Expert of unpleasant living experiences

"Asakawa-kun, come here, let's warm you up." Ichika smiled.

Itsuki took an orange: "Do you want to eat an orange?"

Naoki looked at Miku lying on top of the kotatsu, like a flustered cat, and said:

"I want to eat the orange Miku peeled."

"No, I won't peel it." Miku raised her eyes angrily "Peel it yourself if you want to eat."

There are several types of fruits in the kotatsu, not to mention bananas. Most of the bananas in Japan are shipped from plantations in Southeast Asia. It's available all year round, and it's super cheap. Including bean sprouts among the fruits, and they are civilian grade fruits.

Then there are oranges, oranges are quite cheap in winter, sitting in a warm kotatsu watching TV and eating oranges what more could one ask for.

But a bunch of grapes surprises Naoki.

As everyone knows, there has even been a grain auction in Japan. Of course, it is a special grade wine, and ordinary wine is not too exaggerated. However, the price of an ordinary bunch of grapes is not cheap.

Naoki looked at the date on the packing bag, and it was fresh wine bought today.

"You also bought grapes?" Naoki asked.

Itsuki ate an orange, and his cheeks puffed out: "While we were carrying our luggage, we went to the convenience store to buy ingredients, then bought some fruit… The grapes are very sweet, and Asakawa-san must try them."

"How about renting a house?"

Naoki couldn't say anything.

In the cafeteria during the day, everyone still said that they would be frugal girls, but at night they achieved "fruit freedom". An ordinary girl doesn't have money to buy grapes!


Itsuki was surprised, and raised his hand to pat his forehead, "I forgot, when I buy ingredients, I buy grapes."

After she finished speaking, Itsuki conveniently threw another piece of orange into his mouth.

Sure enough, once the habit of extravagant living is formed, it can't be changed in a short time. The ancients said that it was easy to go from being thrifty to being extravagant, but it was difficult to change from being extravagant to being thrifty.

"Renting a house requires a long-term plan, and it's not something that can be completed in a day." Ichika took the wine, handed it over with a smile, and blinked softly, "Asakawa-kun, eat the grapes."

Seeing Ichika's slight movement, Naoki immediately understood.

No wonder the grapes can be grabbed, it is clear that there is someone behind the scenes to fuel the fire!

As usual, Miku observed silently.

With Ichika's careful thought, Miku has found it, but she doesn't reveal it. Running away from home, grapes are grapes, and the two things have nothing to do with each other.

Naoki turned his eyes, looked at Miku, and said:

"I want to eat Miku's grapes."

Hearing this, Miku's face turned red.

"No, Harakri!"



The Quintuplets sat around the kotatsu and kept talking about renting a house.

Ichika: "The neighborhood isn't bad, and it's not far from the school. Just walk to school slowly, so you don't disturb me all the time."

"You dare say it." Nino said angrily, "A person who stays in bed every day is not qualified to speak."

Ichika turned to look at Naoki, cleared his throat and said:

"Asakawa-kun, does the law stipulate that lying in bed is illegal?"

"No." Naoki drank the green tea slowly, "Staying in bed is not a crime, and it is not against the law to sleep."

After a pause, Naoki continued:

"But it's possible to get other people to break the law."

"That's too scary." Yotsuba's voice sounded. "Nino only has a fierce mouth, but she's actually very gentle."

Naoki nodded: "I agree with what Yotsuba said."

"Who told you to agree?" Nino blushed slightly, "Don't talk."

"Ah, I found it." Itsuki sent a rented message to the Nakano family chat group, "There is an apartment nearby for rent, only 500 meters from us."

"Sounds like a good neighborhood."

"But it's only fifty square meters, so it looks really small."

"Now we're running away from home, so bear with me a bit."

Yotsuba turned on the calculator that came with the phone: "First calculate the cost of renting the house, first is the deposit and gift money..."

Needless to say, the deposit is usually for one to two months' rent, when the rent is returned, if the room is clean and no additional cleaning is needed, it will be returned.

The key money is the fee paid by the tenant to the land owner at the time of signing the contract, as well as one to two months' rent, there are no strict provisions in the law, but it has become a customary rule. Part of the money will not be returned. However, in recent years, Due to the recession, some landlords have gradually unpaid old customs.

After that comes the rent of the house, the fire insurance premise to be paid for, the cost of changing keys, et cetera. The amount of expenses that fall apart becomes an astonishing amount. After renting a house, still need living, water, electricity, transportation and communication costs, etc. must be considered.

Why are there more and more young Buddhists with low desires?

Because just to live means to do your best.

"They cost a lot." Yotsuba opened her eyes wide.

Nino was also surprised: "That much money?"

"Even though the living expenses are barely enough, there will be no money in the future." Itsuki said sadly "I can't help it, let's see another house."

"We can work part time." Nino faces a predicament, "If five people work part time together, that's enough to cover living expenses... as long as Miku doesn't spend money."

Miku replied: "It's not wrong to spend your own money."

"Be quiet." Ichika suddenly picked up his cell phone, "I found the rental information, 100 square meters full, not only did not rent, but also paid us."

"How could something like that happen?"

"I do not believe."

"Ichika's kidding."

"I am not kidding." Ichika messaged the group, "See for yourself."

Naoki clicks on the link, and an ad appears.

[Sincerely recruiting haunted oengalam6 house...]

It sounds so wrong, is it really a haunted house experience! With the courage of you five, better jump over quickly, don't scare yourselves!

Japan is a country with the highest suicide rate in the world, not one of them. The number of haunted houses is naturally too large. According to the law, the owner has the responsibility to inform the house of unnatural death, but only the first tenant, the second is ok. The haunted house experiencer profession has increased, and the house can be sold or rented at high prices after only one month of residence.

Nino opened his eyes wide: "This is actually a haunted house?"

Miku hugged his arm, feeling a little cold: "It's written on the note, this is a family of four..."

"Scary." Yotsuba couldn't help but say, "What a horrible haunted house, no matter how cheap it is, we can't live in it!"

"For others, haunted houses are downright scary." Ichika reached out and hugged Naoki's arm, "But with Asakawa-kun here, when they meet ghosts, the ghosts must be scared."

Nino hesitated: "That seems very likely..."

First of all, maybe don't encounter ghosts, even if encounters, let Naoki expel the ghosts, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Naoki put down the teacup: "If you are curious, you can taste it."

Miku downvotes: "I don't want it."

Yotsuba: "I don't want it either."

Itsuki: "I'd rather sleep in a garden than in a haunted house."

A dispute arose, and the Quintuplets started voting separately as usual. As a result, of course, the application to experience the haunted house was immediately rejected.

"Too bad." Ichika said in a disappointed tone "I still want to feel what it's like to live in a haunted house."

Itsuki said sadly: "Then you live alone."

Ichika: "Asakawa-kun will accompany me."

Naoki continued to drink tea: "I refuse."


After browsing the rental information on the Internet for a while, they finally decided on a house and agreed to go see the house the next afternoon.

"It's already 8 pm." Ichika raised her hand above her head, held her left wrist with her right hand, stretched her waist, then stood up, "Asakawa-kun, let's run in the park?"

Running every night is a habit Ichika has developed through hard work. There was no choice, if she wanted to become an actress, she had to have basic physical strength. Like Itsuki, she couldn't run a thousand meters.

Naoki nodded and looked at the others: "Do you guys want to go together?"

Nino lay down in the kotatsu: "No, I will sweat while running, and I have to shower after sweating. This is very troublesome."

Yotsuba: "I won't go either."

Itsuki: "I'd better stay and study."

Naoki's eyes fell on Miku: "Miku will come with us?"

"No." Miku shook her head "I don't want to move."

Naoki said earnestly: "The lung capacity is too bad, you should exercise."

Miku said angrily, "Harakiri!"

In the end, except for Ichika, none of the other four girls came out.

Naoki and Ichika left the apartment and ran in the garden.

After two rounds, Ichika was slightly out of breath.

"What did Asakawa-kun see?"

Ichika tilted her head to look up, the corners of her lips slightly lifted, and her voice was happy, "I'm disappointed with Asakawa-kun, I didn't wash today, so I put on my underwear."

"You think too much." Naoki complained "I noticed you started to pant after running for two laps, why are you getting weaker?"

"Because lately I've been lazy at home and haven't run... Oops!"

A scream was heard.

Ichika squatted on the ground, looking up pitifully: "I sprained my ankle, Asakawa-kun was carrying me on my back."

Her voice was extremely exaggerated, no sprains at all, clearly acting like a baby on purpose!

"Fast." Ichika urged "Bring me back to count as a reward, and the 99 gifts will be collected soon, so it's fine if Asakawa-kun wants to do it."

Naoki bent down and carried Ichika on his back: "What do I want to do now, I can't refuse."

"No." Ichika hugged Naoki's neck with both hands, her scent was quiet, lingering gently on the tip of Naoki's nose, "If Asakawa-kun uses force, even if you get our bodies, you won't get our hearts."

People are fickle.

If Naoki wants to do anything with his mind, he can get the Quintuplets' bodies!

"I saw the idiom today." Ichika turned and stroked Naoki's cheek lightly like a cat.

"It should be like this, Asakawa-kun?"

Naoki ponders: "It's a bit itchy."

"Any other?"

"Hmm... a bit heavy."

"Exaggeration, I'm definitely a lot lighter than Itsuki!"

You are obviously the same height as Furuhashi, don't use Itsuki as an object of comparison, you are comparing weight with Furuhashi!

Naoki with Ichika on his back, walked around the garden twice, and during this period, he and Ichika spent time together. It was almost 9pm before they finally left the park.

After returning to the apartment, Naoki is left speechless as the TV is still on, but Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki are asleep in the kotatsu, sleeping soundly.

Kotatsu is indeed a source of corruption in winter, destroying people's will, corrupting people's spirits, even the thick-browed and big-eyed Itsuki, who studies diligently every day, falls under the kotatsu!

"They are all asleep." Ichika gently tugged on Naoki's sleeve, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear, "Asakawa-kun, shall we take a bath together?"

Naoki said speechlessly "What if someone wakes up?"

The corners of Ichika's lips curled up in pleasure: "Isn't that more exciting?"


Overall, nothing to say about the evening.


The next day.

Breakfast is bread and milk, and under Naoki's 'dress service', Ichika never stays in bed.

After breakfast, the group packed their school bags and headed off to school.

The sky is blue and clear, and the morning sun illuminates the body, making people feel physically and mentally comfortable.

Nino raised his hand between his eyebrows and looked at the sky: "The weather is good today."

Miku nodded: "Even though it's a bit cold, the weather is really nice."

Yotsuba: "Christmas is just around the corner, I don't know when it will snow in Tokyo."

Ichika said meaningfully: "If you want it to snow, you should ask Miku."

"Eh?" Itsuki was confused "Why ask Miku?"

Miku turned her face away: "Whether it snows or not has nothing to do with me."

Ichika smiled and said, "Asakawa-kun, what do you think?"

Naoki said: "Miku has the final say."


Walking to school, everyone dispersed.

Naoki came late yesterday, and today he came very early again. He had nothing to do and went to the Chemistry club's activity room.

"Why are you here?" Sekijou looked surprised.

"Come and see." Naoki walked in, and immediately felt a chill, "It's so cold."

"It can't be helped, the window is broken." Sekijou said helplessly, "I don't know why the window broke when it was fine."

"Maybe the weather is too cold." Naoki mused "Are the windows frozen?"

"That's too exaggerated." Sekijou complained, "This isn't Siberia!"

"Should have hit the glass with a baseball or a rock." Naoki looked at the window. There was a big hole in the glass, and a cold wind blew in, and the heat couldn't be endured at all. "Is there any physical evidence?"

"There were indeed stones, and I don't know who threw them, so I can only admit that I was unlucky." Sekijou sighed, "I told the instructor yesterday, and the instructor said that someone will come to fix it. ... that will have to be done later."

"What if no one comes to fix it?" Naoki asked.

"Why isn't there anyone?"

"You are overestimating the school's efficiency."

Sekijou clenched his fists: "I'll fix it myself if there's no one else!"