogata's shoulder.

Very hard.

His shoulders are so stiff.

Because like a girl, she carried a burden that didn't suit her body shape, so her shoulders were so stiff. Human nature is actually just a string of genetic information. Big tits wife and big tits daughter.

"Mom, how does the massage feel?"

Ogata sat next to her, holding an orange in his hand, and asked curiously while peeling the orange.

"Feeling something..." Mrs. Ogata blinked her eyes, her tone was hesitant, "Not bad."

According to her, it was just an ordinary massage, and nothing special.

Is it because her daughter's body is too sensitive?

Or is Naoki massaging anywhere else besides the shoulders?

A guess came to mind.

Mrs. Ogata couldn't help but look down, even though she was wearing a work uniform, she still couldn't hide the curves of her tall and straight chest.

Yes that's a must!

Men and women live together in the same room, and they are all young people, they definitely wouldn't hold back from kissing and hugging each other, right?

There is only one truth.

The place where Naoki was massaging his daughter just now wasn't the shoulder!

After discovering the truth, Madam Ogata's heart quickly became entangled.

Does she want to cover his chest?


If she covered it up, Rizu and Naoki would have to know that she had found out the truth, and it would just embarrass everyone.

"Of course..."

Mrs. Ogata was entangled, and after a while, she still chose to wait and see what happened and didn't make any extra moves.

With his daughter by his side, she didn't have to worry about being bullied.

After letting go of her attachment, Madam Ogata suddenly widened her eyes.

"Wait, what happened?"

A strange numbness spread from the shoulders and neck all over the body, as if there were strands of electricity surging through every muscle fiber, and even the bones softened.

"What's this?"

"How can massage be so comfortable?"

"Is this some kind of special massage technique?"

Throat starts to itch.

There seems to be a strange sound trying to escape.

Mrs. Ogata is finally convinced that Ogata is not lying.

After a while.


Mrs. Ogata covered her lips with the back of her hand, but a trembling whisper still escaped from the gap between her lips.

Naoki stopped and looked at Mrs. Ogata whose face was red and her eyes were wet in the mirror:

"Auntie, you want to continue?"

"Not." Mrs. Ogata hurriedly shook her head, "Enough is enough."

It was quite embarrassing to make such a lecherous sound in front of his daughter. If she continued, dhe would be embarrassed!

Ogata handed a peeled orange to Naoki: "Mom, I'm not wrong, Asakawa-san's massage was good, right?"

"Unbelievable…" Mrs. Ogata clutched her pounding heart and stood up with a flushed face, only feeling her legs and feet ache, "You guys continue, I'll go down first."

As she said that, she lowered his head and walked out, his back somewhat running away.

Back down.

"That brat didn't bully Rizu?" Uncle Ogata asked.


Mrs. Ogata shook her head, it was just a massage, not bullying at all.

"What did Rizu do with that boy in that room?"

"That..." Mrs. Ogata felt a little guilty, "They are studying, don't ask too many questions, hurry up and make udon!"


Naoki studied with Ogata for a while upstairs, then came downstairs, ate a bowl of udon noodles for dinner at a noodle restaurant, and finally said goodbye and left

After returning to the apartment, Naoki put down his luggage, grabbed a change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he saw some new messages on the cell phone.

"Nii-chan, have you reached the apartment yet?"

"Mom called you home for dinner tomorrow."

"By the way, mother also said, call Onee-san together, mother has not seen Onee-san for a long time."

"Don't forget gifts for mom and me."

With so many messages, only the last sentence matters!

"I see."

After replying to Rin's message, Naoki plays a video call to Furuhashi.

The vibrations continued for a few seconds, and the call invitation was quickly closed.

Naoki opened a dialog box and sent a screenshot of Rin's chat history to Furuhashi.

"Mom called us home for dinner tomorrow."

Message read.

Furuhashi: "I'm not going, I'm not feeling well."

"Then I will help you heal now?"

"No need!"

Furuhashi was wearing pajamas, sitting at the study table, and looking at the message from Naoki with a displeased expression.

The treatment is fake, the bullying is real.

The stomach just hurts, and it is completely tolerable, so there will be no dependence.

Naoki: "Why are you suddenly angry?"

Furuhashi: "I'm not angry."

The message was followed by a smile, and his smile this time was truly angry.

Naoki vaguely guessed the reason: "You really don't want to go home for dinner tomorrow?"

"Not going."

"Then I'll tell Rin to let Rin act spoiled for you."

"There's no use acting spoiled."

Furuhashi has a firm demeanor, and she is not a soft-hearted person.

Naoki answered unhurriedly: "Then let Rin cry and show you."

"...Rin-chan won't cry because of your words?"

Naoki sent an emoji that if you have money you can do whatever you want: "As long as pocket money is there, there is nothing Rin can't do."


To actually use Rin to force herself into submission was too despicable!

Naoki said slowly "Meet at the train station at 8 tomorrow morning?"

"8 o'clock is too early." Faced with coercion, Furuhashi could only agree, "9 o'clock in the morning."

Naoki reminded: "Don't forget to bring gifts."

Furuhashi: "You don't need to say it."

Naoki said again: "I'll send you some math problems later, don't forget to answer them before you sleep."

End the chat.

Naoki sat in front of the computer and exported the photos from his cell phone. He took a lot of photos during his trip to Kyoto and needed sorting.

After finishing the arrangement, Naoki sends Ogata's photo to Sawako, of course she won't forget what she promised.

Sawako quickly accepts: "Thank you so much, Rizu is so cute!"

She accidentally slips into the lesbian abyss.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Naoki let go of the mouse, got up and walked to the door, looking out through cat eyes, Mafuyu wearing a high school T-shirt with pink and waist-length hair was standing outside the door.

"Sensei?" Naoki opened the door, looked at Mafuyu outside the door. "Have you been drinking again?"

Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were weak. At first glance, she showed his true nature after drinking.

"I just had a glass of beer." Mafuyu looked weak, and whispered, "Don't be angry."

"Is a glass of beer meager?"

What about your alcohol intake? You must be very clear in your heart. One glass of beer can get you half drunk, but if you drink two more, you'll be crashing!

Naoki sighed: "Come in and talk."

"Excuse me."

Let Mafuyu enter the room, Naoki closed the door "Sensei just came back?"

"Yes." Mafuyu covered the bottom of her skirt and replied weakly, "After returning from the school trip, everyone said that they were going to an izakaya to drink and relax. All Sensei go there, and I can't refuse. ..."

After a pause, Mafuyu said faintly: "They finished the first round and are about to drink the second round, I don't participate."

Japanese law stipulates that minors are not allowed to drink alcohol, that might be the opposite of extreme things. So many people become adults, they drink almost every day, especially social animals who work hard at work.

After an overtime at night, people from the same department walked into the izakaya and left after a drink and had to have a second round of drinks with close associates, overall, it was very difficult.

Naoki sniffed his nose. The smell of alcohol on Mafuyu is not strong. Obviously, she didn't drink much.

"Sensei asked me to help sober up?"

"No." Mafuyu hurriedly shook his head, and looked up sadly, "I was just about to take a shower, and when I entered the bathroom, I saw that black bug again."

Naoki raised his eyebrows: "Cockroach?"

Mafuyu said annoyed: "Don't say his name."

What is it? Cockroaches can also be used as medicine. Maybe one day they'll eat medicine with cockroaches in the formula table!

Mafuyu was not happy: "Why does it still appear after being given medicine?"

"Because when you look at a cockroach, there are thousands of angles you can't see..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mafuyu covered his mouth.

"For now, don't say anything later!"

"Yes." Naoki blinked to show understanding, and looked at Mafuyu's change of clothes in his hand, "Sensei is here, do you want to take a shower in the bathroom?"

"I really want to take a shower." Mafuyu's voice was soft, "If I don't take a bath, I will feel very uncomfortable."

Although it is very cold at night, the temperature during the day is not low. After running outside for a day, the sweat on the body is unavoidable, and it is certainly not comfortable not to take a shower.

After saying a few words, Mafuyu went to the bathroom to take a shower, while Naoki sat on the sofa and played with his cell phone.

After logging into the game "Uma Musume", Miku happens to be online. As a phenomenal level mobile game that has been popular lately, many people are playing it. Not only Miku, but Naoki actually saw Itsuki.

"Itsuki, is it really you?"

Naoki was shocked and sent a message.

Itsuki quickly replied: "It's me."

Naoki: "You actually know how to play games?"

Itsuki: "What, I usually play some decompression games, okay?"

Naoki: "You agree to study hard when you come home?"

Itsuki: "The study trip is tiring, so it's normal to take a break from time to time."

"Miku recommending "Uma Musume" is very interesting. Tomorrow is the weekend, so I will play it…"

It was rare to see Itsuki playing mobile games, and Naoki mentored him for a while. Only then did Itsuki go offline, and Naoki realized that it was already 9pm before he noticed.

Putting down the phone, Naoki looked towards the bathroom, Mafuyu had not come out of the bathroom yet.

Women are very slow to take a shower.

Naoki took the remote control, watched TV for a bit, and immediately realized something was wrong.

Why can't hear the shower sound?

Naoki got up and walked outside the bathroom door, shouting "Sensei, it's almost time to head out after the shower."

The bathroom was silent and unresponsive, as if no one was there at all.

"Senseisl?" Naoki slightly raised his voice.

Still no response in the bathroom.

Naoki gets serious: "Sensei, I'm coming in."

After talking and waiting for a few seconds, Mafuyu still didn't respond. Naoki no longer hesitated, and decisively reached out and pushed the door open.

Walking into the bathroom, the damp steam was approaching.

The scent of shampoo and shower gel permeates the air. Naoki averted his eyes and looked towards the bath.

Mafuyu wrapped her hair in a white towel, was sitting in the bath with her head tilted to one side, sleeping soundly.

"Is asleep?"

The school trip is a fun trip for students to eat, drink and play, but the teacher is very strict, takes care of students, arranges schedules, and takes care of all kinds of messy things, and worries about people getting lost.

Naoki walked to the bath. There is no bath agent in the bath, only clear and clean bath water. There are little yellow ducks and little penguins floating on the water. Mafuyu brought his legs together and leaned to one side, like the legend of the Mermaids.

Seeing Mafuyu in the bath, Naoki stretched out his right hand...

"Of course." Naoki tested the temperature of the water with his hand, "The water is getting cold."

"Sensei, it's time to wake up, don't sleep in the bath."

Naoki wakes up the sleeping Mafuyu.

Mafuyu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she opened his eyes in a daze, with hazy fog in his eyes, staring blankly at Naoki.

Naoki is ready to be kicked out of the bathroom by Mafuyu in embarrassment. After waiting a few seconds, nothing happened.

Seeing Mafuyu whose face was red in the bath, his brows were frowning, and his expression looked a little painful, Naoki put his hand on Mafuyu's forehead, and quickly said:

"Sensei, you have a fever."

The weather was cold, but she was still asleep in the bath, and the result was a fever on the spot.

Mafuyu finally woke up and covered his chest weakly: "You you you..."

"Sensei just fell asleep in the bath. I called you out, but there was no answer, so I went in to take a look." Naoki said without changing his face "So it's Sensei's responsibility."

"You…" Mafuyu glared angrily, "I have already locked the door, but you can still enter?"

"If I don't unlock it, I'm going in." Naoki turned and walked out. "The water in the bath is cold, and you have a fever. Get out as soon as possible."

After one minute.

Naoki stood at the bathroom door, listening to the silent bathroom: "Sensei hasn't come out yet?"

Mafuyu looked weaker: "I'll come out later..."

Naoki asked again "How long will Sensei wait?"

Mafuyu stopped talking.

Naoki pushed the door open, and entered the bathroom again.

"You're out." Mafuyu sat in the bath and stared with wide eyes.

Naoki walked to the bathtub, looked down, and already guessed the truth: "Sensei doesn't have the strength to stand up anymore?"

"I have."

Mafuyu is still stubborn.

Naoki is unmoved: "Sensei reached out and I carried you."

Mafuyu turned his head: "I refuse."

If she had the strength to get out of the bath, she would get up and get dressed.

Naoki bent down and put his hand into the bath.

"W-what are you doing?"

Mafuyu looked nervous.

Naoki said without changing his face: "I will test the temperature of the water."

Mafuyu relieved. The next moment, a hand had reached her waist and hugged her directly.

"You... Didn't you say test the water temperature?!"

"The water temperature has been tested, and it's really cold." Naoki reached out and took the dry towel, "If you soak it longer, the fever will only get worse."

Seeing the towel in Naoki's hand, Mafuyu already understood what Naoki wanted to do, and struggled with all his strength: "Let me go, I will do it myself."

"Do not move." Naoki exerted a bit of strength, and then eliminated Mafuyu's struggle, and said, "If you really have the power to wipe it yourself, you won't be cooped up all the time."

Arms, neck, back, Naoki immediately helped put on the underwear, so all the places that needed cleaning had to be dry.

Immediately to the chest.

Mafuyu glared at Naoki without saying a word.

Naoki handed over the towel.

Mafuyu took the towel, then...

The towel fell into the bath.

Naoki bent down to pick up the towel and sighed softly, "I think I want to come along."