The Round Table Meeting Held Again

The night passed, and the soft morning light was already pouring in from the window.

Mafuyu opened his eyes, and looked out of the window faintly.

"Good morning, sensei."

Naoki's voice rang in his ear.


Mafuyu replied subconsciously.

The smooth alternation between reality and dream made her feel a little dazed for a while.

"This is reality?" Mafuyu rubbed his brows with his finger, and asked in a low voice after being awake for a few seconds.

Naoki stretched out his hand and pinched Mafuyu's face, only to feel that his skin was plump and extraordinarily smooth: "Does it hurt?"

"A little."

Mafuyu replied subconsciously.

"That is the fact." Naoki took it for granted, "There's no pain in the dream."

"So..." Mafuyu's eyes suddenly cold, and she gritted his teeth and stared, "Your hand."

After saying a few words, Miharu who was sleeping next to her also woke up.

"Hmm..." Miharu yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes, her voice indistinct, "Onee-sama, good morning."

"Good morning."

Miharu continued "I did a very strange thing last night, I dreamed that I went to the high school festival with Onee-sama..."


Mafuyu was surprised, and quickly looked at Naoki.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Naoki winked and said "Miharu-san doesn't know the truth of her dream, she just thought it was her own dream."

"Lots of food and even took wedding photos together..."

Miharu turned her head to look up as she spoke, and her voice suddenly stopped when she saw Naoki.

The four eyes face each other.

Miharu's face quickly turned red and white steam gushed out from the top of her head.

Miharu wasn't that embarrassed in her subconscious state but now that she woke up and remembered what happened in the dream Miharu's embarrassment exploded immediately.

Pregnant with a baby, wanting to wear a wedding dress, taking wedding photos with the posture of a princess, actively kissing, and even lying by the window... She really dreams of extravagant things, she is such a shameless girl!

"Miharu, are you okay?" Mafuyu asked.

Miharu covered her cheek with her hand, staggered and ran "I suddenly remembered I have something to do, I'm going to school first... oops!"

The consequences of not looking at the road were serious

Miharu tripped over the kotatsu and fell to the ground with a thud.

Looking subconsciously, a touch of white came into view.

Sure enough, the color is pure white...

Sharp eyes stared at it.

Naoki quickly looked away, coughed lightly, and said.

"Miharu-san, why don't you go after breakfast?"

Miharu quickly covered her skirt. "Not eating, I'm leaving."

Mafuyu n said angrily: "What did you do to Miharu last night?"

"Sensei, don't blame anyone." Naoki's expression was serious, "I didn't do anything."

"You don't do anything, Miharu will be so shy?"

Naoki explained: "But Miharu-san who was in an unconscious state, did something to me."


As Mafuyu and Miharu left one after another, Naoki didn't bother preparing breakfast. After taking a shower, he ate a bag of bread and drank a bottle of milk, then went to school.

On the way, a girl with a white hairpin on her head appeared.

"Furuhashi." Naoki walked a few steps quickly and chased after him, "Good morning."

"Asakawa-san, good morning."

Today's Furuhashi tied her hair into a bun, looking very cute.

"When I went out in the morning, I read the weather forecast and it said there would be strong winds today." Seeing Naoki looking over, Furuhashi raised her hand to touch her ball of hair, and said in a sharp voice, "So I tied up my hair."

A gust of cold wind blew directly, and Furuhashi hugged his hand and trembled slightly: "The wind is really strong."

"There is indeed wind." Naoki smiled "If there is wind, isn't it long hair fluttering?"

"There's no such thing as long hair fluttering." Furuhashi was angry "That would only be a supernatural painting style… Look at that girl in front."

Naoki looked not far ahead, there was a girl with long straight black hair walking. Now that the wind is blowing, her hair is dancing wildly. If people saw it in the middle of the night, it would be a little scary.

Fairies with long, fluttering hair only exist in commercials and movies. In real life, if a woman doesn't tie her hair on a windy day, she will be blown away!

"Fumino, Asakawa-san."

A calm and serene voice sounded along the cold wind.

Furuhashi greeted back: "Good morning Ricchan."

Carrying a large school bag, Ogata with short orange hair was waiting by the side of the road. Because she had short hair, she wasn't afraid of the wind at all.

After the three met, they walked towards school together, and after a while, they ran into Asumi.

"Asumi-senpai, good morning."

"Yo, good morning." Asumi paused, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and there was a playful smile on her face, "This time you guys went to Kamakura, how was it?"

"Very happy." Ogata grabbed the straps of his school bag with both hands, "We ate a pot of sukiyaki together, soaked in hot springs, and fulfilled other people's wishes."

Asumi shifted her gaze, looked at Naoki, and said: "Did Kouhai-kun bully you?"

"Senpai, don't insult people's innocence." Naoki said with a serious expression "When have I ever bluffed?"

Asumi looked over, she snorted softly and said, "Men are beasts, and they will run under the moonlight if they are not careful. When you encounter danger, you must not obey.

"There is something wrong." Naoki nodded in agreement "For example, cats look cute, but actually they are really good at biting."

"…Damn it!"

Asumi blushed and stared in embarrassment.

After switching bodies with the cat, she couldn't control whether his body was good or not!

Furuhashi coughed lightly and said, "By the way, I bought a present for Asumi-senpai, a box of Kyoto-style snacks."

Ogata opened his school bag and took out a gift: "I bought a small Whitebait biscuit. "

"My present has already been given to Asumi-senpai." Naoki said meaningfully.

Snacks weren't that important, and for Asumi who was about to face the test of fate, learning buffs was what was needed the most.

"Eh?" Furuhashi was surprised and looked at Asumi.

Asumi blushed slightly, and said, "I met Kouhai-kun on the street last night... He already gave me a present."

Asumi looked at Ogata, "Has Rizu gotten any bigger?"

Ogata tilted his head: "What?"

"Of course it is Oppai."

Naoki heard the words and looked at Ogata's chest. His winter clothes were thicker, but still couldn't block the curves and round curves.

Ogata pressed his chest with his right hand, the girl's embarrassment gradually woke up, and she blushed slightly, "It's a little bigger indeed. After I came back yesterday, I felt a little claustrophobic. Mom helped you measure it, it became a G cup..."

Sure enough, Ogata should be called the strongest in the school, from students to teachers, no one can fight!

Furuhashi was fine, because changing bodies from time to time, she was no longer interested.

She is no longer envious, after all she will also feel the pain of shoulder pain, lower his head and don't look at his shoelaces, and lose his center of gravity when running.

On the other hand, Asumi was dumbfounded.

"It's so big?"

Asumi quickly covered her chest.

As an A cup girl, she shouldn't be friends with a G cup girl!

"It doesn't matter." Naoki comforted, "Asumi senpai still has space to improve."

"Develop you big-headed ghost!"

Asumi glared with embarrassment, whether it was the height or the volume of the breasts, it had already been resolved.

"Wait. "

Asumi suddenly looked at Furuhashi, and asked curiously, "Fumino seems to have gotten bigger too?"

Furuhashi's face turned red "I didn't, you saw wrongly."

"That's right." Ogata pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "When I was at the hot springs last night, Fumino really grew."

Asumi's eyes brightened slightly: "What method did you use?"

How is it possible to say something about this method!


Immediately walk to school.

Asumi went to the classroom, and Naoki went to the chemistry club activity room with Furuhashi and Ogata.

"Sawako, good morning," said Furuhashi in a gentle voice.

"Good morning."

Sekijou who was wearing a white lab coat, saw Naoki, looked away guiltily: "Good morning, Asakawa."


Naoki enters the activity room.

The activity room that used to be quiet, with only Sekijou alone, was now livelier, just like the three Thorn Club girls.

After the group of girls greeted enthusiastically, Furuhashi took out a few forms from his schoolbag: "The farewell dance for the third grade will be held this weekend, and there are only a few days left, let's work hard together!

After the ball, there's only final exams, then winter break.

On this occasion, the leadership team with Furuhashi as the core again held a preparatory meeting in the Chemistry club's activity room.

Venue, emcee, lighting, audio equipment, costumes and props, band, piano performance, and more. It's quite complicated to plan an event.

In fact Naoki had already prepared the venue, a gymnasium large enough to hold a dance party.

The rest of the work seems complicated, but in the previous two weeks of hard work, many links have also been taken care of.

"Akiyama Mio-senpai from the light music club has agreed to perform music on the weekend."

"Yuna from the drama department is in charge of emceeing."

"Lighting and sound equipment is also ready."

Lots of people, smooth work.

There is a theory of six-dimensional space in sociology, through at most five intermediaries, you can meet any stranger. Sekijou and Ogata are considered loner girls at school, with few friends, but Furuhashi is not.

As a social expert, it doesn't matter whether it's a junior or a senior, she is very popular, one can say that she has friends all over the world and managed to get help from many sides.

"Thank you to all of you." Furuhashi closed the form in his hand with satisfaction, "Now only the costumes and props remain."

Even though she enlisted the help of friends from the sewing club, it was a pity that she couldn't make so many clothes in a short amount of time, and there was a large gap in the middle.

Sekijou raised his right hand and said, "Leave this to me."

Obviously she was the one who should have contributed the most, but she was the only one who wasn't much help during the preparations for the ball and she felt very embarrassed.

"Do not push yourself." Furuhashi shook his head, "I have a part-time job during summer vacation, so I can go and talk to you in the afternoon."

Discussed with the store manager and was able to borrow some clothes. As Furuhashi said.

Furuhashi looked at Naoki.

Naoki nodded slightly: "Let's go together in the afternoon."


Meeting over.

Everyone disperse.

Naoki returned to class, and as expected, the desk next to him was empty, and Itsuki was nowhere to be seen.

Just as class was about to start, Itsuki came running from behind

"Finally catch up." Itsuki put the school bag on the table, and panted slightly, "I'm almost late again. "

"Does not matter. Naoki looked at Itsuki, "The first class is biology class, and there is no penalty for being late. "

"You can't be late as a student, right?" Itsuki complained, "It's Ichika, she doesn't sleep at night, she can't get up in the morning, I have to stay in bed every day, lazy cancer is too late, there's no cure."

Naoki said: "Did you forget that Ichika woke up early yesterday? "

"Eh?" Itsuki was surprised. "That's right."

"The so-called stay in bed is actually procrastination." Naoki continued. "The point of procrastination is knowing that you can make it to school before the deadline."

Itsuki: "😐"

Thinking about it carefully, it did.

Procrastination or something, it's really very despised.

The bell rings for class soon.

A dark-skinned biology teacher in his fifties and sixties walked in with glasses, holding a flask in his hand, with a very slow personality, even if someone was late, he would not ask.

"Today, I will talk about the Mendelian bean hybridization experiment..."