Advanced mathematics can save the sick and injured

"Sensei, good night."

Naoki walked behind Mafuyu.

Mafuyu was taken aback, quickly turned his head and looked back, saw that it was Naoki, she said:

"Why are you walking silently?"

Naoki said firmly:

"I'm doing an experiment."


Mafuyu showed a bit of hesitation.

"When the pilot project is joined by bad people, can Sensei respond in a timely and proper manner?" Naoki let out a disappointed sigh. "You didn't even notice when I was behind, Sensei's vigilance is too bad."

Mafuyu wrapped his right hand around his chest, and stared disdainfully:

"... What a strong word!"

Sneaking behind other people's backs, it was clearly intended to scare people, and actually said that others were bad, confused black and white, and called a deer a horse!

"What is Sensei doing?" Naoki asked.

Mafuyu: "...Nothing."

Naoki smelled the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes in the night breeze, and saw a cart of stone roasted sweet potatoes not far away:

"Sensei wants to eat rock-baked yams?"

"I do not want to eat."

Mafuyu turned his head and refused to admit it.

Of course Naoki didn't believe it.

Saying that you don't want to eat, what are you doing standing here alone?

Are you looking for a cool breeze!

Japanese girls rarely buy roasted sweet potatoes alone. Like radishes, it's easy to shortness of breath after eating too much. Some girls only dare to buy it secretly, and they will be embarrassed if there are too many people.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer girls who are embarrassed to buy baked sweet potatoes. Many girls are shy and weak on the surface, but they are actually veterans. When they perform, men are no match for them.

Unexpectedly, Mafuyu is one of them.

As the school's famous ice queen, she was embarrassed to buy baked sweet potatoes, and no one would believe her.

Seeing Naoki's gaze, Mafuyu turned to leave:

"I will be back."

"Wait a moment." Naoki stretched out his hand to stop Mafuyu, and said with a calm face "I'm hungry, I'll buy two roasted sweet potatoes… Sensei want some? The big one or the small one?"

Mafuyu turned his face: "I didn't say I wanted to eat it."

Naoki said "Then I'll buy the biggest one?"

Mafuyu said angrily: "... It's okay to be small."

"Yes, as ordered."

Naoki waved his hand and walked towards the stone baked sweet potato cart.

The evening breeze is cool.

In the incandescent light, white water vapor could faintly be seen rising, and the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes was more attractive.

Passers-by stopped one after another, even if they didn't buy it, they would definitely be attracted by the scent and look up subconsciously.

Naoki walked to the back of the queue and waited in line quietly. Because it was a limited meal for autumn and winter, there were suddenly a lot of customers in line.

After standing in line for a while, Naoki quickly made his way to the grill.

The grill car is divided into upper and lower layers. The bottom layer is dark red burning charcoal. The top layer is full of pebbles. On top of the gravel is a sweet potato wrapped in foil. There is a small speaker next to it.

Naoki bought two roasted sweet potatoes, turned around and returned to Mafuyu: "Going back to eat or eating out?"

"Go back and eat." Mafuyu said softly, "It's a bit cold outside."



The two of them quickly returned to the apartment, and when they passed through their bedroom door, Naoki continued to move forward without stopping.

Seeing Mafuyu, Naoki said without changing his face:

"Tomorrow is taking out the trash. Quickly open the door, don't delay me cleaning the room."

Mafuyu gave him a white look, took out the key, and opened the door.

"I'm back."

Walking to the entrance lightly, Naoki took off his shoes and got ready to clean up.

"Eat the roasted sweet potato first." Mafuyu poured two cups of tea, turned on the TV, and held the roasted sweet potato in both hands, "Be careful of the cold."

Naoki agreed and sat down at a low table: "Sensei just came back from dinner?"

"No dinner party today." Mafuyu gently shook his head and carefully peeled off the skin of the sweet potato, "I was preparing the ingredients in the room earlier, but after I finished, I was a little hungry and finished the instant noodles, I went downstairs to buy something to eat."

"Sensei has been working hard."

One thing can be said, the profession of a teacher is not as easy as imagined, especially Mafuyu. Apart from being a history teacher, she also works part time as an assistant to the principal and a club instructor, she is usually quite busy.

"I just did what I did." Mafuyu's eyes turned and looked over, "What are you doing?"

Naoki says nothing about Furuhashi's encounter with a suspected stalker: "I'm a high school student, is it normal to have my own nightlife?"

Mafuyu stopped talking, opened his mouth and took a bite of the stone roasted sweet potato.

Taking a bite, Mafuyu suddenly widened his eyes.

"Very sweet!"

"This is a red sweet potato. The uncle who roasted the sweet potato told me that this was a new variety that had been cultivated and researched recently. The sugar content can go up to forty levels…too sweet." Naoki shrugged and complained, "I'm worried. If you eat too much, you will get diabetes."

Mafuyu said angrily: "You don't have to worry about eating it occasionally, it's much healthier than drinking milk tea."

"I don't drink milk tea."

"Don't you kids like to drink milk tea?"

Naoki's expression became serious: "Where am I young?"


Mafuyu spat softly, his face was slightly red, and she looked shyly, obviously thinking of the huge python she accidentally saw.

"Hurry up and eat, and come back after eating."

Naoki ate the roasted sweet potato unhurriedly: "Miharu-san sent me a message saying she has a game on the weekend, is Sensei going?"

Mafuyu suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Mafuyu said, "I have other things to do on the weekend, so I won't be going."

After eating the baked sweet potato, Naoki cleaned the room and sorted out the trash.

"The trash is on the balcony, remember to take it out when you go out tomorrow morning." Naoki urged, "Be careful not to throw it away."

Mafuyu nodded: "I know."

Naoki took the teacup and took a sip of the tea ceremony:

"Sensei has been working hard, can I give you a massage?"

"No need." Mafuyu's face stiffened quickly, looking alert, "It's so late, you come back quickly."

Naoki said firmly, "It's really just a massage, I promise not to do anything else."

Mafuyu waved his hand to drive people away: "Quickly go, return to your own room."

Naoki sighed and could only leave.


The next day.

After school in the afternoon.

Naoki walked to the library, where an Asumi was already waiting.

"Kouhai-kun, help me look into this matter." Asumi shouted, "The number order problem is so troublesome, and the basic formula is so long, it gives me a headache."

Naoki sat beside Asumi and glanced at the title: "Please look at the cover of the textbook."


"The word 'base' is written all over it." Naoki said casually, "Whether it's an arithmetic sequence or a proportional sequence, those are the basic types of sequences. When you get accepted to university and study calculus, only then will you know what it means to be bald."

"Kouhai-kun, you are the bald one." Asumi was irritated "Isn't your male problem losing hair?"

Don't joke, you guys will lose your hair too, and even the drain can get clogged accidentally!

Men's hair loss starts from both sides of the temples, and women generally starts from the middle of the top of the head, it's called alopecia areata!

Asumi was a little desperate: "I'm definitely going to a medical university, why should I take an advanced math course for university?"

"I've looked at medical university curriculum, advanced mathematics, advanced physics, medical statistics, organic chemistry..." Asumi complained, "So it's obvious that I'm a doctor, why am I studying advanced mathematics and Advanced Physics?"

Naoki ponders: "I saw a joke."

"What joke?" Asumi looked on curiously.

"In a medical university, a professor was teaching calculus at the podium, and a student asked, we are studying medicine, why do we need to study advanced mathematics?"

"The Professor pushed up his glasses: to save lives and injuries."

"Student: How can math save lives?"

The professor replied coldly: Driving idiots out of reserve doctors, for the sake of patients, means saving lives and injuries."

Asumi quickly opened her eyes wide, clenched her fists tightly, and smacked Naoki's thigh: "How dare you call me an idiot?!"

"It was all a joke."

"You are clearly laughing at me!"

Asumi calmed herself down: "The most important thing now is to go to university. If I don't pass the test, I won't have the chance to worry about how hard high school is."

While talking, Furuhashi and Ogata walked over together, and Asumi quickly sat up straight.

Learning continues.


It was 5 p.m.

Naoki glanced at the sun outside the window, wrote a line on a sticky note, and handed it to Asumi.

"Do you want to add a buff today?"

Asumi glanced at him and quickly replied: "No need."

Naoki: "I have something to do tonight. If you want to add buffs, I will add them now."

Asumi glanced suspiciously: "...What are you doing tonight?"

Naoki: "Swimming and fitness."

Asumi looked at Furuhashi.

Furuhashi was struggling with a math problem, and when she saw someone looking at her, she wondered, "Senpai, what's wrong?"

Asumi said indifferently: "It's okay, I'll move my neck."

When it comes to swimming and fitness, Furuhashi has to be right.

In the evening, Naoki went swimming with Furuhashi to exercise, and she didn't have time to add buffs to herself!

Asumi decided to ignore the perverted junior.

It wasn't long before Asumi couldn't help but yawn, she raised her hand and wiped her eyes, she could feel the corners of her eyes moisten slightly.

Asumi took out her phone and glanced at the clock, it was already 5:20 pm.

According to the usual custom, everyone usually studied until 4.30pm, and there was 10 minutes left before the end of the study session.

"My current condition..."

Very bad.

Yawning, distracted, dazed, unable to concentrate for a long time… The auxiliary school tutors were all racing against time in class, and he couldn't comprehend the following content after two minutes of distraction.

Asumi was very clear that with her current mental state, she was likely to get distracted at school extra nights, a waste of time and money.

Watching time pass and the end of time approaching, Asumi gritted her teeth, "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

While speaking, she stepped on Naoki's foot under the table, took a quick glance, and got up and left.

Naoki understood, sat down for a while, and got up to follow.

Coming to an empty corridor, Naoki glanced left and right, and immediately found Asumi at the corner of the corridor last time.

"Why did senpai step on me?" Naoki asked innocently.

Asumi supported the wall behind her with both hands, "Don't beat around the bush, quickly add a buff to me."

"Didn't you just say that you don't need it?"

"Don't waste time."

Naoki walked closer to Asumi, his eyes dropped slightly, and landed on Asumi's lips. Because it was a temporary measure, Asumi didn't wear a mask today.

"Don't think about it."

Asumi quickly raised her hand, covered her mouth, and used her actions to prove her attitude, "Don't even think about kissing me, just kiss my eyes!"


After adding buffs to Asumi, the two returned to the library.

It was getting late, and the library was getting quieter. Apart from the librarian, there were very few students. Yuika spent the past two days busy drawing books and didn't come to the library to read a book.

Not long after, it was 4.30pm, and they were ready to go home as usual.

Walking to the school gate, Asumi glanced at Furuhashi.

"I'm going to an extra school, see you tomorrow."

"Asumi-senpai, see you tomorrow."

Furuhashi waved.

"Fumino, let's go."

Ogata grabbed the schoolbag straps with both hands and walked between Naoki and Furuhashi.

Naoki looked at Furuhashi and asked, "Leave now?"

"Don't worry." Furuhashi shook her head gently, "We'll talk about it when we separate from Ricchan."

Naoki suggests: "Actually, we could go swimming together."

The two of you often switch bodies. In front of Ogata, she doesn't have to care about bad breasts at all!

Unfortunately, Furuhashi refuses to accept it, and after glaring at Naoki angrily, she starts chatting with Ogata

The three of them went home together, and soon arrived at the crossroad where they usually split up.

"Asakawa-san, see you tomorrow." Ogata say goodbye.

Naoki nodded: "See you tomorrow."

"I'm home too."

Furuhashi waved his hand and looked at Naoki.

Naoki was helpless, and walked towards the apartment, waiting for Ogata back to disappear, then turned around and found Furuhashi waiting by the roadside.

"Let's go swimming."