Couple in harmony

Done eating ramen.

A group of four people walked out of the ramen restaurant.

A cold wind blew, and it was very cold.

"Very cold."

Nanako slightly shivered.

Naoki looked down, stretched out his arms and said, "I'll hug you."

Nanako held Naoki's right hand and took two steps before she could react.

She is not a child, why let this guy lead her!

Nanako wanted to break free, but was held tightly by Naoki, and she couldn't help but reluctantly follow.

Soon arrived at a crossroads.

"Miharu-san, help me bring the backpack back." Naoki handed the backpack to Miharu "I'll take Nana home first."

Seeing Mafuyu and Miharu leave, Nanako snorted: "I don't need you to send me, can I go back myself?

" What should I do?" Naoki said of course, "The elementary school students I brought, of course, should be sent home by themselves."

"You are an elementary school student!" Nanako clenched her small fist in anger and punched Naoki in the knee.

"...What are you doing?" Nanako was suddenly alert.

After knowing each other for so long, she could clearly read the malevolence in Naoki's eyes.

"You walk too slowly."

Naoki spoke, bowed, and picked up Nanako

"Asakawa bastard!" Nanako hugged Naoki's neck in embarrassment and anger, "How dare you carry me again!"

"Your size is now more suitable for carrying and playing." Naoki let Nanako sit in the arm , "Like seeing Kabuinujiro, I can't help but reach out and touch the dog's head."

Even though Nanako has a flat chest, she is not short, at around 1.65 meters. It was very inconvenient to carry, and could only be carried on the shoulder. Now she is already an elementary school student, and it is best to hold her and play.

"You really want to play with me?!" Nanako stared with murderous eyes.

"I didn't."

"You just said you wanted to play."

"It's an auditory hallucination."

"Don't argue, pedophile! I called the police!"

"Stop." Alert voice Suddenly a voice came from behind the two of them.

Naoki turned his head and saw that it was a policewoman patrolling on a bicycle.

In Japan, most police vehicles are bicycles.

"Quickly put that elementary school student in your hands." The policewoman looked at her warily with a serious expression, "You come with me."

Naoki: "😐"

Nanako: "😐"

"You misunderstand." The corners of Naoki's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't expect to actually attract the attention of the police. Sure enough, such a thing can only be played at home!

"I heard it clearly." The policewoman's face was alert, and she turned her head with disgusted eyes, as if she had identified Naoki as a criminal. "She just said that she would call the police."

"Ahem, you misunderstood." Nanako blushed and hugged Naoki's neck tightly, "I was just kidding."

Of course it's impossible to send Naoki to prison.

The policewoman was taken aback, her eyes hesitated: "What is your relationship?"

"This is my Onii-chan," Nanako said with a blush.

There was no choice, just calling big brother could make sense, any other relationship would make people suspicious.

"She wants to eat ice cream now, but it's too cold now. I was worried that his stomach would spoil, so I didn't buy it for her, so she made a fuss." Naoki didn't change his expression, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Damn it!

Who will fuss over ice cream!

"Oh, I see." The policewoman hurriedly bowed to Naoki and apologized, "I've troubled you."

"It doesn't matter." Naoki showed great generosity, "After all, it's a responsibility."

"I'm very sorry" The policewoman squatted down, reached out and touched the top of Nanako's head, her voice was gentle, "You can't eat too much ice cream in winter, be careful of stomach ache."

"I know." Nanako endured her embarrassment, holding her hand against her chest, she acted coquettishly towards the policewoman, "I will always listen to Onii-chan from now on."

The Policewoman got on her bicycle and left, Naoki looked at Nanako: "I believe you will listen to me from now on What?"

"Listen to you big-headed ghost!" The smile on Nanako's face was suddenly pulled back, and she clenched her fist and punched, "I acted cute, I lost all face!"

"Looks perfect." Naoki Asks, "Did you often act cute when you were young?"

"You really want to die once!"


Both of them go home soon.

When Kabuinujiro heard the movement, she shook his head behind the door.

"We go home." Naoki put Nanako down and sighed lightly, "I'll be back."

Just as he turned around, someone grabbed the hem of his shirt.

"Did you forget something?" Nanako raised her eyes and stared.

"What is it?"

"Of course it turned me back." Nanako hummed, "Tomorrow is Monday, how can I go to school like this?"

Naoki looked at Nanako's lips: "I feel a little uneasy..."

"Trust me." Nanako raised her leg and kicked, "I didn't see you hesitate before when I started."

After turning into an elementary school student, Nanako's personality has not changed, but her mouth has become much smaller, and her lung capacity has plummeted. After a while, she was defeated.

"Too weak." Naoki sighed and waved "I'm going."


Back to the apartment.

Naoki immediately knocked on Mafuyu's apartment door.

Footsteps sounded at the door, the door opened, and Mafuyu's face came out: "Come in."

"I'm back." Naoki walked into the entrance.

Mafuyu was drinking tea and watching TV. The casual clothes on her body had changed into a high school t-shirt, and she hadn't changed a single piece of clothing in years.

"Very cold." Naoki sat beside Mafuyu "Why don't you turn on the air conditioner?"

"Too energy consuming." Mafuyu knelt down and lifted the teacup to warm his hands. "If the doors and windows are closed, it's actually not that cold."

She said no, but don't hold the teacup to warm your hands!

"There's a kotatsu in my room." Naoki suggested "Sensei and Miharu-san come with me, and sit in the kotatsu and watch TV?"

"No." Mafuyu glanced and pointed at a corner with her slender fingers, "The backpack is over there, you can go back."

Miharu blinked, and suddenly blushed "I will go."


Mafuyu looked at Miharu in surprise, then her pretty face froze, she looked at Naoki.

Naoki shook his head firmly, "I never bullied Miharu-san.

Miharu blushed and said, "I have to take some pictures. "

"Miharu-san can tell aunty that we broke up." Naoki looked at Mafuyu. "New year ..."

Before he finished speaking, Mafuyu glared shyly: "Don't talk. "

Breaking up with Miharu, turning around and going home with her, if Mafuyu really did something like that, she would be thrown out of the house right away!

Mafuyu gently rubbed his brows, "You and Asakawa took some photos. "

Miharu hesitated "In front of Onee-sama, I can't accept it." "

So it's just photos, what's the shame!

Mafuyu took the teacup and drank the tea," I will watch TV for a bit. "

"Do not worry." Naoki sat quietly "Wait until I finish my tea."

Mafuyu said: "You go back and drink. "

Naoki shook his head: "It's too troublesome to boil water when I get back.".

"I'll go and make you a cup of tea." Miharu quickly stood up and said "Green tea or black tea? "

"A cup of green tea."


Taking advantage of Miharu's time to make tea, Naoki approached Mafuyu and said.

"Sensei, I have been going really hard these past two days, could you..."

"No ." Mafuyu just vetoed, "Give up."

Naoki said speechlessly: "I haven't finished my words yet.'

There are some things that need not be said. Mafuyu said with a bad breath "Miharu is still at home, how can I give you a knee pillow."

"Sensei made a mistake." Naoki said with a serious expression "What I want to ask is, can sensei rub my back for me."

Mafuyu's hair shook: "...Too much!"

After a while.

"The tea is ready." Miharu came over with a teacup "Be careful not to get scalded."

"Thank you Miharu-san." Naoki took the teacup and looked at Miharu "Miharu-san won't be going back tonight?"


"Tomorrow is Sunday, don't you want to go to class?"

"Do not worry." Miharu shook her finger lightly, "The university doesn't have classes every day, so I don't have classes tomorrow morning."

Naoki took a sip of tea: "Ochako senpai won't be lonely alone?"

"But I can't see Onee-sama, I'm lonely too."

After drinking a cup of tea, they just finished watching a TV series.

Naoki got up and said, "I'm back."

Miharu followed and stood up: "I'll take some photos and come back soon."

"Go." Mafuyu lightly Nods lightly.

Watching the two leave, and looking at the apartment that was suddenly quiet, Mafuyu sighed, an urge suddenly appeared in his heart, she wanted to follow, but she finally held it back.

Living alone in an empty room, sometimes even she feels lonely.

"I'm back."

Naoki pushed open the door and entered the entrance.

"Miharu-san, turn on the kotatsu heating switch first." Naoki turned and walked to the bathroom "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Leave it to me."

Suddenly, Miharu's toes touched something strange.

Miharu lay down in the kotatsu, reached out and groped around, and quickly took something out.

"Wild cat girl?" Looking at the manga she got from his 'treasure hunt', Miharu opened it curiously, "What a strange name..."

After flipping through a few pages, Miharu's eyes widened and her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's this!"

"Could it be the doujin Ochako said?"

"Why did it appear in the kotatsu?"

Miharu quickly closed the manga, covered the fast beating Heart, turned around to look at the bathroom.

Naoki was still in the bathroom and didn't come out.

After hesitating for a while, curiosity finally won.

"One more look… just one look."

Miharu opened the manga.

Naoki came out of the bathroom after going to the bathroom, and saw Miharu reciting a doujin, her cheeks were red like fire, as if a fire was burning, he walked over curiously, and him expression suddenly became weird: "Miharu-san?'

Miharu was surprised, woke up suddenly, she panicked and wanted to hide the manga in his hand.

In a panic, Miharu bumped her head directly into the kotatsu.

"Woo..." The girl's sad scream resounded, "Ouch, it hurts."

Naoki said speechlessly, "What are you panicking about? After all, you're a student. Reading doujins is normal."

"I'm not panicking."

Miharu is very shy.

"Wait." Naoki's expression became strange "Is this the first time Miharu-san has read a doujin?"

"O-Of course not." Miharu denied it, but unfortunately her voice wasn't confident, "I've read a lot of dounins."

Don't lie, if it was the real expert, she would only tease people backwards, like Asumi, he wouldn't blush like you!

It's okay to have never had a boyfriend at such a young age, but this is Miharu's first time reading a doujin, she is a little white flower hiding so deep, Furuhashi knows more than you!

"You…" Miharu changed the subject in embarrassment, "Why is there such a thing in the kotatsu?"

"Maybe a supernatural occurrence." Naoki said with a serious expression.


"Miharu-san had a similar experience, clothes or stockings, someone would always disappear without a sound." Naoki said in a weak tone, "So it's only natural for something you've never seen to suddenly appear in

Miharu said: "I never lose my stockings, they are always kept neatly."


Miharu has super obsessive-compulsive disorder, and probably has no experience throwing stockings.

"Let's get down to business." Naoki was defeated "Miharu-san wants to take a picture, let's take it now."

Miharu wanted to run away, but remembering her mother's hesitation, she forced herself to stop again, and took out her cell phone, then turned on the front camera...

"My forehead is swollen?!" Seeing herself in the camera, Miharu hurriedly covered her forehead, and accidentally touched the wound with her finger, "It hurts."

"Just red, not swollen yet." Naoki made an assessment.

"What should I do?" Miharu was crying and worried, "Tomorrow afternoon there will be a debate, I can't meet someone like this."